What’s wrong with Jewish people?
What’s wrong with Jewish people?
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Satan's children
You’re being too generous there the answer is much simpler.
ethan shekelstein
>stagnant channel with recycled tired conten
>old manlet kike
>out of shape, disgusting looking high estrogen body
>was a no namer virgin loser before youtube
>is a loser beta met his wife at a holocaust museum
>is married to a flat chested ugly rat looking jew
>pessimistic jew shithead, makes a living off of smugly putting others down whilst contributing nothing himself
>doesn’t give a fuck about his fans begs on pateron for money to pay for lawyers even though he is already rich
>voted for Hillary and is very liberal
>his parents are commie drug loving degenerates
>complains about jake doxing people he doxed dj khaled in a video (different rules for us goys I guess)
>(((Seth Rogen))) tweeted that he would use his influence to actively stop Jake Paul from getting roles in movies obvious jewish collusion
Seriously fuck this guy
Does he hate Jake Paul because he is making more money than him?
They slice off part of their sons' dongs at birth, which has been linked to mental problems and a smaller cock size, not to mention the loss of sensitivity it causes. That's pretty fucked up.
I fucking hate being a mischling.
Jews are nihilistic. Nothing really ever mattered to them. It's not like they ever had anything to defend up until recently. It's embedded into them to not care and waltz around and laugh like the pompous leech they are. It doesn't matter to them if the host dies, they'll find another.
What are blacks then?
Based tay
A paradox. In other time we would've let them perish like we let our distant cousins neandertal perish because they were too different. But now with empathy and language and ''society'' you can't just let them die... Natural selection has stopped.
But the behavior you described of the Jews can be attributed verbatim to the Africans.
Do you disagree with this?
>women can't truly be redpi-
they're not human.
unironically correct
yeah because they don't ''naturally'' seek to leech on us, they leech because they are among us, because we interfered with them, if we would have never interfered with them they would've died off by the end of the previous century but because we taught them that the white men could provide then they started making that connection, before that they were completely obvious to even the concept of ''need'' and ''seeking help'' but the Jews? Ah, that's a whole other thing, that's a way of living they have evolved pretty damn good at.
jews made seinfeld, the best show ever made
Ethan is certainly a fat kike but Jake Paul is just a fucking e-douche. Let them fight each other.
>is a loser beta met his wife at a holocaust museum
It seems awfully natural that the Africans seek to leech on European stock. They didn’t die off and never would have. Comparing global populations of over a billion Africans to 15 million Jews what makes you think Africa would have experienced an extinction?
But the parasitic parallels of Africans and Jews seems undoubtably sound.
You mean a show that constantly attacked the nuclear family, made marriage appear like the worst thing ever, and promoted "hook-up" culture among childless adults? Yea, thats not subversive.
Can't argue with this
MASH too
what happened to all the funny jews anyways?
they are jewish
larry david is coming back for another season of curb
because again you think of the tamed negroid, not the wild one that would've unavoidably perished in tribal wars and disease, their over population is a direct symptom of the fact they should've gone extinct but be kept alive, breed, live livestock.
Release the chickens back to the wild and they're done for. Same goes for negroid.
>voted for Hillary and is very liberal
Literally not possible. Only the most extremely high IQ and genetically superior city people voted for Hillary. This kike probably voted for Bernie and then stayed home during the general election.
The only thing that war and disease would have done was cause the negroid go through an evolutionary selection.
The negroid survived hundreds of thousands of years without the European and it doesn’t seem logical to assume they would suffer an extinction.
The overpopulation problem is a result of European intervention with food and drugs, I will give you that.
Jews are just smart niggers. Their both anarcho comunists that hate actual work and only care about the welbing of their in group.
At least someone understands.
Jews are 3-5% Sub-saharan African.
Had DNA test done ,came back 10% ashkenazi which was a huge surprise and 0% subsaharan African so not always
10% Ashkenazi would be .3% SSS which is probably undetectable.
He is getting paid to do this shit. I wouldn't really care if I made as much as him.
Do you think we'll be allowed in the ethnostate?
Jews are scum of the earth.