Convinced this is photoshop
>sandyhook and newtown are 2 différent towns
I dunno guys I might be going crazy
Convinced this is photoshop
>sandyhook and newtown are 2 différent towns
I dunno guys I might be going crazy
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Being unable to distinguish between faces is a sign of autism.
Are you sure you don't want to maybe reconsider and perhaps assert that it's at least difficult properly tell with all 12 pixels in this image?
I can certify I'm not very autistic because I've seen almost ten vaginas in real life for real.
I can also state with some confidence that that's the same bitch, although I've never seen her axe wound.
Youre Right maybe I should just got to sleep
Thank you for this quality post.
>seen almost 10 vaginas irl
Is the 'spiracy baiting types sending the same images multiple times to goes people to flip out.
Nothing really more than that.
retarded faggot
I see it user, you are onto something good work. Relax just L@ngley playing games as they do.
nigga it's the same damned picture
Pls spk inglsh
>start to type no because I've seen more vaginas than dicks in real life
>realize I had gym class in high school and I've probably seen like 40+ dicks
Looks different to me, though as I stated, difficult to tell with only 12 pixels.
It's all the same bitch; just different faces.
you jack men off in the mens locker room at your local ymca faggot nigger
30+ vaginas i've seen, and I don't need that experience to tell you this bee-otch is a paid j3w crisis actor. just look at her smug, "i'll fuck your psyche up you racist hillbilly gun owning America" grin. She screams I hate the goy and will do anything to secure a future for the deep state that wants to control us FUCK HER AND HER HANDLERS. YOU HERE ME NIGGER JEW FUCKS? SUCK MY COCK
Sandy Hook is real I died there.
no one has seen 30+vaginas. Calling bullshit.
Adam Lanza was Duke Nukem
It's like he's trying to distract us
Then how come Nancy Lanza was Anne haddad?
wizards and shills be damned, it's called having no shame. and nothing to lose. not when your enemies fake tragedies left and right
that's the deep state on the left and you on the right while informed there wont be any more tendies
you fucking autistic neet ip shill or bot, suck my cock
You mad?
We've just started winning
can only express things in memes or cartoon/pop culture rather than words. NEWFAG DETECTED
who's winning again, the people that get under my skin, or the people that pay them to?
Wait what r u saying about tendies???
the answer is neither you scumbags. frogs won
ugh you disgusting fake actor scum, stop poising our life, you fucks are a mafia. I just laugh because your hegemony of horror is so weak, it's see through by twelve year olds at this point. WOKE HUMANITY HASHTAG
Something is very, very wrong with Sandy Hook, but this was simply a matter of editing. During a segment on the bombing, they cut to a clip of an older segment with the Sandy Hook woman. This image is either bait to discredit truthers or just an oversight on the part of whoever made it.
If you want some Sandy Hook truth bombs, set aside some time and watch We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook.
>"looks different to me"
then youre legitimately retarded kek, any person with half a brain can tell that is the same fucking picture
Sorry, can you show me which one of the 12 pixels supports this conclusion?
Its he same picture just zoomed in with the contrast turned up
The news agency messed up and used the same picture.
Why did the fire department have the memorial Christmas trees already behind the fire station?
Not only is your assertion simply conjecture, it should be simple for you to produce some kind of evidence to prove your point, so it is asinine conjecture.
Red oval: its the same picture frame
Yellow oval: the line of color separating her hair from the wall is the same shape of line.
Did you know that nigger literally has iluminati art in his house, and a cat with one eye (symbol of the antichrist, one blacked out/missing eye)
All I did here was crop the left side of the OP photo and zoomed in to match the perspective of the right side
alright, but are the screencaps even real? What about sauce on the news reports.
Right, it's obviously the same picture you retards. He's asking are the news reports real or did someone just take a random woman from a broadcast and put a zoomed in photo into a fake shot of a broadcast.
Still looking for news report. The blue newsticker on the bottom doesn't help to source because it contradicts the added meme text. If Donna was a few blocks away, it's unlikely she was injured. I've tried locating a list of names for victims to see if there's a Donna to find the last name to see if there's an interview. the text on the image can be read multiple ways. "Donna was a few blocks away" could imply that they're interviewing a person named Donna while showing a fake picture, or they could be implying Donna is the subject of the photo. The meme text is unverifiable without knowing if there was a wounded Donna and if Fox News or whoever blue newsticker is knew they were referencing Donna when they showed the Sandy Hook picture. It's possible the op image is a complete fabrication though. After all, if the right side is just shopped left side, there's no reason to believe the photo becomes unshoppable after that and it's possible it's a fabrication of a hoax. Who the Fuck even knows anymore?
m8 you're practically playing six degrees of kevin bacon... just accept that these people are scummy shills, that doesn't mean the whole thing was faked
this is u, stop it
Guys my Aunt's friend's son died in Sandy Hook. You should all be ashamed of yourselves you vile filth! Let us grieve in peace.
okay emu, whatever. Like I give enough of a shit to turn on my computer because you can't accept those pictures are the same. The whole thing is probably some bullshit made up by a Truther but it's still the same picture.
Sandy Hook happened, I should know. I have seven cousins who were there when it happened. People died.
You're prob right I'm just saying it's such a low quality image it's not even worth discussing.