HuffPost Pro-Paedophile?

>I am privileged enough to know Dr James Cantor, psychologist, clinician and sex researcher, located in Toronto, Canada. He is the leading global person doing research into paedophilia.

>I have grown to understand a little of what paedophilia is about. I ask you to hold back judgment, consider compassion... and hope you will keep reading this so you can learn with me. Let's get our terms sorted out to obviate confusion, stigma and hopefully, this will lead to better means of protecting children from unwanted harmful sexual contact by adults.


>Paedophilia is a "pattern of erotic attraction that typically begins to manifest in puberty and is stable over life", says Cantor. The DSM-5 states that these individuals have a paedophilic sexual orientation but not a paedophilic disorder.

>Child Molesters

>Child molestation is a crime involving a range of indecent or sexual activities between an adult and a child, usually under the age of 14. They do not necessarily imply that the perpetrator bears a particular psychological makeup or motive. For example, not all incidents of child molestation are perpetrated by paedophiles; sometimes the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children. Thus, not all child molestation is perpetrated by paedophiles, and not all paedophiles actually commit child molestation.

>So you get the differences, right? Paedophilia is a sexual orientation, the paedophilic disorder is a mental disorder as these people cannot control their urges to act out and child molesters are people who opportunistically sexually prey on vulnerable children and are not likely to be paedophiles. Let's look at some myths and facts about paedophilia: I have taken these from the documentary made on James Cantor and his work. I urge you to view the whole movie.

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archive bot plox..

They have a point, it is different. Like being a black person and stealing, or being a black person and raping or being a black person and selling drugs.

lazy ass nigger

Pedos belong in a gas chamber,not in a research paper.Also,sage

Cantor is a Jew from Toronto who is also a homosexual which just means he's a pedophile himself

We need to force them into the shadows like we used to do with all sexual deviancy. Allowing them to be open about their fetishes is how we got tranny bathrooms and gay marriage. Sexual deviancy is shameful, and MUST be shamed lest the stigma wear off. We habe too many examples of what happens when we don't enforce cultural norms involving sex.

Miscegenation, promiscuity, homosexuality, transgenderism, paraphilias like furries, BDSM, etc are now open and even celebrated. Pedophilia is next unless we turn back the clock.

I have nothing but just hate for faggots now. Before I thought we could just let them be but it is clear that they will go after our children.

We need to fucking kill these people.

>molesters are people who opportunistically sexually prey on vulnerable children and are not likely to be paedophiles.

Piss off heebs.


My Jewdar is going off HARD right now

> be be


The transgendered thing opened the door.

>If a six year old has the cognitive reasoning skills to determine they were born the wrong gender, then feasibly they can also can consent to sex.

The left basically shot itself in the foot.

The person who abused me (before the age of three leaving lasting physical damage) also abused animals, set fires and went on to rape hookers. They'd probably rape Dr. Cantor if Cantor was passed out in front of them. What do you call that sort of person? Kills kittens, rapes hookers, rapes family members...?

if you push it to the shadows then you'll still have children being abused. it needs to be studied and cured.


with a bullet

Why waste time on a study?

If Subject A likes to fuck children then Subject A is a mentally ill animal and should be executed.

You goita be fucking kidding me?
Some of you fuckers are geniuses, you said this would happen


There's been like 5 articles before this, it's already too late.

Non-Pedo Privilege

we can get the public to hate pedos, liberal journalists and the entire fake concept of privilege

check your Pedo Privilege

is any child safe or no

It's a Satantic addiction caused through ritualistic abuse often within families, and through epigentics. We get it. Now if you touch that child you forfeit your life. Get that?

desu why does pol fall for the pedophile Jew? My grandfathers raped 9 year old German girls in Berlin, desu pretty based of them.

There was a time I thought that no matter a person's political views or religious views/lack thereof, anyone raised in the west, and who would be considered functionally sane, could all agree on one simple truth: fucking children is disgusting and criminal. Now I'm lost.
At least people in prison know how to handle these folks.

Leftists are pro-pedophila when it suits them (supporting the "prophet" of Islam, or supporting the fag agenda) and anti-pedophila when it suits them (attacking right wing people like Milo, etc) This is what happens when people have no morals

This is why I hate the law. I would murder anyone who touched a child. Straight up, but noooo we don't live in an individualistic anarchy. So we let them off if they can pay our corrupt system enough or worse make them our leaders. Ugh.

Why not just chemically castrate them? They can still work but if their junk doesn't work and they have massive reductions to their hormones then they are at no risk of hurting the kids. Do this until they develop a drug that sets them on the straight and narrow. However, touch a kid and get put in prison with bubba and see how long you last, fucker.


Sorry for producing so many jews


I could settle for castration as long as their toes and fingers got cut off as a sign, and to inhibit. You touch a child you lose your digits, and get put into labor away from kids.

Toes are a no go, they could just wear shoes. Fingers could be explained as accidents with the lawnmower or some shit. Why not a tattoo on the neck or forehead? A brand?

Or an eye tattoo?

>people who opportunistically sexually prey on vulnerable children and are not likely to be paedophiles.

In other news, men who sleep with other men are not likely to be homosexuals.

Homesexuals are only attracted to men but they never attempt to have sex with one.

DOJ is now just pedophiles in key positions anyways, and so they would know justice. Hopefully Trump drains the sewer, and sets us on a better path where we don't have to be confronted with such scenarios because fucking hell. Up is down and down is up.

>I am privileged enough to know Dr James Cantor, psychologist, clinician and sex researcher, located in Toronto, Canada.
>located in Toronto, Canada
fucking Canadians

>Implying Trump hasn't diddled his daughters

Just learned today about

the attraction to 15-19 year olds and not younger

Traps aren't gay and children aren't pedo now...
What's next degenerates?

The main purpose of digit loss is where they don't fondle, and freaky people can fondle with anything. Even their stubs maybe. The hands also had the secondary function of being a symbol like a hand being chopped off to show a thief. We need to change the law is what we really need. Uncorrupt the courts, and bring in actual punishment not this pay as you go crap. Prosecution only care about wins regardless of innocence, judges have god complexes, and courts are just revenue grantors for counties.

Tiles are sexy?

wtf all the conspiracy theories are real and they legit push pedos now after homos and trannies..



He is a creep, but you get my point. Right now he is a monkey wrench pretending to be nerfed.

These fucking degenerates. Now they are trying to legitimize god damn child molesters. Fuck this slippery slope shit.

The only thing we should be studying, is how to better protect our children from these fuck faces.

I agree that we need to reform the system but it's been proven time and again harsher punishments don't deter crime and may in fact increase it.

>For decades, murder has been more common in states
capital punish-
ment than in those where it is not used. Data from 1973 to 1984 show that
murder rates in the states without the death penalty were consistently lower
and averaged only 63% of the corresponding rates in the states retaining it.

Fun fact: Ephebophilia was invented by a gay pedo Jew, too. Magnus Hirschfeld, you know him. Also responsible for the first transgender surgeries, etc.

You're just a degenerate who wants an excuse to hurt people. Those who talk about their violent fantasies against child molesters don't actually care about the victims of child molesters. Rarely do they ever actually consider how we should care for a victim of abuse, instead all they do is fantasize about elaborate punishments the criminals should face.

Wtf is wrong with you retards.


You have an interesting point, I have certainly seen this in myself at times.


If you're a pedo, well too bad. It's gonna be shit for you. As long as you don't act on it it should be fine tho. But if it gets normalized not acting on it will get more and more difficult and soon you'll have PPPs (Pedo Pride Parades) like the hideous gay parades we have now (also a lot of fags are pedos alredy).

Social stigmas are necessary for a reason. Now I'm not saying we go full Brazil on them but surely not pander to them or teaching kids it's OK to be deviant and twisted.

This is exactly what they accused Milo of, except they're actually doing it. Scum bag fucks.

None, but a lot of fuckers seem to think it has happened and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if he had. Trump did let his daughter marry a kike after all, so he has a few screws loose already.

Why not do both? I don't think it's mutually exclusive to go for one goal over the other.

I disagree. Studying pedophiles is important and perhaps a cure could be made for it. However, we should absolutely not fucking encourage pedophile acceptance. At least LGB people are attracted to consenting adults. Pedos are attracted to vulnerable children, which is fucking gross. But, gross things do need to be studied. It actually is true that the majority of pedophiles never act on their impulses, but most people who do diddle kids are pedophiles. Sometimes they're not, but they usually are.

May as well never let family members watch your kids either because they are the number one culprit of child molestation.

>I am privileged enough to

Stopped reading right there. Should have stopped at Huffpost in the title in hindsight.

The only saving grace is even the biggest SJWs on tumblr absolutely fucking DESPISE pedophilia, so we can have them as useful idiot allies. (Like to the point there's many who would call a 16 year old dating an 18 year old pedophilia, or at least "gross and creepy".)

Fuck off and die, pedo. You're not getting any sympathy from me. I was raped by my pedophile father.

Ephebophilia isn't a real thing. It's called being normal. While pedophiles deserve nothing short of death, it's a huge mistake to mix pedophilia in with sexual attraction to teenage girls in their sexual prime. That shit was invented by feminists because they resent the fact that teenage girls wield more power than 30 year old stronk independent career womyn. Instead of trying to compete, they just branded all attraction to girls under 18 as pedophilia.

What will deter the crime is the labor away from kids. Out of sight out of mind.

1. Death is fine with me.
2. Castration will lower hormone count, and finger loss will lower chances if their mind decided to do it anyways.
3. Hard labor in an area with zero kids ever to guarantee change in behavior due to controlling the environment (studies have shown that removal from an environment is the best way to control impulse like don't hang out at a bar if you are an alchy and don't go to hard parties if you are an addict, etc.).

Certain crimes need stronger punishment regardless, and this is one of them. Don't touch the young, and I'm talking about actual kids not transitioning adults.

Your post recognizes why this won't work - even as eunuchs some of this sick fucks are going to keep touching kids.

You just set up an adequate burden of proof and kill them. There's nothing humane or liberal about having a society and then exposing it to a bunch of sick fucks because you don't have the stones to end them.

Pleasure and Punishment should never mix, that is not justice. To reduce child rape you must institute the most effective policies that prevent it from happening. The severity of the punishment has diminishing returns. Make them too severe and the child rape turns into murder. Japan has the best system by allowing pedos to dive into their fantasy worlds that have no impact on the real world, while at the same time make sure that hurting any real children results in a very long jail sentence.

With those two key points, pedos will prefer to live a life of fantasy, socially isolated, rather than as a criminal serving a decades long sentence.

Hey, I never said we keep these fucks in public. Pedo-only work prisons could work for them. I just don't see why we should throw away good labor.
What? Sucks to be you but I'm no fucking pedo. Was just making a goddamn statement

Seriously it's like you talk about this gross shit and peoples brains just shut down as bad as any fucking libtard SJW cunt.

Think what you want, asshole. It's late, and I had a strong reaction on the internet.

If hearing about someone hurting a child doesn't boil your blood then I don't know what else to say. Operant conditioning for freaks.

This shit does boil my blood, I'm just able to step back and go "how can we punish them and still make use of them with knowledge that killing them will only exacerbate the issue for another child?" Best response? Labor camps, chemical castration, long-term studies and an eventual cure. Like said, people on both sides of the political spectrum agree this is disgusting (for different reasons) and we can both feed into those fears, get them to work with us to punish these assholes and possible even get a cure (like we should have done with the fags).

They're going a lot slower on the normalization than I thought they would.

All you guys end up accomplishing is sending 16 year olds to jail for taking nude selfies and sexting their girlfriend/boyfriend

couldn't agree more, while I never will chase after teen girls I do find them more attractive than say 80% of women I see. I prefer women that are still slim, ei normal weight., I've had yellow fever since I was 14.

How come they never discuss the research into iq and race?

If you had been on Sup Forums for the last few years you would know where the kikes want to take the country

>left wing propaganda
>pro pedophilia
obviously, those cunts love which makes them inherently evil

No, you're just a deranged faggot.
I guarantee you that 99% of western MEN that found themselves in the situation of stumbling across a pedophile in the act of debasing and stripping a child of their innocence, would be automatically filled with such an uncontrollable rage from the deepest regions of their being, that ultraviolence is the only response they'd be able to conjure.
children are, unquestionably, the most vulnerable members of our society, and the mere thought of one being abused is enough to make people sick to their core. It's programmed into us, and for good reason. Being a pedophile is most likely THE worst crime you can commit on this planet. We also know that there is no coming back from it. If you're degenerate enough to molest a child, you will undoubtedly do it again. This isn't about acting like a tough guy. This is normal people's natural response to a situation they know should only end in one conclusion. Pedos should be put to death. They prey on the weak and have the ability to cause so much mental and physical damage to a child that it ruins them for the rest of their lives, and in some cases perpetuates those same actions through that victim onto others later down the line. I'm willing to bet you don't have children. If you did, you'd feel differently.

There's a role in society for carers, mostly for women, and there's a role in society for protectors, mostly for men. Maybe it's time you had that sex change, considering how appalled you are at the natural male response to a person causing great harm to the most vulnerable members of society.

Let us examine the case of serial killers: All the talk of "study" by psychiatrists and physchoanylists is no more than highly-paid voyeurism masking as science, it has failed to stop one single murder.
I will not dwell upon punishments but "study" is a dead end, so other options have be considered - options that focus upon the victims, options that consider the safety of society as a priority, and acdemics will have to find some other mental aberation to fetshize.

How many shrinks turn out to be pedos or outright wierdos after a steady diet of trauma, abuse, and sexual deviancy?

Huffpost = Pizzagate cleanup krew

> The wild parties were hardly a secret. During the mid- to late 1990s, as the Internet bubble was inflating, a wide swath of gay Hollywood flocked to the 12,616-square-foot Encino mansion that 40-something Marc Collins-Rector shared with Chad Shackley, a Michigan man in his mid-20s who had lived with Collins-Rector since dropping out of high school at 16; and Brock Pierce, a teenage actor who had appeared in Disney's The Mighty Ducks movies.

> Anticipating the day that programming would be delivered online, Collins-Rector was an early Internet mogul with money to spend. Having changed his name from Mark Rector to Marc Collins-Rector, he favored Armani suits and drove a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. With his two younger associates, he founded Digital Entertainment Network, and heavyweights from former Warner Bros. co-chairman Terry Semel to former congressman Michael Huffington, as well as Microsoft and Dell, wanted a piece of his company.
> During the April 21 news conference, Egan's sobbing mother called out several FBI officials by name: "I'd like to say to Special Agent Joseph Brine: You came to our house once. You interviewed Mike once. You called me a couple times after. I continued to call you. I continued to write certified, return-receipt letters to you. Everything went silent. What did you do then, Mr. Brine? I'd also like to say to Mr. J. Stephen Tidwell, FBI Los Angeles: Why'd you ignore my certified, return-receipt letters? Mr. David Johnson, FBI, J. Edgar Hoover Building, Washington, D.C.: Why did you ignore my certified, return-receipt letters? And Mr. Robert Mueller III, Director of FBI, J. Edgar Hoover Building, Washington, D.C.: Why did you ignore my certified, return-receipt letters?"

>"This will lead to better means of protecting children from unwanted harmful sexual contact by adults"
Key word here: unwanted
The author is implying that we need to protect children from "unwanted" sexual behaviour and not sexual behaviour as a whole
Is subtle, but the slipery slope keeps getting slipier

>What do you call that sort of person? Kills kittens, rapes hookers, rapes family members...?
A Democrat, apparently.

>What do you call that sort of person? Kills kittens, rapes hookers, rapes family members...?
A nigger

Japan is a shit example seeing how men in Japan as a whole have, besides watching porn, become pretty much asexual creating their insanely low birth-rates and other problems.



Archive or screenshot please

Not that different from yurop actually. Germany passed Japan in having the lowest birthrates in the world about a year ago.

Bump. Everyone needs to see this right now.

I want them to normalise pedo shit.
I want their kids to become trannies at 5.
I want a mosque on every corner.

Only then will they finally realise that they have fucked the world up.

And I will be happily innawoods until the pendulum swings back harder than it has since the 30s

How 'bout "Pedo Island"? Confiscate Epstein's private island and turn it into an open-air labor camp for pedos where they'll be forced to work for a living or starve while still being kept away from civilization. We could charter boat tours so people can go point and laugh at the degenerates while they make sneakers or whatever. It would reduce the need for child labor in the 3rd world as well.

Dalrymple has a thing about communist propaganda: it's not made to convince anyone but to humiliate. Trannies and fags and pedos are put out there because nobody likes them but because the left controls the media they know people can't disagree with them so they're forced to nod their heads and become complicit in evil.