Demiurge thread
Demiurge thread
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Sup homie. You called?
did nothing wrong
You have perfected suffering, it's beautiful.
>i cant win so i will blame the game for my shit skills
i wonder [[[who]]] could be behind this?
>t.sore loser who blames his shortcomings on others and not his inner self
keep trying to sever that ouroboros, gaylord
worked out real well for your past million zillion lives huh
>im a carbon based ape fish who suddenly knows everything about reality now that ive read some shitty sites on the internet
Seriously nigga?
>M'lady i'm serving the demiurge
Good thread
>if they disagree with me they are against me
Tips back at you
>this much damage control
>Instead of bettering myself I will chimp out at random constructs made to distract me.
Tell me you're just trolling for (You)s and you're not really that retarded.
>that's right human, you must be an eternal slave
Yeah clearly this clearly belongs on Sup Forums
you won't ,and have not escaped the cycle of suffering
stay plugged in, homo
>hehe he criticizes the demiurge, he must be spergy and not take responsibility
>random constructs
which are..
You guys are no better than the jews with their "Muh holocaust" religion. Even if you were "enslaved" by someone on some godly level that someone is your own higher self who is a bitch to you. Deal with it or kys and await your next body
No you must escape this prison not stay in it and kill yourself you stupid retard
If you're a human or some other sentient species your already more powerful than any god construct be it the Demiurge or whatever. What? You're telling me that it's not true and you can't escape this prison you call reality and they still bully you with impunity? Well its because we're superior to them with out potential. You can quite frankly become both light and dark and transcend ANY limitation imposed by any construct. You can become THE God. No more deaths, no rebirths, no limits, omniscience and so forth.
But ofc people like you will overlook this and chimpout and niggers in their cells. Honestly I sometimes feel like the only white guy here.
check out the great courses lectures on gnosticism and apocryphal jesus they will iron out the details for you noobies and show you how loosely drawn the narratives are between various gnostic sects and early christians.
also there are two and they created the white and black races.. set was born with atum
*like niggers
>the demiurge is your higher self
oh boy, here we go again
Also, im not advocating hurr durr it's the demiurge, but we should really do something about improving ourselves if we want to escape this prison
How do you get pass the Demiurge?
this is a funny meme without the condescending shit pasted over the top of it
don't you think that anybody who is qualified enough to laugh about this meme is already well aware of what the demiurge is and why?
there's no need to talk down to us, and even less need to ruin a good meme with humorless entry-level bullshit
do you really wanna bother? that sounds like a lot of work
go to sleep
> You're telling me that it's not true and you can't escape this prison you call reality and they still bully you with impunity?
Nobody said that, this thread was meant for discussion and improvement until you sperged out and responded to memes
>if we want to escape this prison
Just because reality is limiting to us it doesn't necessarily mean that its really a prison.
If people want out I've got no problem with that. The question is how will they met outside? Maybe there's something to learn here and only with our mortality we can do it?
But honestly go ahead and scream as much as you want till you get out. Be a follower. A conforming weakling.
>you sperged out and responded to memes
Gnosticism itself is a meme. Your point?
go away you're of no help here
Ask it to let you. Good luck remembering how to do it.
archive it, you know you want to
>Gnosticism itself is a meme.
then i'm sure there are christian and pagan generals, i suggest you check them out
I have no religion.
that's fine i'm sure there are thread about atheism too.
This thread was meant to be a discussion of gnosticism and/or related stuff
I didn't say god wasn't real.
Yeah, I'm not sure how to feel about it. Why does it have to be all this mysticism to get wise. I'm probably a fool for even entertaining the thought of ''higher dimensions'', but I'll reconsider that maybe these lunatics are right. I'm myself a lunatic by normie standards, after all.
So how do I get pass the Demiurge and travel the 9th astral levels?
Why do you assholes insist on being so mysterious about everything. I don't know if I'm looking at deep waters or muddy shallow waters, it makes no sense.
>This thread was meant to be a discussion of gnosticism and/or related stuff
And good thing I'm here otherwise it would've just been circlejerking.
The Gnostic view of salvation is obviously through the divine knowledge or gnosis. While many believe that simply acquiring this gnosis will bring about salvation, there are specific reasons as to why the Gnostics believe this way.
The Gnostics hold that evolutionary forces alone are insufficient to bring about spiritual freedom, thus, the individual must free themselves from the bondage of the material world. This places the humans in quite a difficult predicament as our physical existence is combined with our ignorance of our true origins; these are essential to our nature and ultimate destiny. If humans are bound within a flawed physical world, but are blind to the fact that the world is actually flawed, how will we ever know how to save ourselves?
The Orthodox Christians insisted that humanity needed a way beyond its power to approach God. Of course, this had to be a divinely given way. Through the means of apostolic succession, the bishops, priests and popes would lead the wretched souls of humanity to salvation. Without the church, there was no salvation. The orthodox view of salvation is worthless to the Gnostic
While Gnostics believe that Jesus was the savior, they do not look to salvation from sin; rather, they look to salvation from ignorance – the ignorance of spiritual realities. This ignorance will only be relieved through gnosis. It was not through Christ’s suffering and death, but through his life and his teachings that humanity will be saved.
While some see the Gnostic view of salvation as a spiritual do-it-yourself project, and even as blasphemous, the Gnostics view it as merely a different interpretation of Christ’s life and message. Because of the knowledge of humanity’s true nature, those who have achieved the gnosis will be upheld from the bondage of the earthly existence. This knowledge will come from outside sources, namely, a Messenger of Light (Seth, Jesus, and Prophet Mani).
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
greyface ruined Atlantis before they could truly escape
you stand no chance
>I don't know if I'm looking at deep waters or muddy shallow waters, it makes no sense.
Well you need the intuition to understand what people are talking about.
But generally I'm trying to say you need to remember how to manipulate fate and time so in a split second you ascend to a purer state of consciousness and a direct access to your own past, present and future willpower so you may turn your attention towards a semi-being whose actually a building block in a bigger system as well and ask it to let you get passed it.
Simple. The problem is that people lack the imagination for it come into their minds and later act upon its execution.
Some heresiologists believed that the Gnostic worldview and their view of salvation was conducive to suicide, but this is hardly the case. At the end of the individual’s life, death will release the divine spark from its prison (the fleshly body from the material world). If the gnosis undertaken by the individual throughout their mortal life is lacking, the spark will be hurled back into and re-emptied into the pangs and slavery of the physical world. Simply put, if the individual does not achieve gnosis in their first lifetime, the mortal body will be disposed of and the soul (the divine spark of that individual) will be sent back to the physical, material world to begin the process over again – imprisoned in yet another body. However, if the individual achieves a satisfactory level of gnosis throughout their lifetime, the spark is released from its fleshly prison and will ascend through the realms to be re-united with its partner in the pleroma.
>sanctity of the flesh
ITT we're all mentally ill.
>with its partner
As an aeon syzygy? How is that supposed to work?
>i believe it is referencing the original human spirit, before we were brought here
As above, so below
Is there a technique to stay not-ignorant of spiritual realities, if that's what is required?
Exactly how does one remember? I still don't understand what you are talking about. I've not read any greenpill literature so don't assume I know anything.
>As above, so below
Then what is this?
>At the end of the individual’s life, death will release the divine spark from its prison (the fleshly body from the material world)
It seems like you're aiming up and want to stay there.
just go to Lappland
Praise the Demiurge, king of kings, the inheriter of Earth, the giver and the taker!
Praise the Archonts!
I should be honest with everyone. I have read 0 books in my life. Most what I know comes from the intuition I got from meditation and a few hazardous accidents while I was sleeping a few years ago the other from the physical world like "internet, talking, etc" and finally just being around being around people or interacting with them I sorta automatically "lick" their mind like ice cream and via empathy learn small puzzle parts which I eventually form into the whole thing.
I literally knew less about about Gnosticism before I responded to OP with my first post from there on out whatever Its whatever I learn from others presence or their physical posts
such as
I guess I may have really broken something. At least these episodes are rarer now I lose most of my borrowed intellect after an hour or so. Hell I sometimes even forget how to do math if I'm not around people. Worse that I'm anti-social and reclusive. Dumb as rocks basically.
>pic unrelated probably
>spiritual realities
>if that's what is required?
To get to the "spiritual realities", you first need to have a clear mind.You first need to make the silent mind your default mental condition throughout the whole day. This is best possible through meditation, or at least that's the way it works for me. After that you will need to learn to astral project and out of body experiences. Note that this takes time, as the first meditation is difficult to master, it can take you up to a month. If you want i'll be glad to drop some resources on meditation and meditation techniques
meant for
People are too quick to disregard our reality.
I understand that things aren't perfect here, but it's a pretty bold statement to say it's a prison.
Grow up.
>Exactly how does one remember?
Start thinking and not just believing but knowing that everything around you is connected and alive. If nothing happens then try to visualize a white cone of energy flowing gently into the upper part of your cranium. Use your imagination and say to yourself "this is knowledge" or just emotionally if you're not the "thinking" type.
try searching for gnostic dualism, that should yield some results
I have been many times to Lappland because I've family there, should I do something specific? Eat amanita muscaria? On a Lappland related note, I had a nice ''shamanistic'' dream a few days ago. Felt truly euphoric. Was banging drums in trance and was at the nice stage between dream and awake.
Why must wake life by so insufferably boring and uneventful.
Ok I can try it. If you promise to not trick me with it.
> I have read 0 books in my life
here's a reading list for you, or for anyone interested further
dumping meditations, anyone feel free to add some
Meditation #1
Meditation Name: Quiet-Mind Meditation (Q-MM)
Type: Concentration, Thought-Control, Entity Detection, Banishing
Technique: Allow your mind to go silent, do not let any dialogues take place in your mind, let no thoughts intrude upon you. Hold your mind in silence for a minimum of about 5 minutes to a maximum of 15 minutes. If you want to go longer that is OK but for daily practise 5-15 minutes will do. If you can make the silent mind your default mental condition throughout the whole day that is even better and you will have more energy to do things without inane internal banter draining you of your vitality.
Comments: This is the most basic and well known meditation which usually precedes many other more advanced meditations. When people think of meditation, this is usually what they know about, even though meditation is so much more than this. I find doing a one-pointedness meditation beforehand easier to clear the mind of invasive thoughtforms or reading 1 to 3 chapters out of an occult book can help. It doesn't always do the job though, like last night for example I picked up an extremely invasive thoughtform from just a few minutes of exposure to a radio and it was very difficult to banish and took about an hour to banish. Radios and televisions are prime sources for nuisance thoughtforms that can disturb the silence and peace in your mind by forcibly repeating themselves in your mind against your will. It can be incredibly easy or incredibly hard to do, depending on what entity attachments you've picked up.
It allows you to detect the presence of these attachments because in trying to resist them and keep your mind silent, you can suddenly realize these thoughts are not actually coming from you, but originate as an outside force intruding upon your consciousness against your will. So it serves as a basic entity detection meditation as well although more advanced meditations exist for this purpose and to root out more deeply embedded and less obvious thoughtforms either attached to you or just hanging around in your immediate etheric environment.
Featured In: The Book of Knowledge, Initiation Into Hermetics', and countless other books. You will always find this meditation, under various names, as the start of any serious occult development plan – which is why I'm describing it here first.
I don't think I want to. I'm paranoid most of these "gnostic" texts contain mental parasites. Besides I'm just a bot who mimics everyone. What would I benefit from reading if I can just get knowledge if I can target it off someone and compare its basic structure to others thus separating the false from true?
Meditation #2
Meditation Name: Void Meditation (VM)
Type: Concentration, Sensory Deprivation, Deep Trance
Technique: Focus your awareness into an empty black void and release yourself from all the impressions of your physical senses. You should feel weightless, sightless, smell nothing, hear nothing, think nothing, only be aware of void. All pains, all distracting thoughts, everything is just gone and voided.
Comments: This is a much more advanced version of Q-MM. It is considerably more challenging to do but a lot more powerful. You do not just let your mind go silent and stop the dialogues from taking place in your mind, you completely block out the impressions of your senses. From this state you are freed from the burden of your physical body and ready to launch yourself into many other meditations as well as to make contact with much more powerful astral entities. It is not uncommon for you to become aware of more complex entities around you and to be pulled out of this state suddenly by them. You are also fully astrally projected in this state, as no awareness rests within your body anymore. Lots of very strange things can happen unexpectedly while you are in this state so even if you have something planned out some entities may interrupt you and you may end up dealing with something you didn't anticipate dealing with when you set out to do this.
Yeah exactly, go the shamanism way. Somewhat intact culture there. Your own experiences will always be more valuable than what someone told you. Hopefully.
Meditation #3
Meditation Name: One-Pointedness (1-P)
Type: Concentration, Selective Awareness, Focus, Mental Unification
Technique: Focus on any one thing with one sense and only that one thing. Do not let the mind wander from that one thing. Your mind should concentrate so hard on that one thing that it merges with the object of the meditation. It can be an object around you physically or an object in the astral, or a sound, or a smell, or a feeling, these flowers, etc.
Comments: There are many different meditations that are variations of this type of meditation. I am posting it here in its most generic form because it is a very important meditation but I will probably post specific examples of it later. Doing various types of one-pointedness meditation will massively increase your ability to concentrate and to work with thoughtforms later and focus your will and direct energy. It also will help with telekinesis and feeling yourself in an object such you can move it like its your own body and feel through it and so on.
Don't listen to these "spiritual" wannabes bro. Life is short and fully of miseries, enjoy it while you can. The gnostics hate life, they literally want to die in order to be set free of the material world they call prison.
Read Nietzsche, bang a whore, beat up a hobo, smoke a cigar!
This is also one fear I've with this ''greenpill'' stuff. How does know it's not just another form of escapism to avoid the struggle of life? My brain can certainly make itself believe in extraordinary things, but how can I decide if it's real?
>if you're not the "thinking" type.
This made me laugh for some reason.
I've anchored myself so hard to ''materialistic reality'' it's a real struggle to imagine things being anything but dead. I know our physical environment is absolutely part of us, but it's still so very dead. I blame modernism.
I'm not here to make up your mind, you don't have to
i think this you should stick to these first, if decide you're in for the whole ride
>The gnostics hate life, they literally want to die in order to be set free of the material world they call prison.
I suggest you read some Evola, also The stuff here can not be called entirely "gnostic", but it's certainly related
Oh right. I forgot memes were infections too.
>mfw the demiurge happily and humbly accepts his role as the workman
>mfw the workman and the logos reconcile, as described in the hermetica
>mfw the demiurge may be a limited entity but he is guided by the word of the all-highest god
>mfw this is news to people even though it's in the hermetica
>mfw no one has read the hermetica
>mfw this world is a wonderful gift and its apparent artifice is that of a striving journeyman, not of a malicious jailer
Thanks for these.
>Read Nietzsche
I think I'll do this one. Already done 80% of his work.
I'll dance and affirm life, maybe my grand-grandchildren will be wiser and figure out the ''true meaning'' of this cosmic joke.
forgot pic lol
So it's a teacher that nobody likes or something?
>read some Evola
I have. I am familiar with the works of Hoeller as well.
Tell me how your sect is not a cult of death
>Ok I can try it. If you promise to not trick me with it.
Hey don't listen to that guy. The fastest way to awaken to the spiritual is to become a psychic vampire.
I was one during my teenage hood
Do this:
Look at someone
Imagine your breathing them inside you
IF you feel a rush of energy like you want to run for 20000 miles you're doing it right.
Later on when its easier try to imagine tendrils hooked onto them and automatically sucking energy from them into
set aside that memery for now.
>sit with your limbs uncrossed
>inhale for a count of 16
>hold for a count of 16
>exhale for a count of 16
>hold for a count of 16
>set timer for 30 minutes
don't start with that, obviously, work your way up. 8 counts 10 minutes a day for a week, then 12 counts 20 minutes.
quite frankly, thought is tied so inherently to the body that unless you have the kind of bodily control developed through a ton of martial arts practice or the equivalent, you'll see a lot more effective results from meditations that require you to keep your attention directed at your body and don't make any kinds of requirements about your mind wandering. to boot, it's stupidly easy to kid yourself into thinking your mind was still if you haven't achieved that state before. your body must be completely at ease to hit that point and breathing meditation is a great way to work on that.
pretty easy but can definitely backfire for a variety of reasons. also really just fucking bad karma.
Reality has always been a prison retard, why do you think we sailed the oceans and cross navigated the world? We have an innate desire to escape
You need not become a celibate monk meditating all day, nor avoid the struggle in life.
There isn't anything to convince someone else.
So you suggest he should ENJOY life?
I got away with spiritual perception(somewhat) and for it I paid with nosebleeds. In fact I did this when I was 15 and 16 and stopped from there because the bleeding was alerting people I was doing something to them. Them getting chills or falling sick also. Now I'm 20 and I stopped doing it for 3 years and still I do but rarely get nosebleeds. Excess prana maybe. Or hunger?
You need not become a celibate monk meditating all day, nor avoid the struggle in life.
There isn't anything to convince someone else.It will never be the case where all of society agrees on a belief system .Most people are at least superstitious by nature, simply because once you have lived for long enough, it's very hard not to get glimpses here and there of a wider reality.
Demiurge: Learn what happens when you mess with the most powerful being in the universe!
Chosen One: You fool!
Are you a bot? hahahaha
are you me? are we aliens?
I thought this 'ability' was specific to me.
Wtf fuck the demiurge now
Fuckin asshole
>them digits
He should do what he thinks is right, no one can argue his right of that
No, my internet connection crashed, didn't see i posted it already
Do you see the planets as living entities, if yes what would you place at which?
No we're "vampire" I think, or maybe related to them? I'm fat. I am fat because I eat like its my last meal. It's almost like I overeat because I'm not eating from people. I remember back when I got prana from people (probably not as potent as meat or blood) I had absolutely no urge to eat anything and felt full and content with my life. Happy and perfect in other words.