>get elected with senate and house majority
>"time to get my agenda through!"
>7 months in
>$1.6 billion out of $788 billion allocated for fence and levee repair, but still no start on the wall
>can't even get a budget passed
>"at least I can repeal obamacare!"
>try desperately 4 times
>think I'm finally gonna sign something
>mfw when I wake up in the morning and I have to sign a Russia Sanctions bill and repeal failed again
Get elected with senate and house majority
Other urls found in this thread:
Trumptards get cucked once again.
Holy shit, drumpf is so fucking weak
It's embarrassing
>mfw when I wake up in the morning and I have to sign a Russia Sanctions bill and repeal failed again
literally that pic
Hi shills
>N-n-no guys drumpf is totally strong
>He banned those trannies from the military!
Glad this incompetent fascist is being kept in check. God bless America and our founding fathers! God bless freedom!
That billion for the wall was just in the house budget. No way it makes it through the senate.
>Don't worry guys T-Trump will eventually get something done
>Implying anyone else is weak
After witnessing Trump and his parties utter ineptitude, I cannot wait to see how democrats manage to fuck up midterms, because the one thing you can count on them to do is always somehow be worse than their opposition. What a great two party system we have, no wonder voter turnout is almost always dumpster tier.
I'm a leftcom, the whole point is to do nothing
It's fine to blame other people in the administration for a lack of action, but if Trump can't do anything why even care about him as President? The tweets are funny but as the military said today they don't really do anything besides upset people, and upset people don't magically disappear into thin air like a solved problem.
Party systems just need to die.
holy kek, didnt even realize that. trumpcucks on suicide watch.
>that propaganda twitter picture posted by normie memebookers
so much winning pede
R The Donald cross posters need a prema banning.
Trump is acting like all he has to do to be president is tweet several times a day.
Wow, it's almost like both parties are comprised of neoliberal globalist shills serving the same zionist interests
Who woulda thought
Do you know a single thing about Obamacare or SkinnyRepeal?
I highly doubt it.
Not even Manchin buckled. Schumer kept the entire caucus in line.
oh shit i fuckn love hillary now
Poor Blimpf. Poor Blimpanzees.
This is just like when Neville longbotton from Harry Potter Return of the Sith chapter 11 defeated Ganondorf
It's almost as if you're a brainwashed useful idiot who whines all day but does nothing. Just like Trump.
>obamacare gets to fail for another day
hope the dems have oven mitts on when this potato explodes
Didn't you say the same thing about the travel ban? What happened there?
The more that garbage bill decays, the more the populous warms up to single payer, I'm certainly content with those results. If conservatives were smart, they would swoop in on that issue while it's still hot, while democrats are too chickenshit to really back it.
They'll just blame it all on Republican sabotage and replace it with Medicare For All. I mean, that's been then plan since day one: obamacare was always meant to be a stepping stone, not the end product.
You got played, kiddo.
>"5D chess, a-amirite?"
He hasn't done half of that and the other half are regular duties of the president.
>national debt reduced by 100 billion
He hasn't even passed the spending bill
Is the wall really that lapsed? TUCK FRUMPF
>reduced illegal border crossings 73%
I cant breathe. I cant breathe! BLIMPANZEES! And from an Aussie! This is THE most underrated post I've ever seen
The president isn't the legislature. If you don't like what the legislature does vote differently, hold them accountable. It isn't his job to be able to get things through congress.
Personally I'm fine with things. At no point in the history of this country has a united congress and executive branch been a good thing. It runs into the same flaw as a parliamentary system. It is too efficient, people feel a pressure to get things done. We end up with more regulation, more law, and a bunch of shit we don't need. When one group gets too much power they can push through nearly everything they want.
Muh trillion dollar deficits muh contract with the beoble
wow look at all those empty claims that can easily be refuted with a simple google search. i'm sure they're just alternative facts right?
Why are repubes civil warring again? The party of "i dont give a fuck" is fucking up everything again?
the republicans are just alternatively winning
hahahaha what a load of shit
Fuck that was good
Trump is a dumb fuck and anyone that still supports him (glad Hillary lost) is a dumb racist fucker.
what's funny is you post images like this but I'm sure you call others shills, holy shit
It's not enough. The Republicans don't have enough votes in the Senate to overcome a Democratic filibuster. There's no point in calling 51 seats a majority, you need 60 and they don't have 60.
Imma actually reply to this. Gimme a bit
Shills? You're still stuck in 2016. No one supports this dumb fuck American president anymore
But it's been running for years.
best president ever
after wors ever obama
800 regualtiosn gone
billions invested in usa biz n jobs
we are not tired of it!!
after obama flew country into mountain
> No one supports this dumb fuck American president anymore
except the rich, white, and straight
Learn to speak properly faggot.
So tired of winning
and non white not rich and str8 and gay etc
most people voted trump
+30mil pop vote margin
The real kicker is the fact that all he did was put pressure on Republicans
>"Pass something. ANYTHING! I need a win BADLY! If you don't pass it, I'm going to send my goons to attack you."
And then when he did call out and threaten certain senators on Twitter like Collins all that did was entrench their votes. It also looks like Heller was going to vote against repeal but changed his vote to use because McCain was the deciding vote.
He has no idea how healthcare or legislation works. And it's going to be fun to see him sabotage the current system, and then get the blame for everything going to shit because clearly outside of his drones, everyone else doesn't believe his lies anymore.
Americans aren't white. Only Europeans are white dumb fuck. Can't wait for "white" genocide in america.
>most people voted trump
with enough mental gymnastics to rival olympic gold medalists, sure
>in bizarro world we are 6 months into a hillary presidency and currently awaiting the dispersal of nuclear fallout from russia and china's retort to her warmongering
ACA is his only major stumbling block. Other than that he's the most productive president in the past 50 years.
Also $1.6 Billion is only the down payment on the wall. Read the bill. Even with just that amount of money you can buy an enormous amount of concrete.
shut up kike
quit makign up your fag version of everything
Trump is best ever
kicking ass bringing biz back to usa
if trump ended public school and income tax
and taxed shit outa rental proepties
while ending fed
and ending bank regs and building codes
forcing states to allow interstate medical care competition
and put fast track review board of all judges n lawyers to disbar them if they fuck around and are activsit
changed adveritizing to not be tax write off same as real estate
and lowered gov spending 99%
then I be even happier!!
investigate obama emails server for hillary emails
blcok speak fee from any tax paid institution
block speaking fee for any ex poltiician
make net workth max of a politican 2mil more than when enter office!
adn let 500k men outa jial n off probation for domestic vilenc efuckery
let everyoine outa jailf or smokeing weed
buidl wall and store atomic waste in it
Getting shit done.
BTW OP, once the funding gets approved by the senate, the wall begins in September. Let me tell you that thing is going to go up fast.
>le hacking is an act of war face
here is a breakdown for you down syndromes
republican population of CA NY etc etc
20mil illegal aliens
10mil union bussing
10 mil voter fraud due to lack of id laws
dead people
Get off my board newfag
but i thought mexico was suppose to pay for it
>Also $1.6 Billion is only the down payment on the wall.
So bad hombres are not going to pay for that bigly yuge wall after all?
Reminder that she wanted literal armed military conflict with Russia.
She wanted to enforce a no fly zone in Syria.
Trump's going to buy the cement from a company in Northern Mexico, which will greatly help their economy, then he's going to tariff the hell out of all Mexican products, funneling all the cash into his wall project. American's actually buy a surprisingly large amount of Mexican products. mostly produce. He'll make the dough back quick.
Doesn't mean anyone still supports Trump. It's embarrassing even admitting you voted for him in Texas at this point.
So, my fellow authentic Sup Forumsacks.
What is being slid right now? What are we missing with this huge surge of shills?
Of the 28 new laws signed by Trump, two name Veterans Affairs clinics in honor of people, one adds National Vietnam War Veterans Day to the list of days people and businesses are encouraged to fly American flags, five are related to personnel matters (including the waiver allowing James Mattis to become secretary of defense), and one extends an Obama-era policy allowing veterans in some circumstances to get health care outside of the VA system.
Ships were in position around Syria before the election, Obama was setting things up thinking she would win.
They both invested in companies that would have seen great profit during war time.
Whatever you say CNN
Nice damage control. Those are all important things, and he's accomplished so much more. Stay salty.
It's funny that it's come to this point. I was a hardcore Trump supporter a few months ago.
>stop it goyim, stop pointing out that we are all filthy kikes. MUH BASED MCCAIN MUH BASED JEW PUPPET
Go gas yourself, you fucking kike.
This board is only concerned with the best interests of whites, not Jews, not your fucking stupid partisan politics which is completely jewish.
Name me a single piece of MAJOR legislation he has passed in the first 100 days anime masturbater.
everyone supports trump
democrats a minority of americans
remember obama worst ever
stole both elections with vote fraud on amss scale
obama never had a majority
bill clinton won due to ross perot or would have been crushed by bush sr
clinton win 43% to 43%
with ross getting 18% which would have all went bush and been crushing landslide!
this si with the fake news lying nonstop to push democrat agenda!!
>and he's accomplished so much more
Even Trump doesn't agree with you.
travel ban
keystone pipeline
vertarns admin
need we go on u lousy kike?
rmemeber health care took 50 years ebfore obama and dems fucked everyone
trump guna fix in 5 months?
u fukin jew!!
So you're a fascist? A National socialist? Because Trump supporter is code for reactionary.
No, because you're a little kike shill. Love lying to whitey, just like you lied about the 6 millions death of the "holohoax"
t. cucked trumptard
... well
he's not wrong :^/
Fuck American whites. Fuck Islam. Save Europe. That's what I'm about. Fuck out of here Canada irrelevant fucker
It's pretty sad. They stand out like sore thumbs.
>travel ban
still making its way through courts, not what Trump wanted originally
>keystone pipeline
Oh wow, 35 jobs.
>vertarns admin
He hasn't done shit.
Trump is a failure.
Why didn't you mention Kate's Law? Which is a Major policy victory for conservatives.
Did you hear that they passed Kate's Law?
lol if you thought obama was an accelerationist
The optimal government is one where the legislature passes many laws and the executive vetos most of them.
>ate a doughnut and did what was expected of him; honeymoon grace period for muh pillow conspiracies; are never controversial hearings at all
>pissed off farmers
>eliminated fruit-picking war on plants-ers regulations like the following: memes and bad golfin accountin
>helped opened [sic] the offshorin of ford and carrier to wall people and Jhynamen
>oil pipelines are all dead now and everywhere and US Dollar is tankin; nice saudi arms deal
>sellin anythin to toilet scrubbers
>pulled out of macron's boipucci
>forgot to sign 13 papers in front of pence's wife
>sounds like a bernie bash with muh post office
>signed a bunch of lies into being "campaign promises"
>repealed sanity
>I thought he passed 28 laws now it's 40
>the president wins by-elections
>ending obama deportin people so spend 100 trillion over 25 years makin an east west solar wall you still cant budget
>hasn't done diddly dick; expanded H1Bs he loved to use at his failin businesses
>Ice ice baby im orange
>where was news on kate i heard nothin
>no biblical codes for sanctuary cities; is an upside down star party on their logo
>muh durka durka
>no it isn't
>ban bds; seizure without charge
>bans only certain ones
>blackwater michigan still blackwaterin last i heard
>no news on VA
>the present shitstorm he's bein forced to backpeddle on like the lyin cuckold degenerate hypocrite he is
>muh fraternal orders reeee
>was goin to shut it hasnt done shit
>such as?
>what the fuck is that? West indes intermediate corn husk market?
>bubbles n sheit; bay rock; fuckin corrupt overcompensatin gong show everywhere
>buzzwords; and the word worked, trump doesnt work
>budget out today; you hear anythin on taxes? No
>signed for NATO
>starvin old white woman cancer ppl and failin at any health motions 4,000 times with 3 supermajorities
>you said this already; also Obama
>some; blue ones; and obama
>elected durin Christmas
>I'm runnin out of space; muh assad psy ops
>executive order, needed Conservative supreme court to save it, still getting shot down because you didn't listen to their orders.
>Makes us Canada's bitch since it's there oil and then it's shipped out of country.
Learn to be less jewey superjew
Fuck off virgin faggot
And killed net neutrality
No one even talks about this win for immigration policy
>tldr: Networks Dedicate 28X More Coverage to Trump Tweet than Kate’s Law Passing House
How does he do it? The guy is a machine!
Thanks dude. Gnite boys all the best