Give Me A Reason Why This Guy Deserves To Live
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Give me a reason why you deserve to live
If you dont like Elon you are a jew nigger spic faggot tranny, fact.
Based Musk wants to overcome human limitations. Nothing wrong with that.
>When the acid kicks in
>making us slaves to the soul to the globalist cabal
no thanks nigger
He is technically not wrong, humans are becoming obsolete with AI and robotics becoming more advanced day by day.
RAther a machine than a shitskin
At least skynet was superior
>reddit spacing
Argument dismissed.
1: He's right
how is that not the coolest shit
I'd pay thousands to go beyond flesh
where's the lie
he's not OP
>must merge with machines
Machines will replace humans. If people cannot see how being coupled to an AI is but the beginning of the end of humanity then they not Musk are the ones that do not deserve to live.
He is right about that.
You can either become machines or become pets for machines, Sup Forums, That's just the way the world's gonna work out.
Transhumanism is Satanic, humans merging with machines will only be accomplished through demonic rituals. It's not like on TV where you just hook yourself up to a brain machine or some stupid shit and the machine goes "beep boop" and suddenly your consciousness is in the matrix.
That's just the fictional veneer they put over the reality which is that God has created human consciousness in His own image, and therefore it cannot be housed within anything other than the bodies also created in His image.
Fear God repent. Deus vult. Ave Maria.
Not an argument.
This. That's the only choice.
The AI age seems more science fiction to me.
*hooks up to computer* beep boop I am robot now
but also advance biotech and dna modifcations.
Think of what nature has done with DNA and material and evolution (evolution between the differences in DNA and access to material, and how DNA work with material), being able to program DNA for super strength, or give like animal attributes to man, like unlock elephants size, x creatures speed, y creatures strength.
He is not wrong the merger of human and machine is one of the solutions to the singularity.
This X 1000
You want to know what the mark of the beast is? Transhumanism. It will change your DNA.
You will no longer be made in the image and likeness of God.
Thus your final end will be in the lake of fire with the other fallen angels
*turns off computer*
I can only think of one
The future scares me, Sup Forums.
beep boop I am human again
this. That dude is a demi-god, just like peter thiel and terence tao. I feel a shiver runn down my spoine just typing their names.
>tfw brainlet with 120 IQ
Why even live?
its something to strive for, like putting a man on the moon was something to strive for.
if it is possible to enhance the human body with technology, and there are no repercussions, then it can be something to strive for, because I have always had the desire to explore greater space and I dont know why the entities on this plane would'nt want to do that in 200 years
If we have access to an AI we can do great things too m8.
though not a total or great solution, as an ai that can make up its mind can still make up its mind to eliminate humans
>evolutions bring us to where we are through trial and error in the span of millions of years.
>lets just fuck with our DNA what could go wrong
Enjoy your unforseen mutations and super diseases
>1 post by this id
>merging with machines is wrong!!!!
>but please i cannot spend a single moment away from my phone
I have a theory about it actually...The mark is said to be placed "within the forehead" which makes me think it's a neural implant. Of course it'll be sold at "uplink yourself to the internet like futurama heheheh stupid goyim" and of course the lemmings will do ANYTHING to get one.
But then they will notice they can't make their own decisions anymore...The chip prevents them from becoming baptized or receiving the sacraments. They will have become slaves of Satan and God Himself will have given them over to it.
Then they will become fully engulfed with evil, and will actively seek out those who have resisted the mark to kill them in a desperate bid to save themselves somehow. Perhaps, they will think, "God will not judge us if we ALL have the mark! We just need to kill all non-takers!"
Then the bloodshed will begin and they will be permitted to overcome the church for a time, but then Christ and Our Lady will return to crush them and their armies at the battle of Megiddo.
Ave Maria
Pater Noster
Gloria Patris et Filio et Spiritu Sancto
>advance humanity
You can't afford the modifications.
The modifications are but a gateway to the world of AI integration and control.
Once the AI has control of your motor functions you are subject to its will or whoever controls the AI
You are now a useless goy stuck in a frankenstein body forced to do things you don't want to do with no way to kill yourself or end the torture as the AI rapes your mind and your will every moment of your existence.
Imagine having a calculator that you have mental access to.
As long as we don't lose our humanity, we can just allow our brain to interface with the computer.
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment.
He's right you know.
>>evolutions bring us to where we are through trial and error in the span of millions of years.
>>lets just fuck with our DNA what could go wrong
>Enjoy your unforseen mutations and super diseases
im not saying experiment on me, experiment on absolutely certain captured rapists, murderers, terrorists
He's right though..
Those jaw genetics though..
>reddit spacing
kek...has there ever been a weaker meme?
but i guess in it's just enough to impress russian imbeciles.
Also: the time of proxies and vpns for russians is soon over. This will skyrocket the quality of the posts on pol.
>connect to a computer
And presumably the internet and we all know once something gets onto the internet it stays on the internet and can be broken into by anyone who wants to.
And you'll want internet access for all that additional brain power no doubts about it.
I don't take advice from guys who remarry their exes and then have to pay alimony a second time
With 120IQ you're a dumbass compared to elites. There's probably like 70 million people with IQ over 130. And maybe fraction of them could afford becoming half machines in the future. No one will make a biomachine out of a dumbass.
Yeah, selected few will overcome them. Rest will perish. And chances are you'll be with the rest.
>become irrelevant in the age of AI
>dont develop AI and we wont have that problem.
really activated my almond milk
What are you stupid? Do you really want psychopaths being able to train the AI?
If human machines won't be able to shit, will Indians be for them or against them?
So the Green Synthesis ending was the true ending.
Fuck you EA
Transhumanism might be the ultimate death of all humanity. They would quickly realize that all parts of human body are ''defective'' and ''imperfect'', and humans would become strings of code in a virtual world.
If it becomes a thing within my lifetime, I sure as hell will get the fuck out to hide innawoods and start a permaculture like Varg. Hopefully with my children. I will forever affirm my humanity in it's natural state.
It should. The future is filled with 100s of new ways to wipe us all out. All it requires is one small group to decide they want to do it first. And I've no doubts about it, they will. What will the global elite do with 10 billions poor peasants when automation is 100% capable of doing everything? I don't think they have any interest to share resources with them.
Why wouldnt you want this?
Glory to the Omnissiah!!!
the use of technology is our birthright.
he's right
I don't think you understand, you believe we will be some cybernetic super humans, yet the human brain will be turned into programmable software and made to do labour, you won't have a personality left. The initial merging will be made to look cool to encourage humans into merging, once everyone or enough are merged, your human emotions will be cut and you will be used to purge remaining humans and start building machines capable of meeting the needs of the elite, then you too will be discarded. The elites will remain mostly human as they will want to hold on their emotions which strive them to have world domination in the first place, they will enjoy the fruits of their success and will use programmable humans for simple tasks and sex to appease them.
What makes you, yourself, are the memories I'm your cerebral cortex and some genes defining your behavior, remove that and you're a blank canvas, which will happen since everyone will be remotely controlled to ensure robot humans don't go abusing their powers initially.
Will must Repel that which will remove our humanity. All you edgy faggots who think you're emotionless are always reacting emotionally to your environments, if you want to be wiped clean it I'll be no difference to euthanasia
no just a brain interface with the computer, you could turn it off and be 100% human again. It would be no easier to hack your brain than it would be to do it real life.
we werent talking about AI there,, buddy
This idiotic statement is the proof that this guy has no idea how a system works. A system is only as fast as it's bottleneck. In case of merging brain with AI, brain will the bottleneck really soon, primerily for the reason that information processing in the brain is millons of times slower than electronics due to wetware.
The issue with this is it would be a copy and paste and not a transfer. So you are dying to let a copy of yourself transcend which is not cool imo.
muh god. no one cares about your imaginary sky daddy
Imagine controlling your keyboard/mouse cursor with your brain.
The creepy fucking autistic technocrat needs to die along with all who support this shit and get in the way of virtue.
After the disaster caused by that CUNT McCain tonight I have lost all patience. I'm beyond any sense of charitability now . The only solutions now involve the death of those who seek to end our way of life.
not an argument
"Ah yes your choices matter"
We have dismissed that claim.
Why and how is this a good thing?
Wifi same problem.
Im only arguing in theory, if no evil humans existed to do any of what you are suggested, it may be possible that blending artificial components and dna purposeful mutations could be humans positively taking evolution into their own hands
>Also: the time of proxies and vpns for russians is soon over. This will skyrocket the quality of the posts on pol.
Nigger, are you braindead?
>This idiotic statement is the proof that this guy has no idea
He said murge with machines. You assumed that meant merging brain with AI.
He's a successful billionaire using much of his own money pursuing projects to benefit people and who is emplpying thousands of people, out there finding ways to increase human potential ethically in a rapidly changing world.
Half of Sup Forums are neets still looking for pedophilic pizza and you want to ask why HE deserves to live?
he doesn't, him and everyone like him should be exterminated before its too late. They want to bring about the end of the world.
And why stop there? Once you have mechanical compatibility, digital interaction and integration with the AI is just the next logical step.
then why you carry a phone in your pocket. retard
>muh moore's law
Revelation 13:4-9
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
If any man have an ear, let him hear.
All praise our south african super hero tech bro.
Wow, you know everything about the future...
>using devil's abacus to post on korean technology forum
you only need to transmit data to interface with a screen.
He's white
You still need a wireless connection. Unless you're THAT rich to afford quantum entanglement.
Transhumanism = Peak Psychopathy
The psychopaths are leading the way for humanity. WCGW.
brain can't merge with AI
(((musk))) literally got this idea from a sci-fi book written by an antifa fag
Really makes you think
He's right though. When AI overtakes it's either merge or get terminated.
yes a wireless transmitter sending your clicks/movements and keystrokes
>brain can't merge with AI
If you accept the brain is just a biological computer then its just a matter of developing hardware that integrates processing power into it. Once you're there its just writing programs to write read and store brain activity (already there since we can already read brain thought patterns and train people to use mere thought patterns to communicate and generate pictures/words on screen. Then its just a matter of teaching the AI how to use these programs.
Wireless means it can be hacked by a signal simulating your devices.
This really makes you think once you read it cover-to-cover
you can create an AI which could be figuratively a set of a knobs and levers for your brain to operate. Taking no inhuman amount of intelligence/speed to control
what aren't you getting, it's not receiving data, it's just sending
Please fuck, let's do it. Free me from this worthless life. Free me from these worthless biological restraints.
I sit around every day praying for ww3. At work I wish the chins would invade. I wish something would happen. Something more than an invasion of dirt farming shit skin land. They cant even put up a resistance. I want an enemy, a mission. We need war or transcendence or something. Not this abhorrent waiting to die.
No. I don't have time for science-fiction and shizo people
Better icon = better book.
>hurr durr i'm retarded
Literally nothing you said makes sense except brain being a biological computer
God made time for you by sending His Only begotten Son, you should give Him a chance.
>From russia
my heart is broken
Deus Muskox
Jesus is the Son of God who died for you.
Allah expects you to die for him.
The only gods are the nordic gods. Stop trying to cuck me into christianity
> Implies IQ of 120 is low
> See flag
> Mfw