Deal with it and move on
The Europe has changed
This cannot be real
i feel fucking ill now
Its all your fault.
Why would you do this to us?
I wish europe was like Israel when it comes to identity, immigration and border security
the new country ends with a muslim woman. kek.
>tfw pol thinks that entire white majority of Sweden is ready to rebel against it anytime soon, but the truth is they simply don't give a shit
Its true, if men wont fight for the nation and lsnd men who do will take over. Swedes are slaves are someone should invade and loot them.
fucking kikes
>"The New Country"
I sense (((something))) here
I agree. They need to claim their place in Somalia.
Most Swedes are probably like the people in the vid. That's just a sad reality.
Ofc it is. Pic related is also real.
Israel is multiracial society. "Jews" is as significant as "christian" in terms of identity. Ashkenazim, mizrahim, sephardim, ethiopians... plus intermarriage and modern day non jewish immigration, not to mention 20% arabs.
You clearly do not want Europe to end like this.
I don't think he is to blame
I think we are.
If you want to hate someone for all of this don't hate the jews or the swedes or the africans
There is only one group who can solely be blamed for everything that is wrong with Europe. And it is Germans.
In fact the best and only good thing about this european replacement is that it will take us out.
Its time Swedes accepted Arabic as their new language and confert to Islam
At least Sweden Democrats are in first place now. But...about that. How a controlled opposition discussion with leftists goes. "We need to properly integrate them, so we can create our multi-racial utopia, goy."
"Oy vey, Nazi! How dare you extremists deny them the right to Shariah and Halal! Remember the six million!"
>Pic related is also real.
>based solely on words of jewish journalist who went damage-control and wanted to sell Schulz as /ourgoy/ to israeli conservatives, because previously he said that jews should btfo of Palestine
You can still hate Jews if you want. I can't stop you. But Germans are worse.
Ugh, thanks black pigeon.
this is some Next level brain washing. This will be shown in future ethnostates as propaganda against Immigrants.
holy hell, sweden.... we tried our best but you are cucked on a whole other level
Can you finally piss off already? Your autistic shitposting hasn't change in months and you nigger are on this board every single fucking day. Get a fucking job, you seriously mentally disturbed buffoon.
>Sweden Democrats are in first place now
btrfs is fine as long as you don't use it in parity RAID. Or you can do something like what Synology does which is have btrfs as the file system but the RAID itself is just regular mdadm.
Also yeah Sverige is fucked
Is it you, my friend krautfallen? I missed you, hope youre doing well.
Well, AfD good goys try to sell Schulz as an antisemite. I see it this way: Schulz is primarily an anti-German EU apparatschik. Sacrificing Germany means nothing to him. As long as he can get his next paycheck and dine some calf in white wine sauce while he sells off the treasures of his ancestors to the one paying the most. And as long as he can call anyone a Nazi who he disagrees with.
They have the largest share of the votes.
The US delegation joins and seconds this motion for to piss off. All in favor, please affirm.
You will be gassed
>the new Swedes WILL claim their space
If Sweden doesn't elect SD next year then shit is over for them, these people are blatantly threatening you on your TV now like liberals here did before Trump got elected and BTFO'd their dreams of mass amnesty.
Yeah its me.
I actually wasn't planning on redpilling people on Germans today but the German who always posts anti-brit shit was very active and I can always ride his wave to get more people to hate Germans. Its a waste to not use it.
>largest share of the votes.
>third place
biggest swing maybe? They certainly have biggest swing.
FYI the translations are accurate. Some things are not included in the translations but it's just more hippie bullshit.
Now I have to go the reintegration center or the government will deny my cuckshed application.
Please stop.
What? Did they drop again? They were in the 1st place in 2015. So the Eternal Swede actually managed to be more in favor of the leftist and cuckservative parties again?
Godd riddance then, I guess.
What's really mindblowing about Sweden is that 80%~ of the population lives around the blue/yellow areas. Meaning that Sweden is hyper-urbanized. I mean the city of Stockholm alone has 10% of the Swedish population, the metro area is 23% of the Swedish population. Swedes exist in close quarters with the shitskins they've been dropping into the cities but the Swedes don't seem to care.
You are supposed to be based.
He's right though. Israel will only be 66% Jewish in 2060, and only because religious extremists have 6 kids each on average. Muslims will be 25-30% of the population. Christians and Druze will be 5-10%.
I wonder who could POSSIBLY be behind this
I'd be furious if my government was putting out adverts saying that I should integrate into middle eastern culture because some fuckers showed up at my border. Do they want me to start slitting little girls clits as well? Anyone has a spare stone btw, I'm pretty sure my neighbour is cheating on their spouse. Oh and don't ask me where my niece is gone, I've juat sent her to pakistan to marry her fucking 60yo uncle.
It says only about 2014
There were no elections in 2015. Not even municipal ones. Only 2014.
I didn't say he's wrong. Their "master race", Ashkenazi, so basically German Jews, have very little kids aswell. When civilization falls, everyone falls. Can't say I feel sorry at all for them though. After all the decades they were pushing this multi-cultural and multi-racial agenda. Up to this very day. Not to mention heebs like pic related.
This used to be Sweden.
From a transparent, backwards nation filled with snowniggers it tranformed into the one of the most powerful nations in the whole world in 1650-1700's.
What happened?
I don't know. This is pure cuckoldry. I bet Swedish fathers masturbate to the fantasy of their daughters being raped by niggers.
Most opinion polls have the Socialists leading with SD in second, a few have SD leading with S in second place.
SD will get anywhere from 80 to 120 seats in the next election, meaning they will comprise up to a third of parliament.
This means SD will be "too big to ignore", the consequences of once again ignoring them and uniting all parties into a "cordon sanitaire" to keep them out of power will probably just give them even greater strength in the 2022 election.
Krauts are supposed to be smart and understand sarcasm
The last election was in 2014. The Sweden Democrats soared about 6 months after that election and has been the largest and sometimes second largest party since. That however is irrelevant since no new election has taken place since then.
>Krauts are supposed to be smart
You have never met any Germans I see.
Stockholm city has 10% of Sweden's population. Stockholm metro area has almost 20%.
It was a forecast what Swedes would be voting in the next election, so 2018
Whitey BLOWN THE FUCK OUT yet again!
Just give up at this point whitey. Pack it up and go home. Your entire existence is a joke nowadays. Your countries are basically just hotels (and brothels) for black and brown people.
This guy again.
Bonnier family and people like Barbara Spectre happened.
>What happened?
>We BTFO them two times in a row, they adopt Napoleon's marshal as their new King, we cuck them anyway, make them our bitch and disallow them to engage in war.
>fast forward 200 years
>blame resulting problems onjews so nobody will know it always was us
Yes I know, that's why it's shocking that so many non-whites can be shoved into such close quarters with so many Swedes and the Swedes don't care all that much.
That's correct, but my Grandma did. They chased her away from her home to make place for the soldiers. But at least they didn't rape.
Vote him.
I know he is in Finland but if he wins he will unite all scandinavian countries into the new
God, you are such a faggot.
I am sorry I was born a German. It wasn't my choice.
>Deal with it and move on
Already did. Can't be arsed anymore.
I don't, and have never believed Sweden would ever revolt. They will simply eventually descend into anarchy, and be an example to the rest of the world as what not to do. Their sacrifice will only help us.
No it wasn't your choice. It's who you are, so pick yourself up, snap out of the self-pity spiral, and fucking do something
Well, that's not nearly enough. Not even close. Considering the situation of our time nothing short of a new racial dictaroship will really turn the tide around. And even then I think it's not enough. White Europeans have chosen to commit collective (((suicide))). And the last one to stop it died in 1945 at his own hands, after the Eternal Anglo and the Bolsheviks seized Berlin. That was when our fate was decided. The rest is a mere footnote.
I live like 1 mile from a no go zone and my rich cousins wonder how I can live there. They vote on parties that support immigration yet they complain that they can't go out alone at night and that shitty no go zones exist.
I don't know how their brains work.
Nigga rockin a Hitler Mo
I will work my entire life to do as much damage to future Germans as is possible for me.
Don't worry. I am not lying down.
legit looks mentally challenged
>future Germans
I don't see why you choose to dignify them with the name of your own people. Germans are a people, not a title you can slap on any nigger that crosses the border.
Whites love to blame the Jewish boogeyman but really they're doing this to themselves. It's not white genocide, it's white SUICIDE.
I guess that hating other whites doesn't sit well with the whole >muh master race ideology so stormtards blame the jews as always.
I mean Germans. I mean us.
If we are gone from Europe then Europe will reach for the stars.
>other whites
They just need to realize that Germans aren't white or real Europeans.
Fuck off.
Last time Germans swallowed the red pill - 60 million people died. Just let them be and deal with it on their own pace
That is the plan. All Germans need to fuck off Europe.
I don't even know what kind of disgusting life someone has to lead to create an abomination like you. Troll or not. This level of vomit inducing bahaviour is just beyond anything that should even be considered humanly possible.
Should be more like national socialist germany
Respect to Israel. Neggroid Swedes.
I don't consider Germans humans
We don't have the soul. Whatever the concept of a soul is.
Funded by the jew kike kikery kikeness for kikery in sweden.
Where are the snow dwelling snipers - hire some from finland and clean scandinavia.
The jews knew that scandinavia was the purest, the most human region in the world - the source of true humanity.
They targetted it specifically - and they are destroying it faster than anywhere else.
Look at who they target most.
England, France, Germany, Scandinavia.
I want to be on a different timeline.
Swede in England (London) here, There's nothing wrong with social justice. White people obtained their status of privilege in this country unfairly and inhumanely. They have used tactics of violence, intimidation, and systematic oppression to keep minorities held back and shackled by the ankles (literally and symbolically). White people did this in every place they've held power. The Crusades in Europe killed off the native inhabitants, Jews in Palestine oppressing colored Arab Muslims and stealing their land, the entire Americas by Spanish/English conquistadors and slaughter of Indigenous Peoples, the use of slave labor, apartheid, and genocide in Africa, the bringing of disease and greed to peaceful indigenous cultures living in harmony, the bombing and economic takeover of East Asia, I could go on. Maybe whites deserve to die off. White supremacy is a BAD thing. Fuck America too, so many intolerant bigots that people are voting for the literal second coming of Hitler. I'd give anything to live in Germany or Scandinavia to get away from this disgusting country of white cis who will do anything to maintain their stranglehold on oppressed, defeated people they continue to treat like shit on their shoes, when in reality most of these immigrants/displaced peoples probably have a better grasp of English than their sub-60 IQ Wal-Mart shopping redneck ass does. No wonder women don't want to have sex with you, you clearly have no concept of empathy or historical knowledge.
I have real good feelings about the 2018 election. There's still a societal stigma surrounding voting for the Sweden Democrats, but sympathizers are fucking everywhere, waiting in silence for the next election.
You can feel it when you make eye contact with a fellow swede while you're both ignoring the same romani gypsy.
You can feel it when you and your squad walk past a gang of somalis on the street.
There is still hope. The silent majority will rise.
How is Barbara Spectre doing, you fucking kike.
I don't really care if you remove Jews after you remove Germans
My point is Germans are the real problem and you will see how great the world will be without us.
It's time to realize that ruthless acts of genocide are not necessarily a bad thing when dealing with subhuman wastes of life.
just DIE already you weak faggots your NO MATCH for the SUPERIOR and veiny BBC your women all crave like a bunch of flamingos down at the waterhole
your poo hole is just waiting for it too U want to be
Even if the Sweden democrats win, which they will not, the old Sweden is over. Deal with it racist coward.
Read a book on evolution
4/10 Bait for the effort
Rest in peace Sweden,you were once the country I wanted to move when I grew up. Now you're filled with shitskins and their shit genes.
went too far, 0/10
I guess all things have good sides.
I don't care about the poles and Jews dying. They tried to clean up Europe of communists and their sympathyzers
the jewish bogeyman and their encroachment within US-EU institutions is an entry level redpill, it's 100% true and you can even research it yourself with something as basic as the wikipedia
israelites are diferent from their globalist tribesmen, israelites aren't rootless marxist scum, they know the hardships of holding and developing a land for your people. globalist jews have barely ever set foot on israel and know nothing of living there or having to deal with such neighbours, the globalists have a muh heritage kind of relationship with israel but they would never give up their position of power over the dumb goyim and the shekels they make for them to make a honest living in what they call their home