Can it get more pathetic than that?

can it get more pathetic than that?

Other urls found in this thread:

A severe case of PTSD. A lot of soldiers suffer from it.

How come that I, as lifelong muslim, never see any of these freaks in the vicinity of anything islam-related in real life? They are literally magical unicorns because I have met thousands of people in mosques but never anything like this. Yet they still seem to make it to the front-pages everywhere, despite their virtual absence in islamic communal duties and festivities.

It is really triggering, because their very existence is an anti-thesis to my faith. It is WRONG to be a sodomite, so why do these creatures try to make the islamic mold fit their innately evil desires? The Quran literally states that these people are CURSED. STOP vilifying our belief like that. We are peaceful, we are okay with Christians despite their ignorance, but this filth really angers me.

isnt this haram?

It's called progress.


>and then converted islam because it promoted peace

why do people still believe this bullshit?

Islam is peace. You're just too (((redpilled))) by your (((media)))

Will he make the pilgrimage to Mecca? What would happen if he did? Surely his Muslim brethren would accept him?

How many anti-brit threads are you going to make?

First of all "people who live in glass houses"
And second it is just mean to keep kicking the guy who is already on the ground.

>We are peaceful, we are okay with Christians despite their ignorance, but this filth really angers me.

Could be worse.
He could be German.

inshallah we would accept her as one of our own


You literally believe that you should put pork on your bullets or that we worship a cube.

Americans are dumb AF. It is no surprise that the Chinese and Russians will dethrone you soon.

Thaaaats reeeight maaahng


You would sooner see the Earth suddenly changing polarity rather than have us muslims accept this marxist devilspawn into our midst.

nice taqiyyah m8 they'll never suspect we were plotting to destroy Western civilization and rape their wives the whole time

Because they don't actually read the fucking book. I doubt they even try and find a cliffnotes version. A

it appears my superiority has led to some controversy

you're ruining the narrative, stop it. We're the "religion of peace", remember?

This. Most trannies are just weak men who think they can get away from their past/live a better life as a woman.

Don't you oppress that sweet muslim boi! He's just a dumb camel jockey! he needs our help!

>muzzies fucking wounds that need to be (((dilated))) for 4 hours per day

holy smokes

Peace in Islam is very different to the western idea of peace so technically Islam is a religion of 'Peace' according to thier standards. It's closer to a religion of submission.

Indeed tyrone indeed


and 0% raped by muslims

muslims are like monkeys that shone a light through a shitty crystal and saw how it split the light and said 'it is the light of god and all other diffractions of light are haram'

meanwhile in the west we have q-switched lasers that delete the haram

he lost a bet

I'm just educating him in the way of our faith. Don't interfere in muslim affairs or it'll push us towards radical islam because we'll feel isolated by islamophobia.

Yeah, and by submission we mean white women to my dick. And I meant women, plural, and my dick, singular.

We have less Arabs then France

Surprised to see a german being so sloppy. Are you one of us?

Because your trannies wear burqas. It's actually common in muslim countries since that's legal but faggotry is not.
You'd know that if you weren't subhuman.

actually look just take out words 5-48 i think it makes the message a lot clearer

But 100% raped by niggers :')

omg I'm so sorry please, rape my girlfriend as much as you need. I know you're just a stupid subhuman and you don't understand that it's wrong and you're probably experiencing a lot of sexual frustration from seeing anime women's faces.

You also have more blacks than Africa

>implying we shouldn't put pork all over everything to attract dogs, which you also hate
>implying we don't just want to see what's in the box

That would make you very tolerant, user.


ok Merkel calm them big tits

since you got trips I will be nice and inform you that I'm a gay muslim and we worship space rocks

Yes. You could be the sort of cuck that calls this shit brave.

At least this fuckwit has the excuse of being mentally ill. What excuse do sjw tranny shills have?

Don't ask questions you won't like the answer to, John.

Obonga said it, it has to be true.

I actually know what's in the box.
It's another box.

>'Straya trying to LARP but he forgot he changed his meme flag mid-thread
This is why Western civilization is doomed. Allahu Akbar!


Stop shart in mart

Some of us go by our middle name, idiot. He might be an ahmed or an abdul, we're diverse.

It's actually pretty sad how obsessed you are.

That seems Islamaphobic which is a word I've heard people use!

hahaha nice lingo cunt have a squiz at this
>if you are actually muslim you lead a life of subjugated thought

also you fell for the b8 cobba suck my dick

>he takes hitler loving muslimes over ameritard jew slaves so he must be a muslime himself
Hurf durf turf

Too bad the United States isn't progressive like Britain. You guys could have had your own thought police to wrangle down shitposters on taiwanese hentai sharing sites and twitter.


>mfw 'straya gets called out on shitty shitposting and gets defensive
>mfw i've never seen 'straya get defensive about anything in 9 years on 4chinz

I'd say letting "refugees" into your country indiscriminately so as to destroy your own people out of a misplaced sense of guilt is worse germanfag

oath mate they're just actually jealous of how good living in a non-dirt place is hey

I think there's trannies in Iran.

Its more sad that “people“ like you haven't an hero yet because of the state of your already death nation but somehow still has the audacity to be proud of it
Indeed cuckold the nation

UK will find a way.


That's a really interesting point, actually.

See, leftists always love to point to Iran as some kind of bastion of human rights because they have loads of trannies. The reality is a perverse opposite of that.

Because, you see, the koran says that fags deserve death. BUT it says NOTHING about trannies, because they didn't exist 1400 years ago. So the solution of the mullahs? Fags are just all actually pseudo-women!

So, when they catch a fag, they give him a choice. It's either hang from a crane, or else take hormone replacement and chop your dick off.

This the left calls tolerance.

>mfw the infographic Hans saved has the wrong shit marked out
>mfw Hans isn't autistic enough to catch it
Sad day for Deutschland; Hooray for the Islamic Caliphate of Germany!

You sound like a lonely guy but if you're that much of a fucking retard I guess there is no helping it, actual muslime or nah? answer faggot

Holy shit nu-Sup Forums with its fucking reddit spacing actually delivered; now if you could just fucking cite your own shit and not be a fucking faggot that would be great

Islam means submission to the will of God, it doesn't mean peace, even directly translated from Arabic, stop being dishonest. Although you could twist it and make it seem that you will FIND peace if you SUBMIT, but directly it means submission.

kill me

Only being German is more pathetic

>mfw i have 4 times the pussy because i have 4 times the wives
>mfw if i get bored i can go rape a white whore cause "muh tolerance"
>mfw i get 72 virgins and my brother gets my life insurance claim from my "accidental" death in a train collision in 6 months

I really hate these divide and conquer memes Germany, but if you want to start it I will indulge.

1. Germany is in all but name a Vassal of America, as is most of Europe.

2. The reason you are speaking English on this board right now, the reason you were taught English in school is because of Big American Cock.

pic related, your country exists because Americans want it to exist

Islam will be crushed by degeneracy like every other religion has been. Your daughters will fuck foreigners in the streets and your sons will cutoff their dicks.

gr8 b8 m8

>i'm gonna kill myself for an imaginary god

fuck mate reported for terrorism enjoy the undetectable israeli surveillance software on ur computer

You mongloids are next after we're done with the whites!

I think that you have consumed too much of this shitty propaganda...

>mfw he thinks my computer matters to me if i was planning on blowing myself up

>Islam will stop degeneracy
Good good goyim.

And you pay for its great aren't it haha
And everything for your greatest allie israel

When I was at your age I actually had to work during the summer... kids now days.

hope he bungee jumping off tall buildings...
without a rope...

>stoned to death as "punishment" for being raped
>executed for being gay
>leaving Islam punishable by death
>insulting islam punishable by death
>chopping of limbs as punishment for crimes

are you even trying anymore Abdul?

And the reason we speak english is because the british empire made english the world language

Germans were already learning english as the second or third language before your pathetic nation even existed

How do you see through everything with those fucking coin slot eyes?

>their liberal saviors infect their religion and race with trannies and sjw
wew lad


dat faggot Allah shows me the way?

>stoned to death as "punishment" for being raped
>executed for being gay
>leaving Islam punishable by death
>insulting islam punishable by death
>chopping of limbs as punishment for crimes
>perfectly orthodox, conservative society with strong moral code, strict punishments, and enforced patriarchy
Fixed that for you, fucking ingrate.

>no news stories about those who sexually identify as an Apache attack helicopter


Check'd. Gimme moar of those dank islam memes

lol calm down


This isn't fucking normal. This is so messed up, twisted and perverted that anyone who tolerates this is utterly fucking lying to himself and ignoring his instincts telling him to reject this BS.