How to make sure your daughter doesn't end up to be a coalburning liberal, Sup Forums?
How to make sure your daughter doesn't end up to be a coalburning liberal, Sup Forums?
Implying any of us have or will ever have children
You cant be a progressive agenda pushing liberal father.
Dont be an absent father.
Disappointing leaf once again.
by raising her with good values and making sure she frequent a good school. oh and if youre overly spergy about it she will probably end up doing the opposite of what you wanted so be chill
not letting her date until you find her a husband
Make sure you never let her discover you having gay sex. (Ah, she knows you're a huge fag already...)
>Sup Forumsacks call everyone they don't like pedophiles
>meanwhile they fantasize about having daughters
really makes you think
Show her video footage of chimpings
>wanting a daughter means youre a pedophile
youre spending way too much time on Sup Forums my dude
Hes fascist hes bound to sperg
abort her
>making sure she frequent a good school
i thought america was busing blacks to the "good schools" so no one was safe
im not expecting a school to do anything good. its more about ''which school will damage my kid the least'' rather than ''which school will make my kid improve as a human being''
Don't leave her mother.
What's the problem? Just honor kill her if she does end up one.
Beatings. If you don't beat her at least once a week, you can bet your ass she's going to think you're pussy she can walk all over whenever she wants
That's just how women are, take good notes everyone
Iron her breasts and remove her clitoris.
And even possibly >Implying she doesn't turn out dumb, ugly, fat, or zero-self-esteem
There are private schools that charge tuition.
You be a firm consistent role model. Teach her respect for her family, herself and the family name. Keep her close, but give her some freedom at the same time.
Intentionally let her fuck up when she's small, like ride her bike on the road or and be there to show her that her getting hurt was the consequence of not listening to you. She will learn a greater lesson.
Don't be too involved though, at least not from her perspective. Keep a close eye on what's going on in her life, that's a given, but don't make her feel smothered otherwise she will rebel.
Remember one of two things happen when girls look for partners; if dad was great they'll find a guy who mirrors him. Or if the father was weak, controlling, or a loser the girl will find someone who has all the attributes they didnt get from their dad.