Germany is fucked beyond repair

Mama Merkel is leading with 40% again. Highest number in polls since the refugee crisis started 2015

Germans are fucking retarded. The AfD is the last hope and gets only 7-9%!

I'm done with this country

Sup Forums memes aside Germany has one of the strongest pound for pound economies in the world and as American international leadership crumbles, Germany and China will step up to the role American once occupied.

I really I wish I was German you have a great economy and lots of jobs for young people. Your country is the centre of the EU and a very powerful country.

>SPD at 23%

Pic one, retard

CDU/CSU and FDP are the only based parties out of the whole bunch

>inb4 AfD, that is a chaos party which will vanish within months

Move to Hungary or the Czech republic.

How rigged are Goymanys elections? There's only 2 options; rigged or the Goyman population is cucked and neutered beyond repair.

>cucked and neutered beyond repair.
this one

Some races can't avoid their fate. The cycle has repeated more times than you can even fathom. The Germans pick an ideology, claim it to be the very best and then destroy Europe.

>Germans are fucking retarded.

what makes you think germans are electing her?

germany isn't full of germans anymore bro

>germany isn't full of germans anymore bro
fuck off 50%.

Germany has about 90% natives, only about 10% non whites, you fucker should keep your moth closed about that topic.

AfD would win if they promised to nuke Germany

giv mutti leader to us also

Don't give up. Keep fighting.


>implying Hitler did anything wrong

> and as American international leadership crumbles

This is not occurring, and will not occur. The claims that Trump is negatively impacting foreign relations are manifestly false--the actual result of his presidency has been posturing and virtue-signalling signifying no actual change in foreign policy.

Additionally Germany's economy is effectively built off of price manipulation and the current trajectory of its demographics do not bode well at all for the economy. Let us be realistic now: The Euro is competitive because it simultaneously is tied to Germany and, say, Spain and Greece. This is not sustainable. Additionally in fifteen years Germany will probably have the single highest ratio of retirees and welfare recipients to working men in the first world. While the European South continues to crumble fiscally, Germany itself is on a race to a population hourglass of epic proportions.

What is the exit strategy for this? If the plan was to take huge numbers of Syrians and Eritreans and transmute them into hard working German engineers, the German people are in for a terrible disappointment when they realize that these people are not mentally fit even by the lofty standards of the third world.

In terms of foreign policy and international leadership, Germany is almost the textbook definition of a regional power with no greater influence. If the United States decays as a geopolitical juggernaut (it won't) the probable outcome will be the rise of Russia instead, not Germany.

If you look at younger generations it's far worse.

The AfD has by far the best programm. All other parties suck in comparison

That is certainly true.

Fuhrer merkel user not mama merkel.
The truest redpill a German can take is that Germany and the eu is the 4th reich, modeled on nazism. Their social propaganda points appear to be in direct opposite of nazism but their economic points are the same. It is in essences a fascist regime that has opted for expansion before implementing death squads for their undesireables, and the current undesirables are clearly white men. White men are the jews of the 21st century and if your a german white man you exemplify the worst of society.

Modern germany has implemented the same banking tactics the nazis implemented during the 1930s, the german economy is being propped up by the fact that they have obliterated any competition from their European neighbours. It's easy to see this as the case in Britain where since the common market was implemented in 1973 german banks bought out british industry. The bongs no longer have manufacturing yet the Germans do. People will argue the bongs dont manufacture because it's not economically viable for a first world country to do so. This is false. Germany is a first world country and is still manufacturing, they are still manufacturing because they bought out their competition under socialist Germanic policies. This is essentially what killed Greece and as the 4th reich slowly consolidates power across Europe it will come to a point where it will be impossible for any eu country to oppose them. If France loses its nuclear weapons to Germany in the planned eu military, the only other economic power in the eu will become powerless to stop rapid german expansion. I believe the next major war will be in europe and will once again be Britain and the free world against a facist germany.


>implying he didn't destroy europe

>implying the US didn't destroy europe

How did Hitler destroy Europe? If anything, the Allies destroyed it by handing over half of Europe to the Soviets and then instituting decades of propaganda against the remaining half.