What would you do if this was your daughter?
What would you do if this was your daughter?
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The absolute state of america
I need to hear the audio
>Imply anyone human being would allow their daughter to be around wild animals
Probably go to jail for child abuse.
I would tell her to stop harassing that white girl.
Hang those pickaninnies from the nearest branch.
no you really don't, I almost cried when I watched it
the poor girl
Nigs gon nig
reward her for standing up to the oppressive honky
I have an open message to all the white liberal and left wing posters on Sup Forums.
Look at the OP video. These people despise you. They don't care if you support them, they still hate you.
When whites become a minority in America there will be an aggressive purging attempt against you. Blacks and Hispanics have waited for decades for that moment. They will not be tolerant, they will not be multi cultural, they will not be merciful. It's going to be violent, bloody, brutal and deadly.
There is already a quiet race war being waged by blacks against whites in this country. Blacks who make up only 11% of the popular commit over %54 of the major crimes, and a vast, disproportionate majority of those crimes are aimed at white people.
This is the tough part. It doesn't matter how you feel about Trump or the Right. If you want to survive you have to support them. It's as simple as that.
Otherwise there will come a day when you're lying in the streets covered in your own blood wishing you had done all you could, but by then it will be too late.
she deserve it. some jews bought black slaves from black slave owners 400 years ago and somebody gotta pay amirite?
Who the fuck was recording the video?
Probably the black girls mother.
>Imply liberals care
Liberals are driven by emotion and not logic.
Niggers are a pet project for liberals and they do not have the heart to come to grips with the fact that niggers are a lost cause.
Liberals will stick with niggers until they either are forced to stop once the last nigger is dead or until the nigger take over and kill every last liberal.
>to all the white liberal and left wing posters on Sup Forums
Chokeslam the person with the camera.
calmly tell those niglets to get away from my daughter or else
Grab its legs, find the nearest table counter, break open a brown one
What the fuck man
rip the beads off of their smug heads, tie them into a whip and whip those niggers back into submission.
terminate the niglets with extreme prejudice
call animal control.
I would never have even let them approach my daughter.
For the sake of the question though, I'd open palm slap all of those niglets in their filthy faces.
I'd tell her hitting other kids for no reason is rude, even if they deserved it
then put her into martial arts so she can really kick ass when necessary
How could you laugh at a little girl crying? How could you find that funny?
>Who the fuck was recording the video?
Shaun King.
>find out where little niggers live
>wait 7-8 months
>keep this video on my phone and watch it every day
>let my rage build slowly
>finally a day comes where I scope out the neighborhood for an entire week and get down every human pattern
>find my exact window to kidnap these little niggers
They will die, but they will also not enjoy their final 24 hours alive for a single second
>How could you find that funny?
Kids can easily. The question is whether or not some parents are around to give them a proper compass (or a beating).
This is happening all over the country; we need a race war ASAP.
Come on user, you know they're lurking.
You do realise that repaying violence with violence just perpetuates violence right?
Tell the niggers to get off of my taxpayer funded road, while sighting them in my rifle.
Yuri said these people will not accept the truth until the boot is coming down on their neck, I tend to agree.
Do the exact same thing to the nigger behind the camera.
We need to raise that bar.
"And that sweetie, is why you avoid them and all of their friends who look similar"
This is what happens when you let little girls play with monkeys
Watchu talkin bout Willis?
and the niggers wonder why white people don't want to be around them.....
Apes only understand aggression. You can't reason with whom lacks ability.
>anyway, give the girl a sock with a cue ball in it and tell her to go to work.
Probably abused from birth. They grew up thinking this was normal behavior b/c their nigger parents are trash.
holy shit
my id is turd donkey
Parent bro. Not plural. Daddys out fucking the 15 other baby mommas
there's a chuck-e-cheese near my house, but i drive to the one 20 miles away 'cause it's less "urban."
the face of a recently redpilled man
>call cops
>cop kills black girl
>take daughter home
>nothing of value was lost
What's the problem?
serves that cracker right, her ancestors did worse to the african children they stole from their homes
Emigrate to a non-nigger country
time for some beating
put on a mask and punch the black kids in the face
>What would you do if this was your daughter?
where is this girl's parents, II don't want to even say what I would do if she was mine
holy christ
She is going to hate niggers for the rest of her life.
send her back out with a tazer in each hand or bear spray
You need to desensitize yourself, because the West has a fight looming, and you need to not freak out when it comes.
If that tweet is implying all whites have benefited because of the economic production from slavery than blacks and pretty much all races/ethnic groups that live and trade with the United States of today have benefited from it as well.
Everyone needs an AR15. Go get yourselves one, fuckers
Holy fuck!!!! Checked
Put them in an environment where community and intelligence are required to procreate, and they won't be a lost cause within 1-2 generations.
Of course, any such environment would probably fuck 2/3 of the existing nog population, but that's a whole other issue.
The only takeaway from this thread
eventually you kill all the indians and your country is the most powerful and prosperous in the world though
and you dont have worry about any more dirty indians
And the fucked up thing about that webm is how quickly that goatfucker gets the spinal column cut away from the skull. I've carved up many a big game animal, and let me tell you, cutting through the flesh to find the right spot on a joint/vertebra to cut the ligament takes practice if you're going to do it quickly. Dollars to dogshit that guy has beheaded others before.
Probably got what she deserved
That's when I reach for my revolver.
Similar happened to my nephew who was 7 when I was picking him up from school there was these three black kids shoving him about. The school had a lemon trees out front and I played cricket professionally for some years as a bowler so I picked up this nice rotten lemon from the ground and threw it some 40 metres smacking one of the niggers right in the face, giving him a blood nose as well as going in his eyes and all over his clothes. Rotten lemon smells nasty as fuck. The kid started crying hardcore and I just walked up, grabbed my nephew, put my leg out to trip the nigger over then I walked off. Parents and teachers asked me what happened and I just said I seen them picking on some kid then someone threw a lemon at one of them.
Good work user.
>Things that never happened
killing spree in kfc
>Saying this unironically
it's like this is your first summer
>Parents and teachers asked me what happened
No outrage or concern over your nephew.
Outrage over who picked on niggers.
Don't let your kids go outside when there's coons around. Every latino knows this.
real life is very, very important. We all must bite the bullet and experience it. Never hide yourself from the fall of man. Fight evil.
I will see you brothers on the other side.
Congratulate her that she avoided grand theft auto after singlehandedly facing three goons
You're not wrong. I wish to God you were, but you're fucking not.
Move the fuck out of Niggerville.
You're a terrible parent by default if you raise your kids around blacks, spics, or injuns.
Kill the person holding the camera in front of the shitlits.
Tell the parents that one of their kids are attacking my daughter.
Well to be fair they'd look at the overall damage to the kids. If there's a nigglet who is beaten and bloody they'd be more concerned about that than a kid who doesn't have any outward injuries. Also niggers cry a lot louder than anyone else
This is the right idea
I really don't have a comeback for you, other than you are a cunt. Go fuck off elsewhere. You provide 0 value here.
I'm afraid to look. W-what is it?
Lets be honest the parents were most probably junkies who the fuck lets a kid that age just hang around the street with niggers
Where the fuck are her parents?
Remember when Lynch mobs were a thing and entire cities would burn, not because blacks chimped out, but because whites eradicated the whole ghetto out from their city? Well my brothers, I think it is about time we lynch a couple of niggers.