>McCain flew 2000 miles and risked his life just to get revenge on Trump for the “war hero” remark.
Based McCain
>McCain flew 2000 miles and risked his life just to get revenge on Trump for the “war hero” remark.
Based McCain
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He could have simply stopped the entire debate a few days ago but he specifically allowed the debate so he could deliver this drubbing to drumpf. Based Mccain.
he's still not a war hero
Wow, it's almost like Trump's words have consequences, and most of the trouble he and the Republican party are currently in can be traced back to his own big mouth.
>mfw McCain finally got his revenge on drumpf right before he dies
>risked his life
that cancer is gonna kill him no matter where he is
the best part is mccain will be dead and there will be no obamacare
it's inevitable
Yup, instead there will be single payer healthcare.
"yeah fuck you poor people why do you need healthcare? don't you want to suck walsteet dick? just die already." - average kike republitard
t. nigger
>mccuck still sucking obongo cock
Meanwhile, fat orangutan dodged draft 5 times in a row.
Yea. That's why.
Good thing he didn't get elected in 2008. Would have been a bigger sham than the Obama presidency
Fuck does he care.
He'll die before obongocare blows up and nothing can save him now.
Plebbit fag btfo
Now we'll get to see if Trump can indict him for something-- either connected to the piss dossier/Comey or McCains relationship with (((Syrian rebels))).
Then the media will go bananas over "Trump indicts War Hero on his deathbed".
Get your popcorn ready.
Master troll.
McCain is our guy.
>gadsen flag
>pro obamacare
What happened?
>shilling this hard
This has all been smoke and mirrors to keep Romneycare - oops, I mean Obamacare - oops, I mean the right wing Heritage Foundation plan - firmly in place, and fool the McResistance into thinking they accomplished something.
Mccain never was a captive. The defected from america and has always been a commie.
Why does Sup Forums not even know this ?!
It was discovered and proven by a wesearchr mission ! The probe was documents found in an university archive.
Google it.!
It cannot be, that the collective inzelligence community aja pol does not have the knowlage about this !
Search it! Find it! Inform yourself and be left speechless !
I thought he sold out his bud's to save his own hide in the war. How does that make him a hero? Hero's sacrifice their own lives to save others. This dicknose is only out for himself. Calling him a war hero is a disgrace to real heros.
Fucken loser...should never have gotten shot down
Republicans were about to repeal Obamacare, then McCain came in last minute and voted against repealing it. His vote made the final decision
He also started a fire on an aircraft carrier that killed over 160 people because he ignored procedure and was fucking around with his jet.
I hope John "Tokyo Rose" McCain becomes tortured by visions of Satan soon.
What a cunt.
H also flew 2000 Miles to suck my balls. Whats your point user?
McCain is a faggot. Nothing new here.
This is why you don't personally people in politics
Trump really is an idiot
personally *insult people
In the real world, you can't be "an absolute madman" and think there are no consequences
People seem to forget that it was also a steaming pile of shit legislation.
He's more of a hero than Trump has ever, or will ever be.
> >McCain flew 2000 miles and risked his life just to get revenge on Trump for the “war hero” remark.
> Based McCain
Thanks for that Shareblue. $0.02 has been deposited in your account.
Nothing based about it. McCain is just a self-centered petty old man. As a senator, he is supposed to put the good of the people above his pride. McCain should have retred a long time ago and we all would have been better for it.
i wouldn't say that was mccain's fault, as much as I hate him
it's a faux pa to quote your own post even for correction you have to go back
Voting no on a bill that only 6% of his state supported sure is self-centered.
>only 6%
An amazing Hero, on the battlefield and congress. I can only imagine trump, hahahaha. Called him an American hero a few days ago, I wonder what happens now
lol they couldnt even pass single payer in commifornia.
Seriously, why doesn't trump consider universal healthcare? Is it because of the opposition he will face from the republicans?
It alone can win him the 2020 election.
Because it's unaffordable, not that you understand what paying debts means.
>manlet with a chip on his shoulder does manlet shit
I wonder how bad this guy hates himself.
Lol I love it. Wouldn't be surprised if he tables the national heel spur fuck right off bill of 2018
Survived mutilating torture.
Endured a living hell.
You're a dried out dog turd.
the obamacare repeal will NEVER pass
trump blew his 6 month lead
another 6 months and we'll be deep in the impeachment turmoil
another year from that and the republicans will lose both house and senate
It shows the left and right at the higher tiers all push the same shit. I'd go to war for Trump to hang them all.
And Trump does? lmao
I survived fucking your mother. Does that make me a hero?
Please I'll tell you whatever you want. Just dont make me suck any more cocks! (Sobs)
Words. These people are resisting because of words. People literally shake at the thought of Trump because of words. Our Government is riddled with corruption and all anyone wants to focus on is words. Trumps words.
And they say Trump supporters are retarded?
>I'm in a country that has entitlements on top of entitlements but why doesn't Trump ruin the country so he can get reelected!?
Unlike the democrats we wanna still live in America.
>president holding power of the purse
What retard pit did you crawl out of?
>got tortured for bombing children so Dow Chemical's stock price would go up 1/4 of a point
>it's unaffordable
America already spends more money per capita on inferior healthcare. That's unaffordable. It's time to join the civilized world.
>mfw Trump will kill McCain without even touching him
Can they expel him from the republican party or anything? He would be an independent but he's dying anyway and wont be around to run next time.
He was never tortured l, as soon as he arrived into the camp he started talking and making recording about how America is evil and how his mission were bombing hospital and schools
Please user, if infowars or fox didn't tell you it's fake fake very fake news.....you're obviously a left wing radical funded by opposition research firms running out of the Clinton foundation hq...what trump voters on YouTube would legitimately say
>fuck newt gingrich for being a retard
It couldn't even work in California you retarded nigger
Why is it bad to wish the well being of the people in a country? Was bismark a leftist too for adopting univershal healthcare?
I don't understand the mentality of foreigners trash talking American healthcare. If I was you I would keep my mouth shut continue to invent nothing and let the Americans pay a shitload for healthcare and invent everything to drag your standard of care up.
McCains a fag, but owning the healthcare issue is how we lose, watching middle America become enraged at 1,500$+ per month premiums and 8k deductibles that used to be 700$ per month and 500$ deductibles.
He stuck his wrinkled, cancerous thumb into Trump's eye.
Based McCain.
> he was never tortured
Can't wait to see the geocities-tier source on this one
Your skull needs to be cracked open with an iron bar user
I wish my people well. Healthcare isn't a right. It's a commodity you dumb Greek nigger. If you subsidized something then it's out of the hands of the free market. That's why the only thing in American life that's gone up in price is Healthcare.
Hmm you didn't take yo time to look up why....maybe because the corporate shills in both wings work for big pharma you myopic cunt
>hurr durr only republicans can run government efficiently look at muh laffer curve....let me tell you why the left is evul
>Alex jones said so, and he's not selling snake oil
Wouldn't it have lost even if mccain didn't vote?
It didn't pass there, doesn't mean it wouldn't work there.
Those are two different things retard.
>healthcare is a commodity
Can't wait for people who believe this to suffer unfortunate events
>You're a dried out dog turd.
No, mac bain is a dried out dog turd and will be ded before the end of the year. A worthless has been who got fucked in the ass by wireless telephone cos.
Yeah. Unfortunate events like dying. Something we all face. It's not my responsibility to pay for your health care cause you were too lazy or dumb to get insurance or a good job.
and he's still going to die shitting himself and not knowing who he is. brain cancer is terrible, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Holy fuck you americans are truly retarded.
>having healthcare is a commodity
>muh freemarket will solve the problems alone
It is and it will. We don't have a free market now.
Have you traveled to other countries with universal healthcare???
I doubt it...and that's why you'll bitch and moan using right wing talking points never having worked in healthcare to see why the price gouging and artificially inflated prices exist primarily because the government lets private healthcare rape consumers
>inb4 Obamacare rose skyrocketing premiums; so *smacks lip* is you telling me a two tier system won't benefit consumers??? Wow big surprise
>that cancer is gonna kill him no matter where he is
^ this
I live for the day mc cain and his twin hillbag dies. And I don't have long to wait
because shill
Yes, but it would have passed if he voted yes.
>suffer unfortunate events
It didn't pass because the state couldn't afford it, you fucking leech. That's what happens when a state imports 85 IQ retards like you and lows itself to become 1/3 white.
But as long as the Dems stay in power right?
Private Health Insurers (and all other insurers) went to shit the moment they decided to become publicly traded corporations, and thus obligated to deliver "epic gains" to shareholders.
It completely subverts the intention and purpose of insurance pools.
Free market alone never sholved any major problems.
Did it fixed germany in the 1933s? Nope. Planned economy did.
Have you ever stopped to think WHY he survived VC POW camp?
I'll give you a hint. It wasn't because he was just exceptionally resilient.
Why do Dems always vote against their own interests?
It actually passed the Senate and then one person unilaterally took it off the docket and wouldnt allow it to proceed. That is not a measure of the bill's affordability or sensibility. It is one person's cowardice and greed. When the bill was up for a vote before a legislative body, it passed.
Tell us more about how you've perfected economics, Spiro.
Kek you guessed my name.
It wouldnt have gone to a vote if he stayed home.
Oh man you got me good! A national socialist country fucked up the free market!?
I'm not gonna pretend I know everything about Healthcare because it's incredibly complicated but would you think you could get a cheeper car if the government subsidized your insurance?
is a fool. Nice flag jew.
BASED McCain's Oven Chips.
He is not pro-Obamacare, he is anti-Trump. Because he betrayed his country and sold it to its #1 enemy.
To elaborate, once companies like Blue Cross became publicly offered stock, with operating officers compensated in stock and stock options, the entire motivation for the company became "raising the stock price/paying dividends", as it did with other insurers.
So they are super-motivated to amass amazingly large stockpiles of cash (Blue Cross is sitting on an excess of 10 billion as of last year) and deny claims. The last CEO of Blue Cross that retired got an $11 million severance.
Insurers were intended to be accountants and claim verifiers that paid out from the collective pool as the members needed.
Instead it's turned into a scheme to reinvest money and make a bunch of shareholders and company officers rich as fuck. I'm usually against people getting rich, but I am when they are incentivised to hurt people who depend on them to do so.
And don't even get me started on the flim-flam artists that run State Farm....
My dad gets house and car insurance through a government veterans group and cut his insurance bill way, way down. (had State Farm).
*usually not against