If you had a time machine what would you do ?


fuck anne frank

kill the guy that killed Hitler

make the Holocaust real

Hitler died of old age

go back 65 million years into the past and watch the meteor come down

I bet that was the biggest spectacle the world has ever seen in its entire history

create Sup Forums, tell moot he is a faggot, ban OP.

Make Hitler come back with me and kill all of the people I see unfit to live

He killed himself, so enjoy the paradox.
best post so far.


hide her in my basement until the war was over and then marry her.

seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?

I agree with both of your statements.

I would impregnate that qt, wow absolutely stunning truly white wimyn st there best

Make the commies lose the Russian civil war.

That's easy.

I would use it to steal billions of dollars so i never had to worry about money.

As far as the past is concerned i would just fuck famous women from history, other than that i wouldn't change the past.

The future on the other hand would be pretty cool, i would try and figure out a way to kill off the jews and the blacks like i would go far into the future get some virus that hasn't been discovered in our time and release it in black and jewish communities and once they found a cure for it, i would do it again with a different virus until they were eradicated.

put some money in the bank. travel five years into the future. ask somebody if all the niggers, jews and arabs have been destroyed yet. if yes, stay, if no, travel into the future for five years again.

england to accept hitlers peace offering

if only i could save her in some kind of time machine...

100 AD find every written reference to jesus and change his name to bob

Invest in Rockefeller and Standard Oil, save JFK, and finally invest in Apple.

So we must kill death itself

Go visit ten year old me with a plan to be filthy rich by 20. Never work. Enjoy the world. Help people. Probably create paradox and fuck up my plan.

Transport to 1917 in the trenches kill Corporal Hister and take over the 3rd Reich as Hitler and not invade Russia in winter

Go back and tell Frederick III to lay off the cigarettes so he doesn't die of cancer 2.5 months into his reign.

No WW1, no death of classical Europe and endless white guilt.

Buy some more milk from the store so I wouldn't have had to drink bitter coffee this morning

savescum irl

>If you had a time machine what would you do ?

go back to 1933 and give the national socialists plans for the atom bomb, a detailed list of the process what they need to do, plans for the jet-motors, plans for a modern Leopard tank, give them insight into digital technology, the internet, detailed plans for the most advanced bombers and rockets, and also present t them every single detail about how to avoid all the mistaes they have made during the war. Oh, and tell them where Anne Frank is hiding

Meet the original Baron Trump

Tell her to stop having dirty fantasies about her female friends. That's fucking haram you subversive kike bitch.

I would then sage her shitty repost thread.

Win WW1. Thats where everything went wrong and traditionalism died. Lets have a nice Kaiserreich and an europe of monarchies. No liberalism, no edgy fascism, no communism, no WW2, no cold war. Just Ordnung and colonies for the entire world.

Go to a time period where no humans exist, smash the machine and live innawoods like tarzan.

How did I know that this would be the first post?


Participate in old American traditions and festivities.

And if the asteroid/volcano eruption did actually happen somewhat close to eachother it probably will be the wildest thing that ever will happen in our history

Try to win the war for Hitler

Provide Adolf Hitler with vital military intelligence that would help him win the war.

Kill (((Marx and Engels))) of course

Looks like KEK has spoken.

Check. Bush killed over a million of arabs

Kill myself at 15 so I wouldn't have to live the next 10 years desu

Go to 1000 years in the future.

> create Sup Forums, tell moot he is a faggot, ban ausscunts
fixed it for you

bullshit numbers all around

but without communism, hitler wouldn't of rose to power.

Go back in time to kill Winston Churchill

I would travel back to the 90's with footage of Muslim Arab/African behavior (beheadings) and Feminist/Leftist actions in the West.

They would be so appalled by the animalistic and irrational nature that they would prevent modern day feminism to infest all the institutions.


Force my past self to finish university ;_;

go back to last night and fuck me in the pooper

Slaughter Mohammed in his crib.

>Go back in time
>Turn in anne franck early to the Gestapo
>Collect reward money from the Gestapo
>(((Rub hands)))
>Put money in ((( savings account)))
>Go back to current year
>Collect money with (((intrest)))
>Become rich NEET shitposter

Id tell young felicia day that being an insufferable faggot isnt cool.

>Make sure mohammed never makes it back to mecca
>Make sure we get allied with the central powers
>Stop slavery, not to help niggers but instead so that they would still be in africa
>Assassinate suleiman

(not in any order)

>what would you do
Lindsay lohan in her prime.

Kill abraham

rape myself when i was 4

Fuck a nine month pregnant Anne Frank

What about telling them about soviets warplans ?

Even in her prime, she was disgusting.

Implying it was their plans that earned them victory, not the winter, Jewish subversion, (((America))), (((France))), or (((Britain)))

The most common answer is kill Hitler. Thats what Id do.

Either kill him before war breaks out to stop the eventual pussification of Europe, or help him whatever way I can to ensure he wins.

One thing is certain. Le happy merchants wont be getting an excuse to ruin Europe.

>teleport to Richmond, Virginia in January of 1862

Leave a copy of Anne Frank's diary, history textbooks on the atrocities of the World Wars, the Holocaust, and the Cold War, and laptop preloaded with footage of dystopian 2017 America where the "leader" of resistance to leftist erosion of basic morality is literally a Yankee baboon on the desks of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis. Telling the three of them that only they can stop all of this from occurring but only by doing exactly as I say.

Step one, prevent the capture of New Orleans.
Step two, make sure Albert S. Johnston doesn't die at Shiloh
Step three, send award-winning theater actors to kill Sherman and Grant
Step four, "here's a copy of McClellan's plans for the Peninsula Campaign, make sure that ironclad you're building is there to greet them on the banks of the James."

Fuck eve while adam watches.


> implying you can win a war and battles without plans

Are you retarded on purpose ?

I would flip Chris Farley onto him side and watch over him through the night. Then we would go to Shoney's for the breakfast buffet.

The best time to go back to would probably be in late 1939 after the invasion of poland as then the inevitable war has kicked off already.

The most important things to inform the Germans of are the treachery of Canaris and possibly Bormann, then stress on the importance of up gunning the tank force in advance and even greater need of logistics and supplies in preparation for the soviet campaign and starting it earlier if possible and revising the 3 army group approach to specifically target moscov and to actually take over leningrad instead of just waiting it out.

There is much i've forgotten and omitted from the above list but i have pondered on this intensely as for a time it seemed like the only way to save the west is unironically time travel, still might be.

I just don't think there were many specific details of the eastern communist plans, the foresight of which would have changed the outcome of the war. Germany had a suspicion Russia would break their agreement and mobilize for an attack against all of Europe, and they were proved right. The winter slowed Germany and prevented her from pressing the advantage when it mattered the most, and the Communists had been preparing earlier than Hitler expected. However, even with that knowledge, the western front demanded their attention and resources up until that point anyway. Could they really have outmaneuvered everyone? Just how close was it? (not sarcastic). My next area of study I wish to indulge in is the history of Russia from mid 19th century right up until present day.

did the nazis have 1-800 numbers?

I seriously think that that war could have been won by doing any number of things differently even by attacking just a few weeks earlier and fucking up another few hundred thousand soviets and pushing in a bit further. Doing that would have meant that the winter would not have been so harsh and the offense easier the next summer.

Tell hitler to gas the jews in his camps.

I like you Hans
Not all of you are beyond cucked

Based southern poster

Time Rape

tell the white faraoh to exterminate all the slaves before they flee.


Make sure all colonies follow the practice of replacing the natives rather than living amongst them.

>kills: 17 million
lol wut

A toss up between:
>go back 2000 years and wait around to see if Jesus was real
>Kill Muhammad before he conquers the Middle East and North Africa and rape all his wives(yes that includes the 9 yo).

Tell the gestapo that they forgot to clean up a shitty diary