Thanks Abe
Daily Reminder: Japanese Birth Rate is Rising and Economy is No Bad
Other urls found in this thread:
birth rate
>National Wealth
Japan overtook China in the last year
samfeag, abe is a ((globalist cuck, they print money in turns to prop up markets and bonds w8ing for the big one to come. Economist said it will be 2018 - another monetary system, probably Bitcoin (every transaction recorded) is involved and ban on cash. You're a prostitute OP.
Fun fact - Japan has no bond market, everthing is bought by the CB, half or more stocks are owned by CB, it's a shitshow.
good job
Nope you need rich white male semen, open up.
>the next 5 countries combined only tie the US
Why is America so fucking powerful and rich
How the fuck is that possible
We have a population that reliably generates more money than any of you fuckers.
We also work more than you
If it weren't for a sizeable population dependent on handouts, we'd be unstoppable
bow down to our power you little german cuck
Abe looks like the kind of guy who makes killer ribs at BBQ
Current population is too many for the land size of Japan.
So decreasing population is no bad.
Westerners don't know problems caused by high population density.
I remember years back watching a documentary about japanese population density issue. Do those capsule hotels and micro housing system still exist?
Cutthroat competition for wife pillows?
nice looking debt btw
What happened in 2006?
go back to nanj you disgusting netouyo maggot
daily remainder that no one is interested in japan's economics or demographics
Capsule hotel is no bad. It's not a standard hotel, very minor, good price.
It has a restaurant room and a big bath room. Some have massage service.
It is low though
Japans about to take a nuke from North Korea anyway...
tokyo dweller subhuman detected
enjoy your micro housing life retard
speak english
here is english image board
if you cannot speak it then go back to nanj you cocky uppish netouyo
Interesting. Japan is an interesting nation. I look forward to visit your country one day. And don't worry I will not act like the brazilian migrants and other retarded western otaku visitors.
welcome bro
you'll be able to bang any women you want to
please impregnate as much our women as you can
we need foreign genes
>here is english image board
Looks like you need to go back to English class, fucking twit.
benis in bagina
Why would you be against netouyo? People who frequent this board are the netouyos of their respective countries. Are you a Jap leftie?
I am. Japan is the perfect example to showcase that you don't need immigration in an industrialized country.
i'm interested
Hahahaha as if a Brazilian can afford to leave its favela.
Stupid little savages hahahaha.
Based Nippon
>mfw he wont name the nigger
He is probably a German or Swedish man travelling to Japan. Too much of a faggot to be a real nip.
You're about to take a dick from Hamid, cuck.
Why are you nips obsessed with curry?
t. non-smelly pajeet
looks like you're getting upset fucking kek
japs like you are subhumans
i fucking hate this country, which you cannot change no matter how you desperately try to persuade me
babbys first infograph attempt
you're really welcome
come here and please bang and impregnate our women with your superior gene
Which of you is the "rural and suburban retard" and which of you is the sophisticated urbanite? And what's a good representation city nearby? Can you tell me about a japanese rice farming?
Ladyboy with the bantz, i'll give you another (you) if you post your boipucci
Over than 3 times of the 2nd. You are already great.
Wow that's a RARE suitless Abe-san
what country japanese people hate the most and why?
And you have the Olympics in a few years
lithuania, because one of you faggots stole my steam account and it's taking forever to get it unlocked.
What the fuck, man? How do you do it?
You speak english good for a nip
Its good for you, stop playing video games
someone in your country tried to get into my facebook account Z
a rigged stock market
t. "Helicopter" Ben Bernanke
why dont (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((they)))))))))))))))))))))) just help the native population instead of flooding them with bottom of the barrel 3rd worlders
good one jamal
don't care
All those articles about Japan needing immigration is jut (((those ones))) trying to ruin your country by making you bring in niggers
Japan is one of the few countries that is actually giving a shit about it's people first before the world. Traditional, non degenerate women, xenophobic and over 90% japanese.
These slide threads about japan everyday are cause fucking faggots are jealous of your country, me included. Congrats japs.
Oh so that's why Japan has multiple recessions a year right? You're only kidding the retards and weebs.
America is 56% white.
It is the power of diversity and multiculturalism that lead to a prosperous america
We will retake our Armenian clay soon my brother.
The tripfag is from the UK, it's in his name
It's almost like Kalergi wrote a book called "Practical Idealism" where he announces Jews are the master race, and it's almost like in "Practical Idealism" his stated goal was to produce a Jewish nobility ruling over a mixed Negroid-Asian race, and it's almost like Kalergi's followers founded the EU, and it's almost like Charlemagne Prizes are given out to people every single year who further the goal of lowering the global IQ through dysgenic interracial breeding while giving power and money to Jews.
Im rooting for you Japan, keep the dirty gaijins out of your country so they dont ruin your culture. Your games, manga, music and anime is the only things that make me happy in this empty, meaningless world.
That's cool how you mongloids can read each other's languages like that
Because it's a fucking huge country. Some states are richer than you
The only true advantage of having coin slots for eyes
)))Cuck level of satisfaction status increasing(((
sorry you know its true
>be me
>live there for a few years
>have drinking problem
>return to America
>think things will get better
>sober up
>realize America is shithole filled with litter and human trash
>regret leaving Japan
Maybe I might move back.
>Japan has no bond market, everthing is bought by the CB, half or more stocks are owned by CB, it's a shitshow.
this is a big problem
the BoJ owns about half of the gov't debt
the only way to keep this going is straight up monetization of the debt