Ask A Moderate Muslim

Hello, I will be here to answer all your Islam related questions!

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are you worshiping a semen covered degenerate?

Kill yourself.

If Christ's gospel abrogated the Old Testament for Christians, do you think Muslims are in need of a similar reformation/reorganization that removes all the primitive violence/sexism/homophobia from Islam?

How fun is it to beat a woman?
It's illegal where I live.

>all the primitive violence/sexism/homophobia from Islam?

The removal of this from Christianity is what is causing it to die today.

Serious question OP.

What are your thoughts on Petra and mecca? Why did early muslims pray in the direction of Petra and not your holy mecca?

Which types of English Jews are haram or halal for consumption.

How do we wage jihad against the state of Israel.

There's no such thing as a moderate Muslim. This is like a pedophile saying they're safe to be around because they haven't raped any kids yet.

What do you think about pagans ? What is the stance in the Coran about pagans ?

Brother, How do you get these fucking pins out!!!!!! Takbihr!!

Dude wtf. In the past Muslims prayed towards Jerusalem is it was the Holy land. Then the Prophet changed to the Mecca.

Cannibalism is a great sin

Israel is protected by the US, so until the US is defeated, Israel can't be defeated.

By that logic there are no moderate Christians either since I don't see any stoning gays or killing adulterers, as the Old Testament commands (which Jesus approved and said not to change).

i love semen?

What does moderate even mean to you? That you won't personally be the one cutting our heads off, when the extremist ones will. When all of you outnumber us?

Moderate is any Muslim that isn't a fundamentalist and uses violence in the name of religion.

There are no countries that Christians aren't oppressed in, where the Muslims are a majority. Where are the moderates there?

bro i pray towards mecca

Yes, Lebanon.

fuck israel and this is a moderate saying it.


There are more lebanese people in the west than in lebanon

Why do you want other people to fight your jihad for you?

You say this like anybody here is defending Christianity. Stop getting so triggered, reddit.

Are any of these guys your buddy.

why don't yous totally wreck Isreal and forget about the west..I'd be grateful...pretty plz

You are correct, but in Lebanon Muslims are still a majority and the most powerful faction is Muslim (Shiites with Hezbollah) yet Hezbollah still works with and defends Christians from foreign terrorists.

I'm saying that because by your flawed logic, nobody belongs to any religion since nobody follows any religion to the very word.

Could you provide the context of that image pls?

You never answered my question


Not true at all

Do you actually pray fucking 5 times a day?

why do you still believe what you believe despite the overwhelming amount of evidence that all religions are a sham.

That didn't answer my question.

Muslims already tried that in the past, it was a monumental failure as everybody realized that as long as Israel is propped up by the US and keeps taking American taxpayer money to fund it's military, it can't be defeated.

The only few legitimate threats to Israel like Hezbollah and Iran are demonized and the West takes very harsh measures against them. Basically, anybody brave enough to stand up to Israel gets stepped on so nobody really bothers anymore. Even Hamas and Fatah agreed to recognize Israel as a state.


You gotta be pretending to be retarded, surely.

Apologize for 9/11.

I don't like citing wikipedia but read this here

Yes, all Muslims have a duty to pray 5 times a day. It is one of the five basic tenants of Islam that all Muslims must obey to be considered Muslim.

Some people want to believe in God, and Islam is our religion for connecting with God. What is wrong with that? I think that even if you the teachings of religion to be ridiculous, you can still agree that many people need a God-figure in there lives to maintain hope.

>maintain hope

wtf does this mean, maintain hope in what? scared that you dont live on after you die?

now'd think it would be easier to 9/11 Israel on a daily basis than it would be to 9/11 america even once

What does "Moderate Muslim" mean to you?

How is it projecting? It's the truth. I see this argument only used against Muslims (Hurr you don't kill all infidels? You're a fake Muslim!) meanwhile Christians get a pass (Durr you fuck and do drugs all the time? Well since you believe in Christ you're a real Christian!).

Bog off with your no true Scotsman fallacy

Don't u think it's strange that pushing Islam globally is exactly the prophecy in Christianity of being from the anti Christ? The ruler of this world is Satan, doesn't that make you skeptical?

The fact Islam is propped up and imported by Satanic cabals should be proof enough of Islam's true nature

>Pseudo intellect

By tomorrow this thread will be long gone and the effort put into your posts void, never to be read again.

I am going to fuck a virgin arab girl that is visiting my country. I also make her not wear the hijab. What do you think about that?

Stop raping white girls.


I would be lying if I said that wasn't part of it, but there's much more to it. Many find it hard to believe that everything came into existence by chance and randomly, for us we believe that God is the reason for all of this.

Al Qaeda is a fucking sham and was created by the US. Remember Reagan gave over 20 billion $ to fund the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, which later broke down and became Al Qaeda.

Nobody in the Muslim world respects Al Qaeda or ISIS. On the inside, we all want Israel gone, but we know these terrorist groups that kill only Muslims will never attack Israel, so don't count on it.

Not really, are you talking about refugees? The majority of refugees in the first half of the century were white Europeans. A good portion of refugees in the third quarter were Asians and South Americans running from war. Today it is the Middle East that is embroiled in war and has a refugee crisis.

Refugee crises always accompany wars.

Also, Islam also believes in the second coming of Jesus and that Jesus will help the Muslims fight against the force of Al Dajjal (The Antichrist). Look at the world today, US army and other Western armies are attacking and destroying the Middle East, you tell me exactly who's the forces of the Antichrist destroying the other?

Doesn't matter, if you've read it, that's good enough for me. Maybe next time you'll hesitate before repeating it, if you do so, my job would be done.

What do you think of apostates? Do you think they should die for insulting and making fun of islam?

Aren't Muslims slightly introspective in the fact that they are favoured by Satanists? Does that not set off alarm bells? Moreover, why don't they denounce the associations with the garbage or society?

Fuck, Marry, Kill: A goat, a chai boy, and a European woman.

How does it feel knowing you will be hanged on the day of the rope?

Why don't they shut down the automatic association with leftist types. Is it that they are welfare Queens and deceitful by nature? Not very principled.

go to hell sand nigg

Rape is a monumental sin in Islam. Any form of sexual intercourse before marriage is a great sin. All "Muslims" that rape are going against the teachings of Islam and are thus not really Muslims.

It's not just the whole "rape" thing, so many other things have been associated to Islam (like honor killings) which are not part of the theology and are only cultural elements of the people, with these cultural elements existing long before the birth of the Prophet.

But no matter what I say you'll still go around saying rape is a part of Islam even though it can warrant a death sentence.

Good for you.

Apostates should just leave and be silent about it. There shouldn't be any violence towards them, provided they don't try to seek it themselves.

Why are satanists more common in Christian country? Hmmm, I wonder who the real satanists are...

Just kidding with you, I won't stoop down to your level. All three Abrahamic religion share a certain link, and to call one "satanic" would be insulting all three.

Muslims in the West are a minority and don't have a voice to defend themselves. Liberals in the West are the good guys that always stand up for the little guys (minorities) that can't really defend themselves against the possible wrath of the majority since they lack a voice to do so.

Sometimes leftists push it a bit too far and excuse unacceptable behavior by minorities, which I agree is bad, but overall they defend the rights of minorities as they always historically have.

So if you leave islam, talk shit and wipe your ass with the koran you deserve punishment...Just as I thought. Muslims are the most thin skinned religion.

We know about Taqiyya here. Your subversive tricks won't work.

I only tolerate muslims if they stay in their own land. If you're live in the fucking west you need to leave. Now. Trust me, this is me trying to help you

There is ALWAYS something you can do to piss someone off so badly that he beats you up. There is such a thing called "provocation" and some people do it intentionally to seek out violence with the other party.

Pretty sure if a Muslim went to a right-wing church in the US and started showing obscene images, forgive me for the language, like Jesus being anally done, then you can expect some sort of reaction. Same if I went to Hasidic Jews and started screaming "Elohim is not God" or some other shit that might trigger them.

Just don't be a douche, that's all. Is common decency too much to ask?

answer this

Why do you pretend to be moderate? Why believe in such an obvious ploy of control.

Its called comedy dude. You humilate that which is ridiculous. Jesus getting anally raped has happened plenty of times.

Satanism is a bizarre offshot of Christianity- it's literally a protest religion. Almost not a religion at all- at least no more so than a parody religion. Or maybe a more contrary version of Protestantism? All said and done, though, Satanism still recognizes Christian concepts, even if they're being edgy, indulgent, etc... If you want to talk about LaVeyan satanism, that's sort of a philosophy more than a religion- and still reactionary to Christianity in particular. Just sayin'!

But that's why Muslims, Evangelical Christians and Hasidic Jews are considered retarded, because they think being provoked through insults is an excuse for a violent reaction. It's called weakness.

>We know about Taqiyya here

Why the fuck does this bullshit get passed around so much? Why is it that NONE of the people saying this word have never Googled it and sought out it's meaning?

1 second of Google

"Taqiya (Arabic: تقیة taqiyyah, literally "prudence, fear")[1][2] is an Islamic term which refers to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution"

Keyword here is PERSECUTION. If you're not putting a sword to my neck and asking me if I'm a Muslim, then I am not being persecuted. But if you are putting a sword to my neck and telling me that if I admit I'm a Muslim I will be slain, then as per the Quran I have the right to deny my faith and claim I'm of another faith.

Another important thing to remember, Taqqiya is about DENIAL OF FAITH. If someone tells you he's a Muslim, he's not doing Taqqiya you idiots. God, through propaganda and brainwashing, you've completely changed the definition of the word to "justified lying in all circumstances". Why are YOU such dishonest liars like this? Why is your entire islamophobia based on lies and deception of others?

>I only tolerate muslims if they stay in their own land

lol no you don't. Why are you pretending Iraq didn't happen?

It's a peculiar topic. I feel like I should be outraged at people ridiculing or insulting my religion, but I see Christians and Jews tolerating it when it's done to them, and thus I'm of the opinion I shouldn't resort to violence either. Not everybody sees it that way.

It's a shit situation, both sides are stupid, the people provoking, and the people reacting. Why are US soldiers burning a Quran in Afghanistan? For what other purpose than to provoke Muslims? I think if you want to criticize Islam, you do it the right way through well-argumented criticism, not blatant provocation.

Better to see a Muslim humiliated in a debate than some cartoonist purposefully provoking outrage to get a certain reaction.

Is it fun stoning women to death for driving cars? I think it would be.

Islam is much more dangerous than nazism or communism to a civilization. Its unlikely that people we'll just stop believing in the legend of the sand gypsy. Islam in those places has to suffer a humiliating defeat from a historical context.

No it's not.

Islam during it's Golden Age was the most advanced civilization the world had ever seen. Baghdad, heart of the Caliphate, was the scientific and cultural center of the world. It housed the largest libraries in the world including the House of Wisdom, which was also the largest repository of knowledge in the world at that time. Baghdad was open to people of ALL faiths so that they could come and help develop science, philosophy, etc.

This type of Islam is what I wish for, but ever since the Mongols destroy Baghdad, we Muslims have lived in Dark Ages ever since, and we haven't contributed anything to humanity in over 800 years which is pathetic. That's the truth. I see oil as a curse for the Muslim world. If Southeast Asia can succeed, then why can't the Middle East once again? Oil and Israel is ruining everything. Westerners are an enigma for Muslims, we have so much to learn from white people, but we must also be wary of them and their fangs.

i accidentally my whole quran wat do?

Taqiyya, tawriya, kitman, and muruna. It's all the same. You have the practice of religious lies. We know this. We understand that whenever a muslim speaks to a non-muslim, you are lying.

And look at how you try to blame America (and more broadly, the West) for all the problems in the world as a way to deflect criticism of the actual islamic atrocities?

You fool no one, muzzie. You are pathetic.

Oil built modernity, and all its miracles. It is no wonder that a scumsucking slime would hate it. Islam ruined the Middle East. It will never be great because it is full of muslims.

That ended in the 13th century its behind modern times. the course of human history is to improve upon itself. It was created a philosophy that was good enough for its time its a piece of shit compared to secular capitalistic societies. At least Christianity went thru a bazillion reformations to change with the times the koran hasnt changed since it was written in 900 AD which was like 200 years of the sandmans death. Its incapable of changing because that would be heresy which is why its particularly dangerous and idiotic more so than any other religion.

Well, what can I say? When I say things you want to hear, none of it is taqqiya. When I say things you don't want to hear, it's all taqqiya. Congrats, through your own lies and deception, you've created a weapon that only makes what you think is true to be valid.

Ok, I am doing Taqqiya? Then let me say this : All Muslims have a duty to kill all infidels.

Since I was lying, that's false then, wasn't it? Oops, you will never know will you? Fool, and you have the audacity to call the others pathetic.

>And look at how you try to blame America (and more broadly, the West) for all the problems in the world as a way to deflect criticism of the actual islamic atrocities?

When Muslim countries invade the West, drop hundreds of thousands of bombs on them, kill millions of civilians, destabilize entire countries and maintain flow of a certain resources, then you can come to me saying I'm deflecting blame, but until then, you should really learn about what's going on in the world and what has happened in the last 60 years.

>not all Muslims
>not all westerns
I can't even


toppest of keks

Islam during it's Golden Age was the greatest slaver the world had ever seen.
15 million black slaves and more than 2 million white slaves.
Almost all males castrated.

Slavery is an integral part of Islam.
Islam, which literally means 'submission'is an entire opprosive religion structured around the concept of slavery

That's just plain retarded, I don't even need to explain why the shit you're saying is on a whole other degree of retardation.

I agree it's behind modern times, but many Muslims want to advance forward and were always not only stopped by Muslim extremists, but by the West as well.

Think all Muslims want to remain Islamist extremists? Look at Ba'athism, it was supposed to be an Arab nationalistic and secular movement started without the help of anybody. Sure it wanted Arabs to hold Islam as a religion in their lives, but the state was secular and the founder of Ba'athism himself was Christian.

However the Middle East was never free from the claws of the US. Even right after WW2 we saw the overthrow of the democratically-elected neutral Mossadegh of Iran and was replaced with the pro-US dictator Shah. All throughout the Cold War the US waged a war against secular Arab regimes (It helped Saddam topple the previous secular regime) that weren't pro-US while funding and giving support to extremely Islamist Shariah regimes like Saudi Arabia.

Secularism in the Middle East was killed by the US and the West, it should've never happened. The US should've stayed outside and the Saudi regime should've been toppled. Too bad nobody knows this and instead have simplified this very complex situation to "its cuz of islam".

You are a liar with a moral imperative to lie, therefore nothing you say can be believed. I will believe you are not a liar, as islam commands, when you rip pages from a koran. Until then, any time you speak to a Westerner, I will know you are doing so to lie.

But you're right about your question, of course. Cretan paradox notwithstanding, how can we know anything of islam when all the slimes are liars?

Well the answer is actually quite simple. Read their evil holy books. When you read the koran, the sunna, and the hadiths, then you know the truth. Which is that moehommad was a rapist pedophile and a mass murderer. That nothing about islam is peaceful, and warfare, slavery, and conquest are intrinsic to the religion. That we must not suffer the muslim to live.

Beyond that, there's a general way to deal with all known liars. Don't listen to what they say, look at what they do. The muslims show us the truth of islam, for instance on 9/11. The other muslims did not even accept responsibility for their islamic act of terror, but instead condemned those pointing out the evil of islam. That is why muslims to this very day refuse to speak out against islamic violence.

Finally, and most interestingly, though slimes will lie to decent people (by which I mean non-muslims), they will be slightly more honest with one another. So you can read what the slime writes to the other slime. Read Dabiq, Inspire, Ma'alim fi al-Tariq, and so forth. There the muslim flat out TELLS you the truth of islam: unending violence.

>When Muslim countries invade the West
Oh look, you're retarded.

>I can't refute your argument so I'll just call you names.
You argue like a muslim, alright.

False. First of all, during it's time, Christianity was much more pro-slavery than Islam was. Muslims came more into contact with slavery due to proximity of sub-saharan Africa.

In Christianity, there is a CLEAR system describing slavery and how it is to be carried out, in Deuteronomy.

In Islam, is it clearly stated that manumission (freeing of slaves) is one of the greatest deeds (hasaanat) that you can do. Meaning it is one of the good deeds you do to remove sins and go to heaven. The Prophet himself freed over 60 slaves and set an example for all Muslims. The Prophet's wife Aisha freed many more slaves and asked that even more are to be freed. Also, to God, slaves are no different than freed men.

So, for a religion centered around slavery, it sure is weird Islam places such an emphasis on being kind to slaves, on freeing them to pardon sins and that they are equal to free men in front of God.

i dont give a fuck if you dont eat pork you fucking attention whore, it's cheap at the grocery store.

Do you think women should sit separately from men?
Do you think that no matter the punishment (execution for homosexuals, stoning for adultery, dismemberment for theft, death for apostasy), it is justified and should be applied around the world if its from the words of Allah & His Messenger?
Are traps gay?
Do you support ISIL?

what should the punishment for apostasy be.

Thoughts on sharia.

>Christianity was much more pro-slavery than Islam was.


>The prophet (piss be upon him) himself freed over 60 slaves and set an example for all Muslims.
And what of the hundreds of thousands he enslaved? Was that to set an example?

>weird Islam places such an emphasis
Taqiyya. Islam preaches that slavery should be practiced.

Also thoughts on Aisha and sex with a 9/10 year old.

The west ended slavery. The Saudis and the middle east were pressured by the UN and did it in the 60s. Either way most developed countries since the beginning of the 20th century have become atheists. Which is the next step forward to progress humanity forward. Religion is akin to mythology and anyone who follows one in the 21st century is intellectually backwards.

Are you inbred? Are your parents inbred?

Two questions.
1. Will the aversion to dogs let up any time soon in your opinion?
It's sickening that most Muslims treat dogs like there dirty, haram beasts, especially in cases when they're well groomed and maintained by their owners or are part of a local police.
Plus shit like this makes me sick:

2. What's the purpose of Hajj and why go to Mecca for it? Seems kinda dumb to pay worship to a city you've never been to and have no meaningful ties to. I feel the same way about the Vatican w/ Catholics.
Why not do whatever religious ceremonies are attributed to the Hajj in your own countries?

>I will know you are doing so to lie.

You only consider me lying when you hear things you don't like to hear. So why should I care?

>how can we know anything of islam when all the slimes are liars?

You DO know, you just pretend that you don't. Per example, if I say "Muslims want to kill infidels" you rejoice and become happy because it suits your narrative. If I say "Muslims are mostly against ISIS and the likes" then you get mad because it destroys your narrative that all Muslims aren't humans and are evil beings, thus leading you to accuse me of Taqqiya as you see fit.

>Read the holy books

Uh BUDDY, spending 30 minutes on religionofpeacedotcom does NOT equate to reading the Quran.

>Don't listen to what they say, look at what they do. The muslims show us the truth of islam, for instance on 9/11

The West was masturbating over Islamist Jihadist terrorists killing Soviets in Afghanistan. The West was so obsessed with with these terrorists that Reagan personally brought the leader of the terrorists to the White House and congratulated them for being freedom fighters. Westerners used to LOVE Muslim terrorists in the past when they fought against the Soviet Union.

Now this dangerous snake that you have used to hurt others bite back and you think you're blameless? Are you truly both this ignorant and disingenuous? Why bring up 9/11? Dipshit, learn HISTORY since you seem to know nothing about it beyond what you learn on some right-wing websites.


Do you really think of this as insult? Well I don't really mind, brings up memories of DIY slime as a kid :)

>your pic

Why do you compare only the Crusader battles? Why don't you compare ALL of the Christian battles versus the Muslim ones? The Christians attacks are on magnitudes higher than the Muslim ones. Why the fuck are you acting as if Muslim conquered all of Europe (Never happened) when Christians actually conquered all of the Middle East? Can't even play the victim card properly can you?

>moderate muslim
you're still getting removed, kebab


Important: Shia or Sunni?

You literally respond Taqiyya to whatever you don't like to hear. Sorry to tell you this, but you're actually brain-dead and there's nothing I can do about it.

You are correct that the West ended slavery. Despite Islam not being brutal for slaves, it still had slaves in it's system. You bring up Saudi Arabia and other Islamist countries but you forget that these countries were the favorite allies of the US and had the best relationships. The secular Arab countries abolished slavery much earlier than their US allied counterparts.

I applaud you at the very least for being intellectually honest, unlike the other brain-dead nazi poster who keeps screaming "TAQIYYA!". But I'm of the opinion that religion will always persist in futuristic secular societies. You can't stop religion, not even an authoritarian regime like the CCP can.

how tight is a goats butthole?

>why did Muhammerd fuck children?

Muslims can only debate under the context of being against christians, jews, or "other" (pagans worthy of little more than slaughter). The way that they default to criticizing Christianity whenever you attack their even shittier theology always trips me up.

East Asian
East European
White Western European
White American

> pick your skin tone


So, this is typically how a mudslime argues. He assigns to me motives I don't have. For instance, he says I will believe him when he says that mudslimes are murderers. In fact, I consider him to always be a liar, and if he happens to say something that coincides with the truth it is only in service of his lies. It has nothing to do with narratives, or even really with me.

I note he has yet to take responsibility for islamic violence, nor to even say it is wrong.

Oh, and reading koranic verses *is* reading the koran. It's literally the same thing mudslimes do every Friday.

Next he makes some false equivalence arguments in a pathetic attempt to say "America is bad too!" But even if America were bad (it is not), that would never excuse islamic violence.

The next classic mudslime argument he makes is to say that America started islamic violence. This argument is so perverse, considering America is less than 250 years old, but the mudslimes have been mass murderers for 1400 years. America has always stood up against mudslimes since 1790. If he knew history you would know that. But, he doesn't. He just knows apologetics.

Oh, and the image depicts all battles up to the crusades (which were good). It is meant to point out the mudslime false equivalence argument, which is so common as to be normal.

Stop spreading your Taqiyya.

>Moderate Muslim
there's no such thing, stop that meme for fuck sake

People still falling for this meme, kek!