Why are there no good right-wing musicians?
Why are there no good right-wing musicians?
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Same reason there are no good left-wing comedians.
What is "good"?
Name a SINGLE funny right-wing comedian. Oh and before you do, Norm Macdonald is not right-wing and he's not that funny either.
Look into NSBM
Anyone who would ruin a Gibson like that can't be a good musician.
Because right wing people have jobs families and real things to do.
John Swartzwelder
Only new country song I like, Sup Forums will approve
What is Aerosmith?
Do mass murderers like Sam Hyde count?
I have.
It's shit.
Best comedians are apolitical and should be. Leftists however don't have a genuine sense of humor.
1: You just posted a good right-wing musician.
2: A list:
Johnny Ramone was right-wing and believed that Punk was intrinsically right-wing.
Alice Cooper is right-wing.
Prince was right-wing, mostly because he was hyper religious.
Gloria Estefan, being Cuban, was of course super right-wing.
Gene Simmons is right-wing, and might actually be a crypto-fascist.
Metallica Guitar legend Dave Mustane is literally Sup Forums tier to the point of accusing Obama of staging Aurora.
The Beach Boys were literally all Republicans.
Neil Peart, in addition to being the greatest drummer to ever live, is also a fucking Objectivist.
Anglin is pretty hysterical. The problem of course is that you can't be a right-wing comedian in public because comedy is about breaking taboos, and breaking taboos if you're right-wing is social suicide.
Because of this thing called real jobs
because Conservatives get real jobs.
Samil al-Haydi, the man who always has a plan to get away with it
On the same side of the coin though since everything is corrupted by leftism anything that strays from their group think is taboo which is mostly right wing so therefore funny. This is turn makes them unfunny.
Look how far you have to go to argue that right-wingers make good music
>one of the ramones was right-wing
>the guy who left metallica to make his own worse band is right wing
>the beach boys might have voted republican back in the 60s
That's pretty pathetic user.
Are you telling me you'd rather be an office cubeslave than a rockstar?
Real jobs = shit jobs
(((the entertainment industry)))
>Metallica Guitar legend Dave Mustane
Ted Nugent fucking sucks
Dream Machine
The most right wing music of all time.
Taylor Swift, the Aryan Goddess is right-wing.
Mustaine was kicked out of the band for being an alcoholic and went on to form Megadeth - a cheap immitation of Metallica.
This was back in the early 80s. After Lightning and before Master IIRC.
You don't actually believe this meme do you?
>Would you rather take a one in a million chance of success in the music industry or do something that will definitely make you money?
It's just a dumb question. You may as well ask if I'd rather win the lottery than not. And btw I used to be a session musician, you get paid decently but it's not guaranteed work and you can easily make more money doing something else unless you are one of the very best at your instrument.
Why are all the left-wing memes shit?
That isn't "far" at all, you asked for good musicians and I named plenty of them off the top of my head. Gene Simmons is reaching, really dude? Do you even know who Neil Peart is?
Do you even listen to music? Also the Beach Boys weren't a "might" they've always been right wing, openly, they played at RNC events multiple times.
Well she posts on Sup Forums, someone's just got to get her to vist Sup Forums
>load/re-load era Hetfield
what a fucking joke
Also, watch this video on why left-wing musicians are cucked, and basically just good goys for the (((record labels))):
It's not about how much you get paid, it's about doing something that you love for a living.
pic related, Drumpfies BTFO
>Mustaine was kicked out of the band for being an alcoholic and went on to form Megadeth - a cheap immitation of Metallica.
yeah I fucking know, it's just that nobody in the world ever said "Metallica Guitar legend Dave Mustane"
What if I love making money? I can still play in my free time.
Dude EVERY artist has to compromise on their artistic integrity at one point or another in order to make a living.
You can't just do whatever the fuck you want unless you're at the very top of the game.
Salems Lott: youtube.com
Japanese style glam shock rock with Nazi aesthetics and redpilled anti-commie shit.
>didn't watch the video
Leftist """""""musicians"""""" often intentionally cuck themselves to be PC.
You'll burn eternally in hell for this post.
Because any music other then orchestras is degenerate
Morrissey isn't right-wing. He's a vegan FFS. He voted for Brexit and now Sup Forumstards act like he's in Nigel's corner or something.
Do whatever you want. If you think that materialistic crap will make you happy then go ahead. Nobody's gonna stop you from being corporate wageslave. People will encourage you.
Anyone can be vegan lmao not just starving commies
You know who only promotes music that is degenerate to western society.
You know who else was a vegan? HITLER.
>Having a hot wife and being able to buy any guitar you want won't make you happy
t. spastic
Because they don't want to destroy their careers.
I'm watching the video. I've heard this argument before.
How can you say that liberal SJWs are "the establishment" when fucking Donald Trump is president?
You think that Kid Rock and Ted Nugent are the new punk counter culture? GTFO dude.
There are good right wing musicians. You wouldn't hear them on the radio, because it's not in (((their))) interests to sign them on to record labels.
Marty Robbins, as well.
"I used to be into dope, now I'm into racism. It's much heavier, man. Fucking wogs, man. Fucking Saudis taking over London. Bastard wogs. Britain is becoming overcrowded and Enoch will stop it and send them all back. The black wogs and coons and Arabs and fucking Jamaicans and fucking [indecipherable] don't belong here, we don't want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don't want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man. We are a white country. I don't want fucking wogs living next to me with their standards. This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for fuck's sake? We need to vote for Enoch Powell, he's a great man, speaking truth. Vote for Enoch, he's our man, he's on our side, he'll look after us. I want all of you here to vote for Enoch, support him, he's on our side. Enoch for Prime Minister! Throw the wogs out! Keep Britain white!"
- Eric Clapton, 1976
Sure you can be vegan and right wing I guess. Morrissey isn't.
What do you do for a living?
>when fucking Donald Trump is president?
The GOP leaders like McCuck and the Deep State are all against Trump, though; not to mention 90% of (((media))). It's a miracle he won to begin with.
Frank Zappa but he was more of a lolberterian
Mustaine is just a fucking conspiracy retard attention-whore. He literally performed at the 1988 Democratic National Convention and his lyrics are just as left-wing as they are right-wing
>Why are there no good right-wing musicians?
Why does the left have to rely on music and comedy to attract followers?
>Gene Simmons is right-wing, and might actually be a crypto-fascist.
Weird, with him being a jew and all.
Listen to his song Stranglehold you dumb shit
>What do you do for a living?
These days I mostly just buy things and sell them a few years later. Used to try harder than that but can't really be fucked at the moment.
Fuck me that's such a stoner ass song I love it
>Sometimes you wanna get higher
>And sometimes you gotta start low
I know I'll catch merry hell for this, but...
Tell me Elvis Presley is dead.
What's wrong with Load and Reload?
They were good albums. Just because it's not the same thrash metal they made for over a decade doesn't mean it's bad.
But he did win. Republicans run the whole fucking country from top to bottom and you're acting like SJWs are "the establishment".
You'll mostly find them in bars, or in bluegrass festivals, or other venues doing their own form of folk music. Many of these people are very talented, and create very good music. Just because they aren't known across the world doesn't mean they don't exist.
Of course, it's easier for you to branch out and show your conservative roots once you've made your mark in the entertainment industry.
Music that's against establishment is more edgy and superior.
>hardcore punk
>black metal
>gangsta rap
because people who get laid don't remain spitefully obsessed with limiting other peoples sexuality.
Cool. Are you self employed or some sort of commodities trader? I'm trying to escape the rat race myself.
One Varg is worth every Ramshackle Glory, Johnny Hobo and AJJ, OP.
Most of the Republicucks are globalist/deep-state though.
The Trump nationalist wing is a small branch.
Amy Schumer is hard to compete with, you can't blame the right wing for seeming dull in comparison to her superior Jewish humor.
Cream, at least, is excellent psychedelic hard rock. The 70s left him a lobotomized hulk pushing overplay pabulum like "I shot the sheriff", but the 60s stuff holds up. He did pretty well on The Last Waltz as well.
Rather have a real job then no job faggot.
Isn't that the singer from Staind? He's right wing?
Burzum made some good fucking black metal I'll give you that. Varg is undeniably a fucked up individual though.
Living off welfare gibs in France is not very dignified.
You live in a miserable reality
>if you make fun of something you're not funny it's the thing you're making fun of
Butthurt liberal detected. Sorry senpai guess y'all just can't compete.
Morrissey has been pissing off the lefties since the 90s.
Yes, that's Aaron Lewis. If you watch the video, it's pretty much a "fuck you" to the music industry, and him declaring himself a patriot.
It started with buying old sci-fi paperbacks and progressed from there. But obviously I've had normal jobs as well.
Elvis. Elvis supports trump. He hates degeneracy. He lives in Arkansas. He's a preacher. Better at that than he is at singing.
You want a meme, I'm telling you...
hope it helps
It's not about having a job, it's about making money.
Would you rather make money doing something you're passionate about like music or being a corporate wagecuck?
I'm retarded and lack reading comprehension sorry for my retarded reply.
>"real" job
That's cool but I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't consider that a "real job" either.
Yeah I'm still trying to figure out what a real job is.
Can someone explain it to me?
You don't see them admit it, countless times you will see an interview with a musician where the questions is loaded and assumes they hate Trump and they're like 'haha yeah this election was so weird man i don't know what to make of it!' because they can't just say they support the guy who actually got voted in
>Why are there no good right-wing musicians?
Ignoring the obvious bait-framing of the question, the general answer to why there are more left-wing artists than right-wing is the act of creating something new is inherently anarchic, generative, feminine. Right-wing thinking, about order, structure, masculine, refines what already exists.
Life requires both, of course. Unrestrained creation is the jungle, unrestrained order is a parking lot.
Megadeth had amazing music post 2000 though.
> I'm still trying to figure out what a real job is.
>Can someone explain it to me?
Josh homme, but it depends if you count true libertarians as right or only gas the kikes authoritarians.