From what I get from Christians
>we are proud Christians
>living under liberal law and state
>want to die as crusaders
So you live like a liberal and want to die as a crusader
Why most of the Christians are liberals
Define "liberal".
It got changed into a feely-good hippie machine rather than staying focused on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
I want calvinistic church discipline enforced in the entire state
Any modrenist movement that follow non traditional religion laws you don't even were properly and what happen to beards didn't Jesus and most of the Christians in the past had beards and western constitutions don't follow Christian law the follow liberal law especially when it come to crime punishments
Daily reminder that "feelgood christianity" is not Christianity but a bastardized """version""" mixed with new age faggotry.
I wasn't even born before Vatican II but it just keeps getting gayer and gayer.
Vatican II is more a symptom rather than the cause. The Catholic church, just like any other institution of power has been a target of entryism for decades.
It has also made some very short-term and stupid decisions on subjects such as immigration and audience targeting.
The saddest part about it is that the RCC is going to be an opponent rather than an ally is the struggles to come because it is by essence a pro status quo institution.
First and foremost, the Catholic Church is an institution dedicated to God. It will not tolerate atrocities of any kind in Europe - that to say: there's a big group of "pre-V II" guys to take action.
Note: Francis is not a liberal Pope. Maybe a bit more liberal than Benedict or John Paul, but that's not of importance.
Francis is a CIA operative who helped communists in SA let his clergy die. He's not a nice person.
But, like anything else, when the time comes either the right people will come up or they won't. For instance, it's interesting that the US seems to be routing more pedos than my church is.
Your plan to purify it is??
In a country where third of the population are Catholics
"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." -Jefferson
>most Christians are liberals
Hahahaha you know like 95% of Christians are conservative right? You gotta be trolling, nobody can actually be this stupid
No. In small to medium states.
The entire world except America uses the word liberal in it's correct meaning.
>US Constitution, 1st Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prehibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to the pteition the Government for a regress of grievances.
Most people don't understand the subtleties of that.
Well to avoid confusion let's just use the term "right-wing". The overwhelming majority of Christians (in America) are right-wing
>Francis is a CIA operative who helped communists in SA let his clergy die. He's not a nice person.
Don't do that brother. Mt 12:36:
>I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak...
Other than that, pedos must never see daylight again.
Nominalists aside in every country christians are right wing
statistics prove otherwise
That was the purpose of Christianity: to pussify Europeans and turn them into cucks. (((Jesus Christ))) made sure of that.
Fancis was in Argentina while Tim Kaine was working through the CIA's Colombia Embassy.
I would say that they are defined more by being Authoritarian than Right-wing.
The 1st amendment is not exactly subtle.
Bible canon was established through a Democratic vote, Christianity is inherently liberal by design
My plan ? I didn't say anything about "my plan". I said there are a number of (ultra-) traditionalists that are ready to swarm out and spread the word. Look out for FSSPX and everything and everyone related.
pick one
If Paganism was so great, then how the fuck did they lose to Christcucks? NatSocs never have an answer to that
The subtlety part comes from understanding federal vs. state law.
You would be wrong.
Democracy in it's modern form is directly based on Calvin.
Christians generally are more small state.
Conservative LIBERALS
What kind of bullshit is this?
LIBERAL conservative
The vote might have been democratic, but the reason why it was convened to a vote was authoritarian. Constantine 1 did not want his empire torn apart by a crisis of faith.
besides, it is not liberal by design because in christianity, you are always a subject to god.
>established through democratic vote
Never believe anything cathlarpers post on here
>So you live like a liberal and want to die as a crusader
Wrong. Most liberals are completely the opposite.
I live in the southern United States with the largest percentage of protestant Christians in the country and overwhelmingly we are...
1. anti immigrant
2. anti Gay
3. gun owners (lots of guns)
4. conservative
In my State, you have to swear an oath before God if you want to participate in a court proceeding. I've done it more than once.
Absolute Monarchism is the only way.
I wonder how people who are atheist or do not believe in an abrahamic god would have to behave. Lying about your faith in doing such a swear would not be good.
These days I think most people just do it as a formality.
A few hundred years ago there were stories about how witness testimony would not be accepted in court without a sworn oath. As far as I care, nobody who is there to tell his own truth has anything to fear about swearing an oath.
Christianity is a brainwashing program by the jews to neuter societies and make them docile.
>brainwashing program by the jews
>jews hate Christians and our Lord Jesus Christ more than anything else
pick one
They created Christianity as a tool to control the people they hate
Liberalism isn't just immigration and minorities rights
Yes it is.
I pick both
Except it doesn't work. Well, apart from the utter heretics that are protestants and the zionists among them. But protestants are not Christians. I mean there're highly respectable people among them. They're heretics nontheless
Its not like muslims aren't taking it up the bum
Archived it for you
>Francis is not a liberal Pope
Too right. He isn't any kind of pope. He's a heretic and heretics cannot be popes.
Most Americans who call themselves Christians think that being Christian means only believing in Christ and thinking happy thoughts about the things that hurt you. The notion that God would want any sort of retribution to be carried out against villains, and by HUMANS of all people, would make them gasp and turn their heads away. Justice, to them, seems like something that only happens after death.
Trips of truth.
Economically liberal, socially conservative. Amazing isn't it? So right wing by every standard.
State yes people no this country is extremely religious they are standing to overthrow thier kings if they go in the wrong direction
I live in a city where there's pretty much a church on every other corner. So last Winter I was walking along and I saw a nice big structure you wouldn't see in in just walking along the street in most towns in the US.
Upon a closer look, it was a UU church.
>yeah I'm sure you have so many black people there
How many of these pics do you have? Do you jerk off to this shit?
Because it is filled with marxist garbage. You will find that a lot of these so called ''christians'' (in the west anyway) don't really care about what the bible says or Jesus. All they care about is virtue signaling, feeling morally good about themselves and purposefully misinterpreting bible verses to further their liberal agenda. If you want to see what a real christian nation is like look at Poland.
>using people who objectively do not follow christian teachings as arguments against christian teachings
>not loving thy flamboyant neighbor
Jesus weeps at your poor soul
Christianity have it own view on women gays economy social and political matters modren Christians use liberal view on these matters not Christian
Christianity isn't just believing in Jesus and liberalism isn't just immigration and minorities rights
English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?
This poster is completly right. This is why I don't socialise after Church.
>Hebrews 10:23-25
"Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."
wow thank you I will rethink my behavior in Church!
>Matthew 24:45-46
"“A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them. If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward."
Don't forget to pray daily!