Damn, Scott Addams girlfriend is fine dudes. How the hell did this old grandpa nail down a hot girl like this?
Damn, Scott Addams girlfriend is fine dudes. How the hell did this old grandpa nail down a hot girl like this?
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The power of persuasion
Wow stop objectifying her
Stop bragging, Scott
Pre-suasion then just normal persuasion. Being rich also helps.
Hint: Look behind his back
I like to imagine he says "you just got persuaded" when he rolls off of her.
(also he's worth like 70m)
Women are attracted to men with resources. Like, you know...money.
He's got a big personality
>Somewhat famous
>Quite rich
He has a lot going for him besides looks and age.
He's old, wise, rich, and works out.
I mean he looks like an old cancer patient who you'd think has tubes shoved up his nose on the regular but other than that he's literally what every woman wants.
He seems like a pretty cool dude to hang out with. On top of that he has money.
It's interesting reading his book while he mentions his wife. I wonder when and why they broke up.
He has money, and was probably ok with her fucking guys on the side
I imagine the man who wrote dilbert would be rolling in the pussy
>Famous multi-millionare
She's like 5 foot tall if that + tons of makeup
I started reading his book. It equates to him bragging about how great he is and using persuasion to convince you to read Dilbert. The only self help advice so far is, " fake it until you make it", "do a lot of different things, "lol just be lucky, "sit with good posture".
Thanks based persuasion man.
she's persuaded by his large bank account
>and was probably ok with her fucking guys on the side
Underrated point. He might be the sort to be able to compartmentalise that and not have it get to him.
Personally I could never play that shit but w/e.
She is fucking guys on the side, and is a single mother. There is a price to pay to bang that at his age.
Money alone doesn't really get you women, you also have to be high in a dominance hierarchy
Anybody know why scott adams is afraid of addressing the question of jordan peterson?
Any speculation on what he's hiding from?
Is it because he would call him a quack? Or because he would agree with him?
he's a multi millionaire do to his genius ability to bullshit people
He said he has nothing against him, he just gets bombarded by questions about him constantly. I'm sure they'd agree on a lot of stuff though
Yea but this is an obvious lie.
If he addressed the questions, they would stop
linguistic kill shot
I think there's a few things going on here..
1. Jordan Peterson comes up annoyingly often in Scott Adams's periscope chats.
2. Jordan Peterson would probably judge Scott's lifestyle because he has a young wife and no kids.
3. I think his ego is bruised.
He had a blog post at one point where he talked about all her business accomplishments and how she's actually incredibly smart. Apparently she's on the board of his company or something, which is kinda weird.
I don't think he's bad looking
>shitty, unfunny cartoonist
>high in a dominance hierarchy
Stop parroting Petercuck before you've thought it through, chief.
>He had a blog post at one point where he talked about all her business accomplishments and how she's actually incredibly smart. Apparently she's on the board of his company or something, which is kinda weird.
Does this pass as an argument in the US?
Some turtles for your effort.
He's got a deep bench of characters
I love Scott Adams. Thanks to his persuasion blogging, I won money from betting on Trump.
Answer: $
This. Don't ask stupid questions.
>best selling author
>thousands of social media followers
Okay then, faggot.
You don't think he's funny
but plenty of people do, and as a result he's made a lot of money off of it and is successful
Also Fame
>wealth and social acceptance = success
Take off that flag.
Doesn't matter what you think about it, it's what women want, deal with it
I don't know. I think there's a persuasion reason that he doesn't want to talk about him.
I think jbp would have many complementary things to say bout scott adams.
There's something funny going on there but I don't know what it is.
What do you define as success then? Being liked by you?
This woman was already rich
>How the hell did this old grandpa nail down a hot girl like this?
He makes her laugh. (Roger Rabbit sex appeal)
literally yes
You theory intrigues me. I agree that jbp would be an admirer of Scott. I wish he would just tell us.
What kinda wog is she?
Spic or sand nig?
She looks like a MtF transgender Morticia Adams. She's not all that fine.
>Scott Addams net worth is $75m all from Dilbert cartoons
Weapons-grade persuasion
She's a slut
Sluts are not really hard to get
She wears way to much makeup too
any based rule 34 dilbert?
she has a based savage scott-adams apple
I always assume it's because Adams doesn't want to get roped into taking a stance on pronouns for Trannies. Here in CA calling a dude a dude can alienate you
They may have the same viewer base, but what do people think when they ask ''HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT JBP?''? They expect Scott to have something to say about him, why? No really, what do they expect? I have followed both too much so I know who both are, but they are in their own ''field''.
I think there's a difference between someone being transgender and someone saying they're intersex or whatever other shit with 50 different pronouns
I mean, if somebody asked me about either of them, I would have something to say.
Is it crazy to think that they would also have something to say?
"I follow him, and like some of his ideas on morality and think he's doing a good thing etc."
"I don't find myself interested in what he has to say"
Scott Adams and Peterson talk about different things and essentially exist in different realms. Scott doesn't want to cross the line into "professional academic psychology" because he can't talk about or compete in that field. There's nothing wrong or weak about it, Scott is making the right choice.
Plus these plebbit faggots begging for their ecelebs to jerk each other off need to go back. Just let them do their thing in their own space.
this. scott is half-baked. but buy his book anyway
You don't comment on people you don't know enough about, Scott has probably glanced at JBPs work and seen he's a lecturer that many people seem to like. If you're not an ass burglar, you could even interpret Scott's silence as uninterest.
This. They have so little in common in what they cover I really don't get in why either one would say something about the other one.
t. easily persuadable rubes
Can I declare victory now? I usually declare victory when people come up with NON-ARGUMENTS.
Inventing a story for what happened isn't an argument.
So, unless you want to declare MY victory, I don't think you should be so quick.
Not an argument, just an observation.
T-thanks for the turtles though.
Money is one hell of an aphrodisiac.
You just got persuaded, KIDDO!
Hunh. I just fact-checked this, and it is apparently true. How the actual fuck is this true?
I know Dilbert is popular and long-running, but it's nowhere nearly the most profitable or heavily merchandised comic in the papers, and newspaper comics are nowhere near the most profitable medium to work it. For him to have that kind of net-worth without having gotten a lot of it from investments, he'd have to have been making a yearly average of around 2 million-point-something off of Dilbert since it premiered in 1989.
And how has he amassed it all? Does the man just, just not spend money? Like he bought a house in '93 and called it good? When the papers offer him another hundred grand for renewing syndication, does he just go "Yeah, that's cool, just put it all in a truck and wheel it to the vault around the back. I got shit to draw right now."
I wonder how often scott adams uses Sup Forums.
He's a massive shitposter IRL. I wonder if he comes here to stay in shape.
Meh he could do better.
Persuasion and being a millionaire.
He was aggressive about his price all these comic writers can be pretty demanding like Bill Watterson, imagine a major newspaper telliong their readers you can't have Dilbert, people would freak about
No worries champ :)
He does other stuff too, investing and stuff. His books sell pretty well too
>falling for dilbertmans hypnotism
she's obviously a prostitute
Socially conservative people are fiscally conservative in general, an intelligent person who starts coming into 100k per year in 1989 will probably invest, today that investment would be worth millions even if you merely built and held a portfolio of stocks or property.
Look, the articles I've been reading source his wealth to Dilbert, not his diverse stock and real estate portfolio. Either they're wrong (likely, granted), or he really is worth 75 million mostly from the direct proceeds of Dilbert. And that's kind of crazy, even with the Dilbert collection volumes, and the Dilbert calendars.
Both of which I've purchased a couple of, actually. Well, maybe not that crazy.
Probably sometimes at least. Or 4+Sup Forums. This place is just massively slid and shill'd with shit topics 24/7 it takes a trained eye to ignore the informative threads.
Dilbertman claims to be a librul though. The only thing he is truly passionate about is weed and doesn't really give a fuck about anything else.
>Jordan Peterson, why does everyone keep asking me to talk about Jordan Peterson
I can't believe I'm the first one to see the persuasion here
>falling for dilberts hypnotism
oh fuck good post
Just my estimation given the most likely scenario, as I agree 75m seems high, but I haven't read anything about it.
>Dilbertman claims to be a librul though.
He's a liberal, the "soft left", there's nothing morally wrong with "liberal" ideals, libertarian ideals are a logical conclusion drawn from a pragmatic outlook on objective reality in my estimation, however in saying this, they are essentially just rubes, pushovers, low energy individuals like Ron Paul.
It is the authoritarian far left with which you should have issue, the "hard left", as these are the people who will force their ideals upon you with are innately appeals to the illogicality of humans, and we can't have that because we want to force our authoritarian right wing ideas on people, which are essentially based in logic.
>doesn't really give a fuck about anything else.
And doctor assisted suicide
What's the perseusasion?
He says his name multiple times in a row, he's literally going "you are getting sleepy, sleeeepy" - people go to figure out who Jordan Peterson is. Now he says you can't say Jordan Peterson anymore cause it keeps the ideas inside you until they mature grows
I don't have a problem with him though, he's very reasonable with his views and he's an old man who has teached me a lot about persuasion, Trump and politics. The future of traditionalism lies in young men.
Oh yeah, that one too.
>The future of traditionalism lies in young men.
I would recommend reading or listening to some of what Enoch Powell had to say, if you haven't already.
Might be. I'm probably too familiar with JBP to see it.
Where is this gif from?
I'd considered that, but in later videos he refuses to say his name.
It's hard for me to decipher it one way or another.
No I haven't, having something specific in mind?
I wonder what Bill Watterson is up to right now.
"Rivers of Blood" speech, on immigration
Something more specific to the conversation of future generations and their psychology, I would suggest Jonathan Bowden, more explicit content relative to the [current year].
why is there so much peterson shilling on Sup Forums?
His message is essentially a PC version of white nationalism if you take his views to their logical conclusions, which he does not.
nu-pol in a nutshell