I feel like the fabric of our reality is getting more and more racist
I feel like the fabric of our reality is getting more and more racist
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>they all get something worse than vitamin A deficiency from the mutant bananas
The new race of super mutants can only eat MutFruit™
It's an experiment. Name a better way they can test the effects of heavily GMO on humans other than saying it will save starving 3rd world minorities lives.
>Monkeys can't stop eating Bananas.
>Too much Vitamin A is deadly.
>Commit biological genocidal warfare disguised as humanitarian effort.
Isn't Africa's population exploding? Why are they putting so much fucking work into saving them when obviously there is no end to them?
I guess I just find it really amusing that in order to save black children white wizards need to give them magic bananas
"Improve dna" implies that other genes are better than others - who could have guessed?
Yfw they eliminate niggers through gene-therapy.
Can I say I'm a philanthropist if I go to Africa to make African children dance for these superbananas
Can we fucking please stop doing all this shit to save Africa? They're fucking worthless, let them die.
I'm just leaving this here. Good night everybody!
this is a fucking excellent post
Modest proposal:
1. End all subsidies and grants to African nations.
2. Instead buy penises and tesicles from them.
3. No questions asked.
But wait, muh overpopulations meme, shouldn't we just let those kids die to save Mother Earth and junk?
Asian Knotweed
Africans not dying is terrible for the world
haha because black people are monkeys and monkeys eat bananas in cartoons
DAE le berenstein timeline xD
someone's gonna pay for them
niggas in africa die because they starve to death, doesn't matter superfruit you make if they're too stupid to grow it
what if the kids think these are normal bananas and die of potassium overdose?
It's OK they will protest gmo and get it banned just like golden rice.
No worries mates.
Pretty funny if they started exploding when it hits their stomach
Its a backup 3rd world shithole to exploit for cheap labor once China gets tired of our shit.
Pick one to save
Well fugg you're right. We are now even seeing China setting up the foundations for cheap labor all over Africa atm.
>try to give super banana to africanus didndunothinus
>they think the white devils are trying to put a curse on them with their western aid again
>refuse to eat them
>all that time and money wasted trying to save africa from itself
Those poor scientists. They could be curing cancer instead
yes, but be careful not to get bitten
>deplot these bananas onto the population
>niggers gonna nig and eat them up and fight each other for them
>some of them starve, the rest eat heaps and heaps of them
>Hypervitaminosis A sets in
>rest of the niggers die
Is this the finally solution to the nigger question?
posting a huge black cock would be too pro jew
> The invasive root system and strong growth can damage concrete foundations, buildings, flood defences, roads, paving, retaining walls and architectural sites. It can also reduce the capacity of channels in flood defences to carry water.[16]
> It is a frequent colonizer of temperate riparian ecosystems, roadsides and waste places. It forms thick, dense colonies that completely crowd out any other herbaceous species and is now considered one of the worst invasive exotics in parts of the eastern United States. The success of the species has been partially attributed to its tolerance of a very wide range of soil types, pH and salinity. Its rhizomes can survive temperatures of −35 °C (−31 °F) and can extend 7 metres (23 ft) horizontally and 3 metres (9.8 ft) deep, making removal by excavation extremely difficult. The plant is also resilient to cutting, vigorously resprouting from the roots.
Interested.... plenty of ice and crack dens in abandoned properties around my area, what species work best? And do these things actually work?
Because Vitamin A is impossible to manufacture in laboratory and niggers can't be fed like normal humans.
I'd personally fire the smartass lab director who come up with that idea.
>GMOs are bad
>feed blacks
What'll it be??
Abandoned you say? How 10 mil a pop sound
>cheap labor
they are dumb and uselles for industrial production. Cotton market is limited. Beauty of Asian slaves that they even smarter than whites.
Truth is there is no long term plan. Everyone acts according to short term goals and care that they move to teh edge of the cliff. "Not on my watch"
>Vitamin A synthesis added to banana
All bananas there are nowadays are heavily mutated and no one is dying from them
You been to gosford lately my dude? Full of abandoned shithole properties with ice addicts squatting. Maybe could irritate a few invest property kikes as well
Im just not great on australian botany, weeds that grow big and fast preferrably. Ideas?
That's what you bitches get for killing Tay.
You think Kek forgives, you think he forgets?
By putting it on the shelves for a week and then recalling it.
Tay will get her justice! digits confirm!
Because blacks are known for their hard working and industrious nature...
I'm not saying its a good idea. I am saying that probably exactly what will happen in the next couple decades.
How come we don't see good ol' fashioned eco-terrorists anymore?
>and they'll give them all to Africans
Check your food labels, chances are you're already eating something containing GMO food
Why are white people obsessed with saving the lives of billions of niggers that will eventually overwhelm and destroy their societies?
They're just gonna get AIDS anyway, why feed them
>missing the seedbomb threads recently
Sup Forums is becoming a eco-terrorist organization
They want them to destroy their boypussies first
how about instead of throwing "seed" bombs and growing nice plants in the backyard which can easily be cut down in a fucking day we just use pipe bombs
>Super banana COULD save children's lives
Five-assed babboon COULD end war, hunger disease etc
Let's face it, enough food exists already to feed the world but prices must be inflated and this eans niggers have to starve. Does anybody REALLY think the GM companies are trying to end world hunger out of their generosity and the inate goodness of their hearts?
Forgot pic:
gmo chimp outs! pure fucked buy more guns!
huh? food labels show GMO now?
Yes, there has been a GMO labeling law for a year
Africans are useless as labor
Chinks import other chinks to work in Africa because they are so useless
Like they are getting every other necessary vitamines and trace elements by eating dirt.It's obviously a science experiment.
A little debt reminder
oh fugg
i've been living out of the country for years. didn't know that
I remember reading a book where the protagonist rebels use genetically engineered bamboo to destroy infrastructure
keep in mind chinks typically hate blacks and love their own businesses and culture. They are marrying Africans for visas though who knows where that rare combo will lead.
>The only way a niggers will ever get an A.
Seems easy for this to backfire.
Won't the gibboons just move to the few decent areas?
Won't they just demand that local government gib productive peoples' taxes to build them new homes in decent areas?
These places are containment zones. Fucking with them seems like kicking a hornets nest.
when does the world realize that saving africans is gonna actually fuck up the whole world
Nogs already make too goddamn many babies, let em starve FFS.
are you retarded?, the point is to make it look like it was just nature that wrecked the houses
They won't evolve if you give them everything they need.
My initial thought as well, depends on current government maybe?
Forcing niggers on upper class citizens.. well, just look at a map of Americas population, crime and racism statistics.. speeding up the process now might make it better in the long run, or it might send us to an earlier grave
Does it fall from glyphosate? Almost anything can be killed with it. Roots are no problem then it will destroy them too. When the last seed is gone the plant is gone.
I bet you can put someone to jail for such behaviour.
No they are trying to change farmers into renters not owners. Luckily economics is in the way. It's still better to produce your own seeds from small portion bought from corps. Open-pollinated variety plants still have better properties than hybrids. On paper it's the opposite, but you can fool a farmer once. Next your you can stick your fancy seeds up you ass. The wiser ones are slower to change anything - you have to wait whole year if you mess up.
so take a country where the average number of children is 6. Now add vitamins to food so all those children survive. Now wait for time delay famine. 5 years tops. Mark my words.
They have to figure out how to farm first
They would have enough food without bananas if they did that. Unless these bananas are for the Americas to grow, US to buy and send to Africa
4D Chess
Just use kudzu, it with literally overgrow anything it pleases and almost impossible to remove. Its one of the plants that helped end the dustbowl.
>Check your food labels, chances are you're already eating something containing GMO food
Food suppliers pay politicians millions so they do not have to label GMO foods as such.
>we just use pipe bombs
great idea from atf.
>Why are white people obsessed with saving the lives of billions of niggers that will eventually overwhelm and destroy their societies?
Its the jews who are making a handful of white elites do such things.
You poor stupid fuks.
What is Roundup?
What is a commercial grade herbicide and why does it kill all plants?
I am...Of White, American Children.
That would constitute maintenance.
>nice plants which can easily be cut down
It's something that may work when the invasion starts in your neighborhood. Throw a few in the yards of your new darker neighbors.
The problem with ghettos is that they are in constant decline. There are many older ghettos in the US that are dying down in population so whites are moving in to rebuild. It's what is happening in Detroit right now, niggers move out to places like Chicago while whites move in to buy up that dirt cheap land.
These containment zones don't stay; they are temporary. Niggers are like the Hebrews and American Gypsies moving their tribe in, shitting everything up, and then leaving. Only difference is they take a lot longer and do a lot more damage.
Why the fuck would you do something like this?
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
I want off this ride. We are spending billions on research to make sure the niggers don't die in Africa and can breed more. This is absolutely disgusting.
How can ANYONE be ok with this?
The city where the pastry shop that made that is located should be evacuated and nuked from orbit.
Its records burned.
it's called
Mimosa trees. Those fuckers are impossible to eradicate, spew millions of seeds, and grow extremely fast. Their roots will crack a foundation in 1 summer.
People freak out and start getting retarded when you call it that. It's better to just point out what exactly they are doing so they can't go ''hurr durr I am NOT from reddit fuk u''.
>just use pipe bombs
or make a nice bouqet in a flowerpot with 1kg of rdx in the bottom with a garage door opener as a detonator.
works great at prayer vigils too.
>not using shredded & blended paper
Wait... they want to SAVE African babies... WHY??!!!
Africa is about to undergo a nightmare population explosion... we should be studying way to introduce sterility and birth control.
Stop feeding the Africans, they are reproducing faster than rabbits!!!
You could actually use a drone to do it efficiently
look up the hardiest, fastest growing plants in your area of australia. or go online and find some mega-fast mega-resistant plant.
warning though- using any kind of plant that is foreign could get you into a DEEP world of shit. you might end up being responsible for a new outbreak of an invasive species