This thread is your daily reminder that nothing, and I mean nothing in this life matters, other than reconciling yourself with God and conforming to His will.
This should not sound restraining or oppressive. God has given us so much, our lives, our families, our food, everything! Literally everything we have that is good, comes from God; who is Goodness itself. As an example of this generosity and love, God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for our sins.
This knowledge has never been more important than it is right now. Look around you, open your eyes, satanic forces are at work; and there is more wickedness and evil in the western world today than there was in Sodom!
Look at what has resulted from our abandonment of God. His Just chastisement is upon us, so we must attempt with all our souls to reconcile ourselves to Him.
We have tried it on our own. We need God. We need the Church. I assure you, the life God has planned for you on this earth, and in the life to come, will be infinitely more fulfilling and glorious than any humanistic, self-willed pipe dream that will most likely bring you hardship.
Resist the devil, recognise your enemy. And recognise your friend and saviour: Jesus Christ.
God bless you.
>In nomine Patris et Fili et Spiritu Sancti. Amen.