Why are leftists such goddamn pussies? I need the government to hold my vagina my whole life waaa!! Who will pay for my birth control because I'm a huge whore waaa!! Who will murder my child in the womb for me waaa!!!!
Fuck off dumbass and pay your share in taxes. Stupid racist bitch
Our taxes pay your filthy breeding habits and drug usage.
Omg, I'm genuinely concerned, they're so fragile, it's so sad :(
can i get a Quick rundown?
what are they crying about now
Most autistic post ever. 2/10 for making me reply.
you have to go back
Keep paying them. It's what you and your racist ass parents deserve piece of shit
A speck of dust landed on a black persons forearm, hundreds reported dead from suicide, genital mutilation rampant.
No I think I prefer to see your whole family genocided out of existence.
>tfw this doesn't matter to you at all because you have insurance through your employer
Feels good man.
Lol you lost and are really butthurt about it.
what a fucking monster trump is, who's he to claim people should take responsibility for their own existence? evil barumph
>Imagine a world where my welfare was the responsibility of other people through property seizure
>oh yeah that's this world
>but I gotta worry about it occasionally
>this sucks, fuck everyone!
I'm confused, what's going on?
Feels good knowing I don't have to stay up at midnight to something something whatever.
How exactly did I lose?
Have you seen your country lately,by the way? Lodonistan is looking quite brown these days ol' chap.
You have to go back to africa,boy.
>We're all gonna die if Obamacare gets replaced
>We're all gonna die if the US pulls out of the Paris Agreement
>We're all gonna die if-
Fuck these delusional, fearmongering retards.
females triggering
It's going to get worse for you racist fucks. Keep holding on though lul
>those tweets
>implying they all died before Obamacare existed and it brought them back to life to complain I guess
Stop making the mistake of considering leftists are humans. Just look at them when they shill.
Found the marxists.
It's absolutely hilarious you idiots,with your childlike understanding of economics ,think you can run a country without it collapsing in on itself.
You should try using logic instead of emotion sometime.
they were all 12 when obamacare didnt exist. they do not understand the way things used to be.
everyone who was a productive adult before obamacare was paying much less for better insurance.
Know what's hilarious?
We rule the country while you serfs pay 50% (or more) of your earnings willingly and actually believe it's a good idea because "muh socialism". Where do you think government money comes from,dumb dumb? You poor idiots.
Do you honestly think socialism was created by poor people? Hahahahahahahahahah oh man.
I'm glad I remember the world before Obama.
It wasn't counterfeit and on the brink of despair. Now, it is.
>I love having to pay for something I never wanted and never thought about buying until I was forced into buying it.
Exactly! This isn't even about healthcare [ like they give a shit about people] it's about CONTROL.