Are Iranians white?
Are Iranians white?
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good night sweet prince
no, but this is
No and neither are you
They are closer to caucasians than africans, so, to a certain degree, yes.
All Iranians are antisemitic. They hate Jews more than I do which is saying a lot because im incredibly racist.
Is this THICC Persians thread?
I would convert to Islami immediately for an ass like this. Like, you can drown in it.
Iranian LITERALLY MEANS : "Aryan"
DOES ANYONE even KNOW this ?
i think OP knows and wants to test n bait the uninformed here...
Ffs mods... wake up
I only like Iranian eyes. Otherwise an ass is an ass.
looks white to me fampai
they were
iran was an amazing prosperous country before, like every good civilization's downfall, it was infected with liberalism and flooded by immigrants and niggers.
no no other way around take the bitch as a war bride muslim whore! Deusvolt!
t. mahmoud
Yes we all know what Iran means.
They're not white, get over it you insecure ape.
Yes but they're not European.
my Iranian friend says he belongs to the caucasoid race. can someone enlighten me on this? Is this to avoid an attachment of the sandnigger aura, even though its the ISLAMIC republic of iran?
Yes, but the Muslim faith gives them -100 white points
take the muslim whore as a war trophy Deusvolt!
Persians/Iranians are not white. But they're Caucasoid.
To the faggots saying yes can you show me on a map where in Europe Iran is?
>A continent determines your genetic makeup
Iranians are also a mixed bag, I've seen plenty of red/blonde haired fair skinned blue/green eyed ones, but also plenty that are darker than some niggers.
I'd paint that ass white