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nothing unusual, a lazy black person forgot to update his bio.

Obama named his website after himself? Jesus Christ, what an egomaniac.

I believe former US Presidents retain the title

fpbp. we're done. this is now a redpill thread since lefties will flock to that fucker's face.

He should still be referred to as President. Not President of Untied States, but to show gratitude you should refer to him as President. The same is done with previous Presidents.

>mfw Obungo shares the same birth month as me

didn't he used to be @POTUS?

>Dad, husband, President, citizen

That's correct. Usually we refer to them as ex-Presidents, but it's the same as being a U.S. Marine, once a president, always a president.

We don't refer to President John Adams as Ex-President John Adams, for instance.

You morons, it's the citizen part of the bio. He's not human either, after all the rituals he did, I wouldn't be surprised if he was half-demon, the same as Hillary is.


Yeah but now Trump is

he was a father before he was a husband?

or he prioritises being a father more.

Egomaniac? Have you seen who's president?

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

I wonder if Pajama Boy still manages Obama's twitter account


they still can be referred to as "President"
ya know nothing frog posting keyboard warrior Trumptard cretin :)

damn french nigger knows whats up, ever been to this channel?

>Egomaniac? Have you seen who's president?
user. leave the silling at the door or you have to leave. have you not noticed how often Obama said "I" in his speeches? And I'm not referring to the verbal tick/stutter, just by volume per speech.

>still calling himself president
deep state confirmed