Why arn't white people having children?

Why arn't white people having children?

Adam Lanza was radicalized by Snapchat

because white women dont want children.

I want to imagine thats a black baby in her

Because the jews will just eat them anyway

I can't figure out what this retarded woman in wearing. Autism expecting wear?

They are. Just black kids.

It is.

Children are disgusting and weird.

>posts picture of pregnant white women

I'm so confused

White women aren't having children, plenty of white men are neoconservative or libertarian and are seeking families, white women are just slowing them down because it seems right to date your own ethnicity.

>still blaming the problems of genx and millennial women on all millennials like the blue pilled fake media who just won't point out women's real issues

Post more preggos

Retardedly (purposely) long college careers (meant to waste your prime)
State dependence, instead of family dependence.
Shitskin taking jobs, forcing young people to go to (((college)))) and get in ((((debt)))), killing their economy stability to support a family.

In short, the jews and their banks.

white people are having plenty of children. It's just that non-white people are rats, and they have too many children that they can't even support

white person here, kid number 4 coming in 2 months and planning on 2 more. All done without government help.

Get on my level, scrubs.

They've been brainwashed to think that each kid will cost $10 million or some bullshit number and then they look at their income and say nope not worth it.

Im trying but my wife miscarried last week :( im sad but not discouraged. White babies are the best and i must make some.

Because white men only hit on faggotgirls online, shitskins hit on you at bars, Asians die alone.

She's wearing panties, a bra, and some thigh highs. Please don't ever have children you fucking mongrel.

Because booth partners are working 40hr weeks to pay for niglet welfare (ahmed welfare in my country).

Because white men have become very effeminate.

Roasties trying to play alpha fux beta cux

how can white men compete with grease ball manlets

Because Western civilisation is very wealthy and intelligent and with the current financial state of the Western world where cost of living has risen exponentially while wage with inflation adjustments hasn't changed from 1980 it just doesn't make sense to burden oneself with children and living in subpar standards.
The poor breed like rabbits out of stupidity and poverty; they don't know any better and they're already struggling so more struggle not make any difference to them. For the wealthy though the cost of having children is the difference of having leisure like vacations abroad, new car or renovating your house.

This world is all about the stock profit now. Automation won't lower prices, it will raise it. Corporations and companies do everything to profit their stock holders and there's no way of fixing this system without passing unlawful legislation and with the abundance of cheap labour from the 3rd world the average worker is no longer an important commodity so nobody cares now.

protein: they cant.

I have a Polish gf and we plan on having tons of children. I already have enough money saved up.

i love bumping shill threads