>Brother is a history teacher for kids in 5th grade
>Told me he brought up 9/11 to his class
>Said kids went instantly insane
>They didn't know it was real
>One kid said he thought it was just a meme
Brother is a history teacher for kids in 5th grade
Other urls found in this thread:
>5th grade history teacher
>redpill kids too soon
>they go haywire
They aren't psychologically mature for any of that shit.
I was in 3rd grade when it happened....
i dont think it messed me up
Yes they are. But the fact that they just thought it was a meme was beyond ridiculous in my opinion. Kids these days have zero sense of what happened before them or how they arrived to where they are
>be in 6th grade
>watch the shit on TV until the school disconnected the cable feed
>cellular and landlines go down due to insane high volume
>my parents and hundreds of others are pulling kids out of school in case they become targets for more attacks
pff, kids these days
>history teacher
>5th grade
What? Why would an 11 year old need a specialist instructor?
Rich kids maybe
>One kid said he thought it was just a meme
We are getting through to them.
ITT: things that never happened
obviously fake and gay
I'm not surprised that current 10 year olds wouldn't know shit about anything. I know people old enough to have 10 year olds and they're mostly morons, there's a 0% chance that any of them educate their children at home besides how to use social media and the TV remote
my parents taught me math, writing, etc long before i learned that shit in primary school... kids who don't learn early at home are fucking doomed
>>One kid said he thought it was just a meme
smart kid
Amerilards are so funny... OH NO, they are gonna attack this obscure middle school in our town of 100k people next!
With luck they'll witness another happening of this scale soon and this will fix their sense of reality
the same thing happened to us though
gee, it's not like terrorists have never attacked a school or anything. And it's not like my town is one of the most traveled to destinations in the US.
>that flag
Oh, it's retarded.
literally 10 yrs old when it happened.
had almost a week of repeats of those planes slamming the buildings and photos of missing children.
They need to harden the fuck up.
I mean, we had a terror attack in a city of like 30k people this year, because they got intercepted on their way to Canberra.
I watched a classmate die slowly, screaming for his mother, while his head was trapped under a truck tire in 4th grade.
How did he get trapped and wasnt able to be saved?
The truck was jacked up real high. The kid driving it was going slow through the parking lot and ran over the kid while he was bending down tot pick something up. He parked on his head and they decided to use a jack to get the tire off. I guess they were afraid shear forces would cave his skull in if they tried to drive off. Then the school bell rang and the whole school came out and saw it. He was transferred to a hospital and died a couple hours later. We had therapists come for weeks to help the kids get over it. I traded him a for a Pidgeot card the day earlier.
The kid who died was only a kindergartner or 1st grader.
>Not just a meme
It happened but it was not real and it is a meme.
You told them about the E Team Israeli Art students, King Kong Man, and the fact that a 747 can't recreate the supposed flight path without it's wings breaking off right?
nothing wrong to explode thousand of useless ameriturds
"When the American people finally learn who did 9/11, they're going to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth." -T Swift
How did that affect your growth?
Fuck, dude. That's a hell of a primer on "life"...
I was in a basement with nothing to get information from but the internet. My only source of information was the Riceboypage message board.
Good times
>tfw schoolchildren are smarter than your brother
Everyone knows 9/11 isn't real.
It made me realize just how much i was sacrificing and risking to show up to that idiot, propaganda chamber they call "school."
One of the "special" ed kids in our high school J-walked and got hit by a car, and was drugged under the car for something like 2-3 blocks. I didn't see it but I guess half the school did since it was when classes were getting out.
Most of us thought it was pretty funny tbqh
>Things that never happened
Well, they're kids.
The official storey is a long meme of lies.
He wanted my Japanese holographic Viaplume, but i declined and i think i traded a Geode or Geodude.
My dad told me a story of how some friend of his drowned in a city lake. Later they drained it and found catfish big enough to take a small child. This is why he is scared of swimming for all his life.
*Geodude or Gravler.
It might have been for a Pidgeotto. I can't remember.
How big was the car that they didn't notice they hit the kid? I've heard of that happening when the people driving were high on meth.
9/11 as the general public accept it, is a meme. It wasn't Osama and it had nothing to do with Afghanistan.
>Kids these days have zero sense of what happened before them
Neither did you before somebody told you about it, you fucking donkey. That's what history lessons are for.
School history is all lies and propaganda. I learned more on the internet and reading books in my own time. Even in elementary. They probably brush over 911 in class to not offend the Sesame St values of modern America.
I was 11, i just wanted to see if Goku would finish the spirit bomb ;_;
>be in grade school during recess
>friend who went home for lunch says planes in america hit some buildings
>oh that sucks
>teachers tell kids/their parents not to watch the news when they get home
>watch the news when I get home
>so this is a big deal I guess
>takes a few years before I understand the severity.
When I was in grade 2 a girl brought her pet quails in for show and tell and one got out of the box and all the kids started chasing it around the class and it flew into the ceiling fan and was hurled against the wall and died with a surprisingly loud thud.
Then everyone screamed and the teacher spent the rest of the afternoon explaining death.
Obviously nowhere near as brutal. Definitely more funny, but
Dude i was 10 year old when it felt down and i knew it was jews. I've played with LEGO before that and from my experience, including my previous projects and years of participating in simulations of various colapsing constructs put in front of different kinds of brute force or demolished by overloading a structure i could easily tell that it's not possible for two towers to collapse such perfectly straight down just like that without perfectly precise placed explosive loads.
Not to mention WTC7
we actually had a terror attack prevented in my town because the retard mudslimes got in a car crash on the way to the Uni they were going to shoot up.
Police got to the scene and thought it was just an accident, then they found guns and ammo (illegally owned of course) stashed in the car.
News never reported it as potential terrorism of course, just "gun crime"
>Investigators repeatedly had the police dog sniff around the Lexus. Officers also meticulously searched the car, pulling apart panels and the trunk interior looking for something. In another unusual step, uniformed officers were also standing watch with their rifles in hand while other police investigated.
Blame it on YouTube.. I have two little kids... they thought Santa lived in China and Drop bears were real.
that's a big guy
I was in kindergarten when i was told by my teacher that the twin towers had just been hit with a plane. I was ok
The farther in time we go the harder it gets
How red pilled are we talking?
>talking to some younger chick I'm trying to plow
>I'm 28 she's 19
>she asks me over to her apartment
>say I have to get something from my pobox first
>literally asks "What's a po box?"
These fucking always online kids think email is the only mail
Four (((Jews)))
If he were jumping out at the time the picture was taken the angle could be perceived as if he was taller than the window because he would in fact be closer to the camera. Not that hard idiot. Is this photo implying that real people didn't fall out of the trade centers? You believe in the flat earth too don't you?
Perspective doesn't work like that idiot. He's right next to that window pane and very far from the camera. His perspective growth would be minimal.
Same with me except I went to a public school in NYC, I had to leave, my mom was on the subway with my unborn brother at the time. I honestly thought my mom was going to die desu. Dark days.
I teach 5th grade history in public school in Minnesota. The kids here know 9/11 is real, but they've never had an in-depth lesson on it. It's usually pretty eye-opening when it's finally taught to them.
For once, they're all actually speechless and just absorb all of the information (except for that one kid that already knows everything anyway)
>i dont think it messed me up
You're here aren't you?
>except for that one kid that already knows everything anyway
That fucking kid.
I was 21 years old when 9/11 happened guess where I got to go it was fun
The scab land flood cliffs created by the Younger Dryass melting?
You teach them the truth, dont you user?
Cool video
I was 18 and in my first semester of college. They had smoking floors in dorms and you could have all types of other cool shit in them that is way banned now.
>You teach them the truth
I'm not a teacher user, but I think it would he too early. user, last thing you want is the kids telling their parents, and you possibly getting fired.
7 years old watching it on tv eating cereal before school the fuck do you mean not mature enough fuck yourself cuck
>I was in 3rd grade when it happened....
>i dont think it messed me up
>Dominican republic
Dropped and gutted a doe at 10 years old
>Bring up who the real bad guys were in WW2
>Family instantly goes insane
Just accept the mainstream media versions if you want to coast by easily without the drama.
Not surprising. Most of us who were adults when it happened hate talking about it. The kids pretty much only do learn through memes.
My daughter learned of it through one of those "I Survived" books. Those are fucking grim.
I was hunting dove and quail by the time I was 9. You know what happens when you shoot a dove or quail out of the sky, and it's not dead when you get to it? You rip its fucking head off.
how is that even close to the same as watching another kid die you fucking dumb fuck hick
They were trolling your brother. Its generation ZyklonB, so they already know it was an inside job.
I also remember asking who was doing what to the towers, my friends dad said the towel heads.
It's better because I got to eat it
Ill take 16
>Kids these days have zero sense of what happened before them or how they arrived to where they are
That goes for everyone. Even on Sup Forums, people seem to be oblivious to how long this SJW shit has been going on. I've been fighting it since the 90s.
Made me want to kill muslims and started a never ending hatred for them
>Ruka will never fart in my mouth
will live?
Good goy! Don't look up the dancing Israelis or that hate might shift to my people oy!
I wish. I show them the news footage, explain the story of the planes crashing, the "where were you", how it changed everything, and then we spend A LOT of time talking about how the country came together after tragedy.
I guess you could call that.. early reTIREment
It is a meme. 9/11 was done by Israel.
Watch that life privilege, Shitlord.
>explanation doesn't work out
>unrelated ad hom featuring flat earth
>1 post by this ID
really jangle my wangle, if you get what I mean
Now I'm interested in this shit. Any more info on this?
I watched my father die on my birthday so death is funny now. Fuck you I can laugh at whatever I want.
What am I supposed to be watching for here?
The santa doll gravity shifts around randomly. She keeps grabbing at it prematurely to hide it. The middle guy sees this and makes sure to grab the Christmas tree ASAP after it's released.
I'll dig up some of that 911 stuff...
The gravity shifting indicates they're filming this sequence on an airplane.
911 plane's speed exceeded VMO during their flightpath, which would have broken off the wings of a standard 767.
Why did you go and kill your father?
E team, B-thing group of Israeli arts students install explosives, remove protective insulation on steel beams, and probably installed a tracker for the RC planes to fly into.