Why are they only pushing for shitskins to invade white countries? Why not Asians and Latinos?
And why aren't they promoting white people going to Arab countries to stay?
Why are they only pushing for shitskins to invade white countries? Why not Asians and Latinos?
And why aren't they promoting white people going to Arab countries to stay?
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Easy votes.
Western world has become retarded
arab women are cucked (and they are usually abandoned in their own country so doesn't really matter)
asian women would come and be competition
Orientals and Latinos aren't completely useless
Nigs and sand nigs are and will expedite destruction of all white nations they enter
Because they want to destroy white people.
End all immigration PERIOD. financially incentivize only bloodright citizens to have children dirt cheap if they get married and stay together. Remove all gibs, that is, welfare, healthcare, school, childcare, ALL OF IT, for any and all immigrants. Enact immediate deportation for immigrant criminality. Don't throw them in jail, throw them out.
West becomes stable nice and beautiful and once again whilst these people can wallow in the trash they like to create. Untill such a time that they decide for themselves in their own nations to change their situation.
It's over you're done for, there's no hope for any of you, all other races hate you.
Just waiting to see whites being literal niggers to other races, better not to have any white children at all unless you want to see them suffer, we all know that day is coming hopefully death will catch up to you first.
>Orientals and Latinos aren't completely useless
It doesn't matter weither they are useless or not, they have their own countries and they should fucking stay there and make them work, unless they do temporary work or go on vacation.
There is ZERO good reason why they should be allowed to migrate to better nations other than ridiculous "feels". Their nations, their problems. I don't want to have my nation and my people go down the toilet because a bunch of shitskins don't want to put in the effort to improve their countries and refuse to pull their own weight.
A buddy of mine met a girl in China and got married, then when they started the legal process for her to stay in Sweden the Migration Services just put the case on hold. They estimate her wait time to be closer to 3 years, and illegal MENA can just come here, live off gibs while they wait a year for their papers to get processed. She is actually not allowed to stay here meantime.
>It's over you're done for, there's no hope for any of you, all other races hate you.
All other races are jealous of your success and know that we're better than them you mean.
It's abel and cain straight out of the fucking bible, who in the allegory wants to kill abel because abel was better than him at everything. And you don't even see that it's the same thing.
Thanks for pointing out that the jews are using your pathetic jealousy to literally use all people of the world to try to crush white people and yet we are still here.
If you somehow got your wish you would still be just as shitty as you always were. It's literally trying to bring excellence into the dirt so you can feel better about not even poo'ing in a fucking loo. Go fuck yourself pajeet.
You don't even realize that you illustrate exactly how pathetic you are. You think you're making a power statement or something, it's hilarious.
those over a billion people in india will become a noose around your neck once our sympathy runs out and we refuse to help you anymore. That goes for africa and other places too that rely on the western agriculture to even have food on their table because they're too shit to do it themselves.
This post made me /comfy/
You can't talk Pajeet
Without us, you'd be fucking nothing living in houses made of shit.
They use every underhanded trick in the book to try to destroy white people who are trying to help the world improve.. And then they pretend they are the good guys. It's truly extraordinary, deep down pajeets like you know you're not, you just get off of destroying something beautiful so you can feel better about yourself, instead of improving your own situation.. Very low, very sad.
And it's not just white people ofcourse, several asian nations are also selected, like japan and korea for similar reasons of jealosy they are pathetically targetted too. And they can't stop talking about how these countries should be flooded with hordes of immigrants aswell.
It's truly pathetic in every way shape and form, and not only that, the problem is that if it is allowed to happen, civilization will go down as a result, and then there will be nobody to help these nations from their self imposed disaster.
because thats (((their) agenda
its not just that. ever seen what diversity means? always black male. advertisment, movies etc. no matter there is 0% asians, 0% whites etc, as long there is black male its "diverse". they dont care about indians, asians, latinos, arabs etc, jsut blacks. same with export of blacks to white countries. we have a lot of asians yet diversity according to our liberals is black male. so you wont see asian model here used in advertisment despite being like 1-2%, you see black male which is 0,0001% of population here. its rly (them) who is pushing it, most useless race and on top of that its males... black man is far worse than black woman. they are literaly burden to every society, still diversity and prosper means them according to progressive people, i dont understand
Country ran by women.
Nothing more to say.
Except maybe :
Total sellouts to saudis n quatar
good goyim ignore the roots and attack the limbs
>white people going to Arab countries
Because sensible people don't want to go to tatooine and get blown up
why you giving them gibz? Stop gibz now!
this is all to relieve israel from an impending uprising
wtf, I love trump and Israel now!
Go, Team disassembleUN
En dag så.. en dag..
Because the white people who hold political office have brought up to believe this shit and they are now in a position to act on their stupid beliefs.
Or maybe they're in a panic over their pensions now that their evil beliefs on abortion and contraception have come to hit them where it hurts; in their pockets.
Inga racister på våra gator
i just had a crazy thought. is the government playing 4d chess with us?
>Push immigration us increasing the risk of terrorist attacks
>Desensitize us to racism
call for more m/e wars due to terrorism, this time taking complete control, all the while working with russia deciding who gets what, russia obviously gets at least half of syria already
KEK, that Poo has been out of the Loo
No, people were plenty "racist" in the past, because it was just considered common sense, it's only after about the 60's that this whole bullshit started to change. There's no 4d chess, this "anti racism" bullshit didn't even exist just 50 years or so ago.
>Inga racister på våra gator
Keep it up long enough and there won't be any white people on your streets anymore. Racist is code word for white and is anti white propaganda.
Nobody calls non whites racist publically. And it's only white nations that are under attack this way.
non whites are opportunist garbage that enter our countries because our politicians have (((betrayed))) their people. They know they should be nowhere near white nations, they know they should be back home fixing their own nations, they know their nations are shit because of themselves and they know that they are poor/starving etc. because they have way too many kids and continue to do so whilst sucking at building actual infrastructure and doing basic tasks necessary in a society to sustain itself.
These people should've never been within 500 miles of a white nation, and without the cultural marxist brainwash and the "we are the world one people" bullshit and the naive virtue signalling white people that started popping up since the late 60's, it would never have occurred.
Infact just in 1965 the swedish minister at that time is quoted for having said how lucky and fortunate sweden is for being monoethnic, not just in terms of race but also culture and other things, that made sweden very good and prosperous and nice society. And now look at it, filling up with trash tier people that very well know they are trash and come from trashy places.
>Or maybe they're in a panic over their pensions
No, infact these people can kiss their pensions and old peoples care goodbye if you let these in. These people are stupid and an incompetent workforce by western standards, so the upkeep will go way up.
one of my theories as well, what could our governments be after? Completely seizing Africa and making it OK getting rid of the natives?.... would seem like there would be easier ways of getting rid of a people in other ways rather than increasing their population by six fold, unless of course they are needed for something..
>Asians and Latinos
They come to the US
The upkeep will go way up as they will crush the welfare and childcare system whilst also ethnically displacing us, upping the demand for everything because of a population boom of all the wrong people.. whilst they are themselves ineffective at curbing that demand. Same reason why their home nations are shit. There is nothing positive about mass immigration whatsoever, infact it is the opposite.
A loss of 2-3 iq points means an overall loss of 18% less gdp over time, this is a very well established thing, the fuck you think is going to happen to majority white nations when you bring in shit tier africans and shit tier middle easterners? with 80 iq on average (middle east) 40% illiterate in their own language across the muslim world, aswell as 70-65 iq niggers into a society that operates at a 100 iq efficiency level, everything is going to fucking fall apart you stupid IDIOTS! YOU UNBELIEVABLE IDIOTS..
Whilst your nation gradually fall apart you will probably be virtue signalling too, it's because the concept never dawned on you that the standard of living in your countries or what you are used to and take for granted could ever change.. IT CAN and with this ALMOST A CERTAINTY THAT IT WILL, and change to become total fucking bullshit that you see in other countries and think to yourself "oh i'm glad i'm not living there". Well sorry but you're gonna because you apparently WANTED TO BRING IT HERE because you are so busy not being a "racist".. Try being a racist and you realize that it's the only fucking sensible thing to be. Racists aka normal people till very recently, have no problem with people living in other countries, they just don't want a shitton of dumbass people who aren't like them, living in theirs.
Watch this video.
is that a goat or a cat? hope its the latter, considering the former would be revolting
Human subspecies are a real thing
Here's a list of animals with similar or less genetic distance as humans and they have 10+ recognized subspecies, subspecies are capable of interbreding but have very distinct traits behaviour and other qualities.
Humans are the same way, only it's taboo to discuss with humans very recently. In the past everybody knew that for instance the negro is not the same as the european.
I don't hate niggers that live in africa, infact i have HIGH respect for niggers that live in africa, i have zero respect for niggers in the US, they keep talking about black people this and black people that, well they should fucking take a hike and go to africa and go live with their black people because US was never a majority black nation nor was it built by black people.
When it comes to where i want to live and who i want to be around, i want to be around people that look like me, behave like me, have similar traits like me.. it's dependable it's nice and it all works out and my children should look like me and my people.
Imagine the level of self deception it requires for you to believe that it's a good idea that someone tells you that you shouldn't prefer your own people over others. It's fucking bullshit is what it is.. I don't mind people of other subspecies, i just don't want to live anywhere near them because i don't like the way they behave it's that fucking simple.. I'm sure they like how they behave but i don't, so they need to stick with their own and be in their own nations and then we can go visit eachother as tourists etc. But i don't want to be a tourist in my own fucking country. What part of that is difficult for you retarded leftist "anti racist" (anti white) loons to understand? if you're white and doing this, fucking realize that you're doing NOTHING but destroying your own people, and you're doing the opposite but helping anyone, because to help other nations your nation must maintain quality.
>is that a goat or a cat? hope its the latter, considering the former would be revolting
Unfortunately it looks very much like a goat if you look closely. Not even wrapped in, and muslims are wondering why rats are getting bolder in sweden.
Their entire trek across europe they left a massive trail of filth, then they come to sweden continue to shit it up and then have the audacity to call others unclean.
Maybe the reason they see so much filth in the world is because they are the ones causing it. It sure seems that way, when i watched the mass migration wave walk across europe never have i seen a more filthy people roam the countryside and roads of europe. I have ZERO interest in living with them, zero interest in engaging in relations with them unless i absolutely have to as part of work or something, zero interest in living next to them.. it would just be better if they did us all a favour and fucked off. And the reason i'm pissed off at them is that they internally with near absolute certainty will destroy european countries from within over the years if they are not expelled.
Hahaha, that webm.. fucking pussy cant do anything other than letting go, weakness is a sin.