When will Trump formally endorse a constitutional amendment defining marriage between one man and one woman?
He already put the filthy trannies back in their place.
When will Trump formally endorse a constitutional amendment defining marriage between one man and one woman?
He already put the filthy trannies back in their place.
Go fuck yourself
More like when is he going to give me teen fuckmeat oh wait nvm gonna have to go mercenary for that
Not soon enough.
Homos ruin countries
When will Trump formally endorse a constitutional amendment defining marriage between one man and one VIRGIN woman?
I hope so. Praise be brother!
>One man and as many women as he likes
Hopefully soon
At what point did bible thumper take over this board?
Trump is a adulter. You know what the Bible says about that?
Patience my son. The homosexuals will be defeated as well.
Fuck off cunt
Marriage should have nothing to do with government you statist faggot
Redpilled gays are okay, it's trannies that are really the problem.
Found the faggot.
Probably not. To the average American sodomy is nearly sacrosanct. If you criticize homosexuals or their destructive acts they will pounce on you.
>some gays are okay
That's how it always starts.
>When will Trump formally endorse a constitutional amendment defining marriage between one man and one woman?
No fuck that bullshit because marriage is bullshit that means nothing already in modern society.
The whole ideal of marriage is meaningless since women can just break it up at any time for any or no reason and they still get the cash and prizes.
Marriage has no meaning today.
>He already put the filthy trannies back in their place.
The army is not following through with his order the trannies are not back in their place at all yet.
is that way.
We see through your flag, Ahmed.
>redpilled trannies are okay, it's the pedos that are the problem
First post worst post
You're either a tranny preparing for your daily dilation, or a salty bitter NEET virgin shut in. Reconsider life
>a constitutional amendment
>gay marriage ban passing 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the senate, and 3/4 of the states
Nowhere close to possible user, he couldn't get 1/3 of congress and the states to oppose gay marriage at this point
Where is your argument against me? mgtow fag is not an argument you southern cuck.
Marriage lost its meaning the day no fault divorce came about the day women could leave or cheat at any time but still get the cash and prizes she would have gotten if the man left or cheated on her.
Marriage is bullshit and i am glad that homosexuals can now legally marry in all 50 states sure it is still a shit deal to marry but there is no magical bullshit about it anymore.
What, are you afraid of a little competition? Need to make sure there's a lady left for you after the alphas are done? This isn't the Communist general thread.
>t. ahmed
lol get over yourself, non-virgins are okay too. where the fuck are you going to find a virgin btw
This is acceptable, if the women habitat with him there must be reason he was selected, good breeding material, got to think of our species.
THIS THIS THIS THIS [pic related]
If one more state legislature flips red there will technically be enough republican controlled states to push through constitutional amendments without any dem support.
That being said, gay marriage has been culturally accepted for about a decade at this point. An anti gay marriage amendment would be hard to do, even if republicans could just get ignore Dems. Kind of hard to take the bone away from the dog after you give it to him, if you know what I mean.
But we're still a few years away, at least, from constitutional amendments.
I just thank God every day that Dems aren't this close. If the tables were flipped they'd be talking every day about passing an amendment to redefine the terms "well regulated" "militia" and "arms" that we see in the 2a
>Where is your argument against me? mgtow fag is not an argument you southern cuck.
Who wants to argue with you? What does that accomplish? You're going to help out the triple-parentheses while you blackpill your way into your genetic dead end regardless of what anyone tells you, it's baked into your DNA.
Honestly, if it were up to me we'd hang "men" like you from lampposts, but ultimately it's a waste of time and energy, you're going to die alone anyway.
>Who wants to argue with you?
Your ass.
>What does that accomplish?
Nothing at all since it purely for entertainment and maybe for the reading of visitors who do not post.
>you blackpill your way into your genetic dead end regardless of what anyone tells you,
You will bluepill your way into being a genetic dead end because cucks get cucked in the end. I fucking doubt your hick ass will get a DNA test to prove it is your baby or not.
You die thinking it is your kid while it was the assholes down the street who ended up dying of a heroin overdose 30 years prior.
If i have kids i will most likely abandon them and just do drugs instead or beat them.
>honestly, if it were up to me we'd hang "men" like you from lampposts
I am fine with that as i will enjoy watching your wife drive you to suicide while i move in with her and fuck her in your house and get cheaper/free rent just by fucking her even if it only for a few months before i get thrown out of the house for violence or being high.
>you're going to die alone anyway
Ill leave my own legacy while you will die a robot. Sure the legacy will be literally of shit and blood but it a bigger one then just some cuck provider who killed himself after getting divorced.
What about the amendment establishing Trump as dictator for life?
>When will Trump formally endorse a constitutional amendment defining marriage between one man and one woman?
He's not going to do it because the alt-right will stop him. We need our freedom to explore our sexuality.
>Caring about gays
When are social Conservatives going to realize that marriage is between a man and virgin woman?
>non-virgins are okay too
The funniest MGTOW-fags are the fake hardass ones. Sure buddy, you can't even control a woman enough to keep her from divorcing you, but you're a cold-blooded, kid-smacking, wife-fucking, drug-using badass.
And they say homos are toxic
>lol get over yourself, non-virgins are okay too. where the fuck are you going to find a virgin btw
who cares if gays can vote why are women still legally allowed to cheat on you and steal your assets
marriage is dead
alt-lite you mean
If you want to be really traditionalist, you shouldn't be marrying any woman who isn't a virgin and marriage should be for life. Good luck, average age kids start fucking each other is 12.
>Good luck, average age kids start fucking each other is 12.
And as we all know the average Sup Forums traditionalist doesn't leave their mother's birth canal until age 19-21
>The funniest MGTOW-fags are the fake hardass ones
Prove i am a fake hardass? i abuse my body i abuse other people i do anything i can get my hands on, i am out of control, i can't control the shit going on in my head and i live for pleasure.
> Sure buddy, you can't even control a woman enough to keep her from divorcing you,
The reason i do not get married is that would cause stagnation in my mission and that if i got divorced i would outright kill my wife and possibly the kids as well and i do not need to spend the rest of my life in prison as that end my mission early as i would never get out to complete it.
Sure ill survive being behind bars as i might spend a few years in prison possibly but the rest of my life in prison is not worth it just because i fucked up my life by getting married.
Prison like many other things such as work is reloading the gun and preparing to go on with your mission once you are finally free and able too.
> kid-smacking
Id smack a kid since i got smacked as a kid and my dad before me got smacked etc.
I come from a long line of smacking kids.
I do not give a shit who i fuck really. If i find her hot and she shows interest ill go ahead and fuck her either way.
It does not matter if she is married or not as my sexuality is controlled by my dick. If my dick gets up to it i will fuck it.
As long as it is not heroin or spray paint ill do it (the only reason i ain't doing heroin is that i do not need fucking pablo to cut corners and put talcum powder or rat poison in it as there is no way of knowing unless you do it and by then it is too late).
FFS the stars and bars isn't the Confederate flag, at least be historically accurate
>that dip at 14 partners
Gotta find me a 14 partner whore. Wouldn't want some unfaithful 13 or 15 dick bitch.
>i abuse my body i abuse other people i do anything i can get my hands on, i am out of control, i can't control the shit going on in my head and i live for pleasure.
>When will Trump formally endorse a constitutional amendment defining marriage between one man and one woman?
He'll say yes to anything as long as you can keep his attention long enough.
I just wanna be allowed to marry my anime waifu. Two dimensions will always be better than three.
I dont give a shit if two consenting adults can get married. There are a lot more important things to spend time on
>Prove i am a fake hardass? i abuse my body i abuse other people i do anything i can get my hands on, i am out of control, i can't control the shit going on in my head and i live for pleasure.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>I am a supreme gentleman, i do not do drugs, i do not smoke, a drop of the devils nectar has never touched my lips as i am a supreme southern gentleman, never hit a woman, never even argue with one because they are always right and god counts their tears.
Gay people adopt orphans and prevent them from becoming useless criminals/welfare reciepients. Thats enough for me to support them.
I agree we should ban foreign non white adoption though
Hahahahahahahahaha what a classic.
>constitutional amendment to limit rights
That's never going to happen again faggot.
>muh rights
There is no right to be a degenerate.
Move on! FFS. I am sick of hearing homo shits.