Ask her to pick me up a triple cheeseburger no pickles while she's out

>ask her to pick me up a triple cheeseburger no pickles while she's out
>she comes back and hands me the burger

How are we even meant to discipline woman in the 21st century

>doesn't like pickles on his burger
Clearly you're either a child or a homosexual, and as such you're not meant to discipline women at all.



threads over already, fpbp

australians are subhuman confirmed


I'm skeptical. What is the connection between masculinity and salty cucumbers?


OP absolutely BTFO, it's a confirmed scientific fact that if you don't like pickles on your burger then you're a gay FAGGOT.

Yeah, how the fuck can you eat a burger without pickles? Though it also needs cheese, so fuck that stupid bitch. Throw all of her shit out into the street and tell her it's over. She'll bring you back 3 triple cheeseburgers.

Money talks, deprive her of your resources.

Are you guys memeing? Pickles are fucking disgusting on burgs

Because of many factors.

They have too much power/leverage in the legal system. As much as she deserves getting slapped you would very likely get a felony and lose your ass in society. Money, job, kids, jail time etc.

Which is why the only thing I respect about Islam is they sure as fuck keep their women in line. Western women are a prime example of what happeneds when women are ",liberated"

Your girl is confirmed fucking a wog on the side because you're a fatty pink slob eating triple cheese Amerishit food

>>ask her to pick me up a triple cheeseburger no pickles while she's out
>while she's out
lol, sorry anan but I've got some bad news

You have a very weird taste, pickles are awesome. Fuck tomatoes though.

(you're ok)
why would I want to complicate the taste of beef and cheese with all of things a pickle

good one le epic troll guiz

since this thread is already irrelevant as fuck might as well make it a tomato hate thread

>Which is why the only thing I respect about Islam is they sure as fuck keep their women in line

they keep them in line so much their economies are 50% smaller for it

Tell her off in a way that illustrates that it's not a big deal (it isn't) and she'll be more inclined to consider it next time. If you act like a sperg cos of some pickles she'll think you're weak (you are)and won't give a shit about your feelings.

whats the real deal with that, if I get a muslim wife, well, she will live in the house naked obviously for my pleasure, will she give me a blow job by me just unzipping my pants.

>How are we even meant to discipline woman in the 21st century
Sex, you idiot. You're supposed to fuck her until the sensation of your dick not being inside of her is akin to having a missing body part and then grope and cuddle the shit out of her sore body.
You're a fucking basket case who's completely mistaken what his biological drive is telling him to do in that instance. Once you're regularly copulating with a female, you're in the fucking clear and all you have to do to pass on your genes is assert your dominance without being a dick. Jesus fucking Christ! I'd be a fucking feminist too with assholes like you around.

Also, pick the fucking pickles off, you goddamned nonce. Are you fucking 4?


>t. roastie

>likes pickles

You disgust me, end your genetic line now. Or maybe you like putting salty tube shaped things in your mouth for other reasons?

The economy is meant to serve people, not the other way around. Every politician, businessman, artist, and scientist thinks this grand ol' biomass is just here to make numbers go up somewhere. Communists are misguided but they're misguided because of something they get right, which is that man is an animal and society is at its best when he can meet his animal needs and still improve himself. He's a producer, not a consumer, and if he has to produce a little more to maintain his natural happiness, he'll gladly do that.

The system we have now in the west has made the fucking single income family a goddamn luxury model. We've forced women with absolutely no desire to slave away in a factory somewhere to do so because it's "only fair" to the much smaller population of women who'll get to follow their DREEEEAMS~ You've denied animal happiness to the bulk of society and you wonder why shit is degenerating.

This is perhaps the most cringey, effeminate and autistic post I've ever seen on Sup Forums.

>No pickles
I bet you prefer ranch to bleu cheese too, faggot.

It's from a leaf dog training manual...

Well we do have a degenerate reputation with dogs as far as Sup Forums is concerned.



i am having an out of body experience

>eating the pickled jew