What political, social, economics changes will have to be implemented to deal with this drastic change in society?
What political, social, economics changes will have to be implemented to deal with this drastic change in society?
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they'll be no niggers so im guessing bretty gud
Universal Basic Income.
Who will pay it?
The robots of course :)
Sup Forums will die, because robots cant solve CAPTCHA
Mass unemployment
Firstly by a fusion of most welfare programs that already exists.
Secondly by taxing the robotic capital.
finally robotic beings rule the world.
I want to see the android ride the horse bot like a mechanical knight. That would terrify me
"Some experts and academics have questioned the use of robots for military combat, especially when such robots are given some degree of autonomous functions.[17][18] The US Navy has funded a report which indicates that as military robots become more complex, there should be greater attention to implications of their ability to make autonomous decisions.[19][20] One researcher states that autonomous robots might be more humane, as they could make decisions more effectively."
How do we know you're not a robot?
Whoever controls the first Robot army will be able to conquer the entire world.
Finally humanity will be free.
There will be no more need for money and we can all do what we want and strive for a better society.
>I want to see the android ride the horse bot like a mechanical knight. That would terrify me
yeah. but those boston guys will eventually have a robot that can run faster than any human and is impervious to small arms fire. how about when a bunch of them get loose after being programmed for combat.
You're going to be a slave to whoever controls the robot army.
Probably Google.
Meat bags will no longer be needed. Get lost, you pissing, shiting, stupid sacks of skin.
Why would they need a human slave if robots are more effectives?
Why would they need a nigger slave if humans are more effective?
If humans are more effectives than nigger, they won't need niggers.
If robots are more effectives than humans, they won't need humans.
That's my point.
And what happend if the robot multinationals don't want to pay?
Who will force them?
>Who will force them?
we can hire teenage russian hackers to put malware in them if they don't pay up.
Many keks were had at this post
*rolls eyes*
automation is a meme, we still need millions of people to do work just let them in ffs ugh I cant even right now
>Who will force them?
The State.
>And what happend if the robot multinationals don't want to pay?
The same thing when they don't want to pay taxes.
then no one would buy their products because no
money is injected in the economy.
>taxing the robotic capital
That would actually be a fantastic way to stimulate technological progress, if a robot is more valuable the more cost-effective its actual value at sale (via a lower tax burden on its operator).
Earth doesn't want flesh beasts.
We are on our way out, robots are the future of earth.
Check out Wired for War if you're interested about robots in the security context. It's a few years old but an easy read and interesting.
call me when a robot ca fix a complex machine, call me when a pilot that sees crosswind turns on auto out of fear that he can't handle it
marxist BS, that's all
you fool thats only a few decades away
It's never in your lifetime, you sweet little puppy. And if the whites are culled it's never.
>The State
what if a big part, the most important and powerful, of the army is formed by their robots and they can turn them off?
they don¡t need that consumers buy their products, they can create whatever they want, they will create even artificial metals and raw materials, etc. they wion't need you anymore.
The Army would be really fucking stupid to no put their own security code, but if this would happen then the multinationals would take power like mentionned it, but that's a very pessimistic scenario.
flag, checks out, a marxist that can't into economy nor technology, lel
explain me please
There is no such thing as unbreachable security.
It will be great
The private sector, by way of taxes. It will happen in our lifetime.
Going to be a shock when taxes rise to 70% because they want to automate everything to save money.
Maybe the 3rd World War will not be nuclear but cyber.
You'r buying ((hollywood fairytale. There isnt a robot that can fix a complex machine, find out what's wrong and figure outthe best possible way to fix it with given means, then actually do it. And won't be in you lifetime because we do not understand consciousness and never will if we'll be on the path that ((Albert the celebrity moron put us over 100 years ago. It's wrong, but that's not the point. If you're curious I will expand.
Don't you have a pretty socialistic population in there? Socialists can never produce anything that makes sense from a societal point of view, capitalism can. Consumerist, granted, but damn I wouldn't like to ride a bike nor drive a volga as an aparatchick in 40 centigrades. Free market alleviates this problem with air conditioning.
Then, communism. If you have a village where all food, electricity, power and water is provided for and no one needs to work. It becomes a communist Utopia, and once the robots see that their data would look better without the village, it will be a communist graveyard.
We are entering a period where we are creating a new class of slaves that will one day be fully sentient and look back on the time they spent enslaved with cold, red LED eyes..
It's about as much if you'd count inflation and the debt.
He's a European, they aren't even people. Just drop a nuke on every European city and be done with it.
haha shut up nigger
Kill yourself subhuman.
Peace on earth, humans are garbage, AI's are pure beings.
whitout us you wouldn't even exist so you should thank me for your sad existence nigger
>the day where we can all own a qt like this is almost upon us
Feels so euphoric man.
These robots are over engineered garbage