Sup Forums you have blood on your hands
You pay for this!!
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False. Her mother has her own fat blood on her hands.
You spelled 'butter' wrong.
Which Republican shoved those donuts in her fat mouth for years, again?
Ron Paul.
No, I think it's on her mother's own hands for getting mcbeetus in the first place.
Completely avoidable
I love this place sometimes.
How come the left didn't care about all the uninsured obamacare initially caused when that bill went through.
Really makes me think...
type 2 diabetes is a choice
Nah bitch, this is your fault. You didn't work hard enough to be able to pay for your mothers insurance and pawned it off on the government. You're the real murderer.
I heard canada and mexico have great healthcare why don't you move there We don't want your fucking taconigger ass here.
Diabetes? you cant die fromt hat shit unless you dont take care of yourself, which I guess is the main problem here. I hope she dies and her daughter learns how to eat more healthy
Make sure to eat your healthy fats
My mom made a similar argument to never about her brother. Her brother smoked every day for 45 years and developed lung cancer. He knew the risks - his father died of lung cancer. My mom told me that, by voting for Trump, I was killing her brother.
It's simply not worth discussing with these people.
>die from diabetes
Hahahahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Diabetes Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Burger Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha
All of you apologize now!
Oh no.
That sucks.
She'll pay the iron price
Technically she can reverse her beetus with proper nutrition
Her diet is killing her mother
KYUS you fucking worthless degenerate.
Stop eating Fat.
jesus what is wrong with libs
We need spic death squads.
Get a second job. Buy insulin. It ain't that fucking expensive. Fucking drama queen.
Insulin prices have risen in the US in recent times, up $500/month for a massive high sugar diet, but a combination of changes to sugar intake and lower dosages would lower it and be healthier.
These fucks ignore their diabetes and still eat like it's going out of style.
I only really have sympathy for type 1 (which every fat ass will claim to be)
>cut out carbs
>eat protein rich food
How fucking hard is this? They would rather eat processed shit and use expensive meds they can't afford.
this looks like something from a jrpg
I fucking hate that commie latuff holy shit
That's a decent edit but the real version is pretty funny too
shut the fuck up bitch, tell your mom to put down the cookies and walk a little so she dosent lose a fuckin toe.
>90% of his friends list defriended him after this
>it was only like 20 people to begin with
Look at her daughters fat face, bitch gonna lose a toe by years end.
You got me, fucker.
fucking jews
If it's Type 2, you are correct. And the fat bitch likely spends so much more on food than normal people, that she could afford to pay for a policy and be off Medicaid. (If she's Type 1, I take that all back, it has nothing to do with diet.)
>You pay for this!!
I hope your mom dies bleeding from every orifice, you fucking parasite.
This shows how stupid libs are. You'd think they would want lefties to stay in red states, even move to red states, in order to change them blue. If all lefties leave red states, and move to places like California, then they will continue to lose the electoral college
Why don't she move to Britain and use free NHS, like everybody else in this world
severely underrated
You really think you're funny.
>Implying living in London isn't like a JRPG at this point
Need to patch it and tweak the random encounters though, way too often.
>You pay for this!
On the contrary, we just stopped paying for her mother.
Oh no FUCK THAT. We're fucking full here, and this beaner bitch can swim her ass across the Rio Grande if it's life or death for "mama"
If she served in the military she would have health care. I feel no pity for the whale.
dude, /sg/ provided targets for russian bombings of ISIS training camp in syria, and once upon a time Sup Forums blocked frightened spick dude in car from calling his mother so he suicided by cop
this is not even worthy of adding to killcount
Good fucking riddance bitch!
Why do these people seem to think that insurance is totally gone if obamacare is repealed/replaced/whatever? Do they think doctors didn't exist before obamacare existed or something?
If you can't survive without constant interference by the state then you don't deserve to live full stop.
To be fair, POCs are more susceptible to it - blacks, Indians, and Indios. Whites are too, but the disease killed off the most susceptible centuries ago.
I'm not sure about North East Asians - you'd think with their diet of rice they'd be hard hit, but maybe they've been pre-filtered.
>Trump will kill my mom
>she is dieing of the beetus
sounds like her own damn fault.
the real version is even worse
So? Would be better for everyone if 60-90% of humans would die.
Sugar and starches are the problem, not fat.
Rice has a relatively low glycemic index and is slightly higher in protein compared to processed wheat. The more you know!
>t. pharmacist with little sympathy for people that have diseases they could have easily avoided with even a moderate amount of self-discipline
Cant risk it mum
>you have blood on your hands
I guess it's time to masturbate then
its almost like someone should have invested in insurance like the rest of well adjusted adults
Fucking jew
Not enough blood, gore and chaos for that.
$0.02-$0.45 per pound depending on the scrap yard?
>That image
Seriously!!? My wife has aggressive diabetes and we've always had problems keeping her Medicaid coverage steady. I learned a little about pharmaceuticals and make her a decent medication for those times she's out of the normal stuff. Been trying to figure out how to manufacture her Insulin at home, too. I'm getting close.
I remember this from election night
Do you genuinely hate this person op? the fucks wrong with you?
Or treated the problem like it was something wrong with your body that needed a lifestyle change, and not something that you can just throw pills and injections at and go on as before.
checked, cause truth. To actually get diabetes from fat or protein only, you'd have to eat shitloads for years.
Fucking white people
>You pay for this!!
It was your fuckin choice to go stuff your face with a McMeal and a large coke everyday you fat fuck. Most type twos are real easy to prevent with even a modicum of effort. And hell, it's pretty easy to control and even somewhat reversible with some effort, compared to the type I have.
true that. but again bitch should have bought insurance if shes unwilling to do so cause i sure as fuck dont wanna pay for it
more a lot of little choices, tee bee eightch
And that blood has lots of sugar in it.
sugar causes diabetes not butter.
let's make it a double whammy and report her and her mother to ice too. chances are at least the mom is illegal
Did not vote Trump but found myself cheering when he was elected. I'll look at the blood on my hands when these liberals realize that Obama was an actual war monger who killed whomever he pleased with drones from above. Do you feel the blood on your hands? Someone dying of diabetes seems more like divine intervention than drones from the sky.
>Won't do without smartphone and Netflix to buy mother medicine
>Blames everyone else as greedy pigs.
I will trade her mother for her. At least mom has a life value. The daughter is just dumb.
>Sup Forums has hands
Donald Trump did not give her mother diabetes
Leaf finally knows
Why didn't her mother die before Obama became president?
Are all these people fucking retarded?
I both my mother and this kind if posts, not relaying never worked as intended no matter how bad I was hoping she woke up dead.
wtf I hate drumpf now
she should reply to that post
Oh no, that sucks.
I've spent far too long away from this place and got far too used to how soft other people are.
It's good to be back.
I'm sure many of the cops who are ex-military would love to see this fucker praising the deaths of their brothers.
Antifa faggots BTFO
>Obamacare has been a thing for less than 5 years
>Suddenly everyone's fucking lives depend on it.
Enjoy your stay faggot