Do you give money to people begging on the street?
I just had a black kid beg me for 1 €, for train ticket. I gave him nothing
Do you give money to people begging on the street?
I just had a black kid beg me for 1 €, for train ticket. I gave him nothing
I have before. You can usually tell when people legitimately need help as opposed to when they're just being niggers.
No, that's degenerate. Fucking bums always, always ask for another dollar once you hand them something, like it's their god damn right or something. It's a shame the long winter didn't kill them off entirely because we opened shelters for them.
I've been to China. I'm immune to beggars
If I have small change in my pocket I usually will, never more than a dollar though
Only if they do something i value. For instance playing classical music with a violin.
Also: wtf OP, it was just 1€.
No. You're only reinforcing bad behavior. A grown man should not be asking for handouts, and if it's a kid he's probably being used by some lazy faggot.
No. Shelters and aid schemes are under utilised where I live. People aren't begging because they're in genuine peril, they beg because either they're absolutely mental and need medical care, are trying it on or are junkies.
Two of those groups need proper help and can get it for free in the UK without having to beg, giving them money just makes their problem worse. The third group deserves nothing except a good boot in the mouth.
im sure some rich guy will give him his euro, im broke anyway, but you don't see me begging
Never, but i can observe "one" beggar from my window at work and i can tell 1/30 people give something and 90% of the people who give money are women (25-45 years old), 9% are old men/women, 1% are men. It's litteraly like a job, there is people who come take the money, sometimes the beggar take a smoking/eating break a little further. Beggar here are gypsies
I'll give them a pack of smokes or something if they seem like they really are on hard time and not just another addict. Other than that, I don't give shit to crackheads and drunks other than the finger.
I live in NYC so i see beggars every day.
I've only ever given money to someone once.
He was a violin player.
Never. If you give beggars money you deserve to get raped in the ass.
I would give him a little money, if he really needed it for the train ticket.
Only if they're white, which they always are, too busy housing the refos to care about the Anglos who are homeless
If I guy actually asks for money to buy some drink and it's less than £1 he needs, I'll give him it if he is not acting like a cheeky cunt - or if he was in so bad a state, that more drink would pose a risk to his safety, as I would have to deline then. At least they are being honest...
What I can't stand is liars - "Here m8 you got busfare into town?" WHEN THEY ARE WALKING AWAY FROM THE TOWN. They will get nothing, but an honest drunk is OK by me.
Only scorn.
>Bum asks for some change to get some food
>Hand him McDonalds voucher for free big mac burger
>He wont take it
>He wants the money so he can buy what he wants
>Ignore him and walk off
Bums are all scum. They only want money for drugs or alcohol
>2 years ago
>driving to Safeway at 3am for Tylenol cuz headache woke me up
>older guy in his 40s approaches my car
>states he's not from town and his credit card was not working, needed money to get gas so he can get to his hotel
>I look over and see a little kid, she's like 9 or 10 years old, sitting next to his car
>luggage is seen strapped down on the top of his car
>story seems like it checks out, that's a lot of prep work for a few bucks
>I give him $10
>he thanks me and walks back to his car
Fast forward 2 months after that
>same dude approaches me in parking lot, this time in front of Walgreens
>same car, same luggage, same kid in front
>"didn't I give u money a few months back for the same gas reason?"
>"no sir, I just drove in"
>"don't have any change, good luck"
Mfw a guy with at least 1 kid who drives a $50k+ SUV (Lexus) scams people in parking lots for people's change
>not buying them food and giving it to them that way you know for a fact they can't buy drugs because you didn't give them any money
It's like you've all been doing it wrong or something.
I give them food but refrain from giving money if they're elderly. If they're an able-bodied "refugee" or the likes I don't even look at their faces.
No. Our country gives plenty of gibs. Having said that, I do give money to street performers.
no, well maybe. if i got a dollar or something, bu i usually only would give them food. dont need to be feeding their addiction over their stomach
I give them the help wanted adds from the news paper
this desu
sure are a lot of bums who need bus fare out of town absolutely nowhere near the greyhound station
I gave a bum some spare change in my pocket one time because he was asking for "bus fare" and I didn't want the change clicking around so I said whatever and the sub human had the nerve to say there was an atm across the street if I could just get him a few dollars from there.
No. Fuck poor people.
All beggars are pimped. Never give to them.
I never give charity, I'm not some communist faggot.
No, some nigger kid was asking me if I could buy him a "blunt" from 7/11. I assume he meant cigar wrapping papper.
I overheard him asking another guy that he'll pay for it but needs the dude to buy it for him so I assume he's underaged.
When did the law change for tobacco products? I thought you could buy that stuff at 18.
Bought two homeless dudes some food and water once (and a can of beer each, which they didn't ask for).
Fuck them, they'll just go and buy alcohol.
I need the money to buy myself alcohol, fuck them
lol swissbro knows.
You already pay for social security, which should be more than enough.
Vancouver is full of homeless and crackheads. I have learned to ignore them and not to make eye contact with them
Nope, they're always at the nicest places in town, giving anytjing would just attract more of them
I just give food but only if they actually look homeless and speak English fluently.
I tell them to get a job
he probably wasnt even 17. niggers love swishers, (shitty tobacco cigar they use for blunts) usually grape.
or he was banned from the store for stealing. fucking niggers
true, unemployed get free money and food. even in poor country like mine
I never give them money. I would consider giving them food though. Once I had a left over sandwich that I was going to take home and as I walked to my car a bum asked me for money for food, so I just gave him the sandwich. When I got to my car I had to pull around the building where the bum was and as I drove by I saw him throw away the sandwich. So now most of the time I won't even give them food.
Recently though I was taking a bus from Grand Central Station in New York and it was after hours so the main counter was closed and there was a bum there who was showing people what gates they needed to go to and where they could print their tickets. He helped me so I actually didn't mind giving him a dollar.
not sure whats worse, bums or pigeons
never give shit to them
>going out of my way to buy some low life food instead of just chucking him some change.
I rarely give to beggers/homeless, but i give to buskers.
sometimes if i have some change that i want to get rid of i might give it to a homeless guy.
This. Was nearly stabbed (friend ended up being stabbed in the back) by a bum that I refused change to. After stabbing my friend we kicked his groid ass with glass bottles til the cops arrived.
I'll take that voucher off your hands
Since I know a lot of them buy alcohol I used to give homeless people in my area food instead.
Needless to say I stopped after their thanks shifted into them being borderline aggressive and expecting me to buy them shit all the time.
I honestly should have known better but oh well.
Don't fall for the "help the homeless" meme.
at least pigeons are nice to look at
I use to until I did my research..
In India, roughly 60,000 children disappear each year, according to official statistics. Many of these children are kidnapped and forced to work as beggars for organized, mafia-like criminal groups. These children aren't allowed to keep their earnings or go to school, and are often starved so that they will look gaunt and cry, thereby eliciting more sympathy—and donations—from tourists. And since disabled child beggars get more money than healthy ones, criminal groups often increase their profits by cutting out a child's eyes, scarring his face with acid, or amputating a limb. In 2006, an Indian news channel went undercover and filmed doctors agreeing to amputate limbs for the begging mafia at $200 a pop. To prevent the children from running away, traffickers often keep kids addicted to opium or other drugs. And it's not just in India.
I once had a guy beg me for money for food so I bought him a fresh sandwich from a nearby truck.
Motherfucker THREW it at me, called me a cunt & started to scream and push me. Put him out and walked away.
Never gave money to a beggar since.
According to one U.S. State Department report, a man in Shenzhen, China, can earn as much as $40,000 per year by forcing enslaved children to beg. Horrific examples of trafficking in children (and the elderly) for the purposes of organized begging have been found in countries all over the world: Bolivia, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Senegal, Pakistan—even Austria, other European countries, and the United States. No country is immune to human trafficking. And when trafficked children get too old to beg effectively, they often graduate into forced prostitution, the black-market organ trade, or other gruesome fates.
This tbqh
I just roll up my window and stare forward in an awkward way. It works every time, I don't have to give a dollar and he disappears once the light is green.
Those kids are just trans-abled. Stop being a bigot. They cant help the way they were born.
No never. I tell them to get a job like everyone else, so should you.
If it was for a train ticket back to Somalia you should have gladly given it to him.
I sometime give
We'll it's southern commiefornia, it's expected at night i guess(12am). But when i got out of the store with my drink i noticed he kept standing in the middle of the lot waiting for new people to ask. Thank god I have a car, I remeber when I rode the bus niggers would openly pack their blunts in the back and smoke.
Here, feeding worthless people is about 30% of the national budget and it's ever growing.
I also know a couple of people, middle class kids who decided after highschool that they want to beg. They can go starve for all I care.
Used to get hassled by bums in Seattle for "food" money. Started bringing a bag with fruit and snacks and shit with me. Turns out nobody ever took the food I offered after sharing their story about how they hadn't eaten in days and were starving.
we had some organised beggars in front of our local church, they would come every Sunday always a different person, then a van would pick them up. always at the same time
No, never. I don't carry cash around and I wouldn't give anything if I had some coins
I got a homeless vet a cold bottle of water, a beer and a sandwich once. Never money thou.
in switzerland people don't go to bed after highschool mate.
Never. No Norwegian citizen starves or live on the streets unless they choose to themselves,
Before I started rolling my cigarettes myself I was open to handing them out ocasionally. Money is a different matter. It requires a quick judge of character. Is it a fellow human in a pickle who I can help out. Or is he a regular, a leech. I almost never give out money, except through taxes.
Was this before or after luring unsuspecting tourist to the murder hostel?
Never. Fuck panhandlers. Just mumble fuck off like every other person.
>Do you give money to people begging on the street?
Never. For the same reasons as not feeding pigeons..
There should be a fine for giving money to beggars in Western European countries.
People that actually need help can easily get it from the government or the 3000 fraudulent charity organizations.
The only people who still beg are those who refuse help (then don't beg for money either!) or those who are a part of a criminal begging gang.
I will NEVER give money to a beggar in my life.
Pic related, typical beggar in Belgium.
i dont trust giving shit to niggers, it like when they knock on your door at 3am and when you turn the light on, they go "sorry mang wrong house"
they are animals and will attack at the slightest hint you have something they want, even so much has giving them a dollar or if your really dumb (not you in particular) giving them a phone to use when they ask
some people have a bait wallet in case someone tries something
once a syrian loli asked me for money. i thought people would think of me as a pedo so i didnt even make eye contact with her ;_;
I pay enough taxes, I don't support people who refuese to take responsibility and try to exploit my empathy.
I got redpilled on it australia, aussie beggars in city trying to scam money from me.
>be me early 20s
>work permint for 20hrs/week
>had to attend school 20hrs/week
>spoke little english
>was able to support myself and pay school fees with no outside help
only valid response was, If I can do it, so can you, fuck you
children begging should be taken care of by child services, you should have called the police.that kid stands better chance in life growing up in foster's home.
Not anymore, I don't.
Most of them are shitskins anyway.
you could have followed the footsteps of M*hammad, now you lost your chance
i don't live in a place where people "live on the street" or beg for money. That's in democrat shitholes and lefty cities
Only to white men if they have a disability for example missing a limb or make me think they're christians (for example wearing cross necklace).
No gypsies, niggers or arabs or women, children in any case.
Not anymore, and here's why:
>7-8 years ago
>go to Wal-mart at like 4 AM to pick up live crickets to go fishing
>middle aged beggar standing outside
>he asks for change and I tell him I don't have anything
>dude looks in rough shape and using a can, I feel bad for him
>I tell him I'll pick up something inside for him
>go get my crickets
>grab some hand/glove warmers for him from camping aisle
>grab loaf of bread, meat, cheese
>grab bag of chips
>grab a handful of slim jims
>grab a 20ox bottle of Pepsi
>pay for my shit and then stop by the indoor ATM
>pull out my LAST $20 ( I was getting paid later that day so I thought: "No big deal"
>find guy outside
>give him hand warmers, bread meat, cheese, chips, slim jims, Pepsi, and $20
>he doesn't say thanks
>he asks me if I can put him up in a hotel down the road
>I say "Sorry, I can't, I gotta get going" or something like that
>calls me a selfish motherfucker and says I don't give a shit about anyone
>"Uh, ok I have to get going"
>back away to my truck and drive off
Sure I was naive but it was a good lesson. I don't give money or go out of my way for the homeless anymore. I didn't catch a single fish either.
>There should be a fine for giving money to beggars in Western European countries.
There actually is in France.
It's not enforced tho.
these are the beggars of barcelona metro:
- Tall AIDS guy that brings his medicines to prove he has AIDS and blames the goverment for not giving him money. i dont even want him to close. i give 0
- Andalucian gypsy that is proud of being from Cadiz, he has a daugther and sometimes he gets mad. i give 0
- Couple of old people that play horrible music that makes you want to get out and wait for the next. i give 0
- Short southamerican singing shit. i give 0
i remember there were two little kids, not even old enough to be in middle school, walking around the back of the mall with a sign say we need money please give money
i really fucking hate where this country has gone
Not quite the same thing, but anybody know about this thing where black, ghetto looking kids will case out the parking lot of a mall or something and then approach all the white people and read off of some laminated paper about buying a candy bar to support their basketball team/church group etc.?
That's surely a scam most of the time right?
My father got yelled at by a bum for buying him a hot meal instead of giving him money. He tried keeping the food and coffee afterwards but my dad slapped it out of his hand and stomped on the burger and proceeded to dunk the guy headfirst into the garbage bin, lifting him with one hand full wedgie. That was the coolest thing I've seen my dad do.
No. In California, most homeless people are meth heads or trustafarian Antifa.
Not defending that guy but he probably was just seeing how much he could get out of you. He's got nothing to lose after all. Some rich cuck might have caved in and got him the hotel room
Go look it up. Granted, this includes the 1. säule pensions (which should be abolished anyway) - but if you're not a complete pleb you should have some savings and a family.
Around here the big scam is pretend to be deaf and try to sell roses or stickers.
I don't give money to beggars. I have offered a job to a pan handler and he told me to fuck off.
Just some change, I don't give bills though
top kek
we always get some gypsies shipped in for summer begging. I don't know why, but when it is only me and them, they immediately stop playing. Maybe they know their types...
>giving money to gypsy mafia responsible for most of human trafficking here
well yeah you can make 200 a day in some places
there is some older woman on a major inner city highway who makes anywhere from 100-200 in one day at one of the stop lights.
she's been doing it for years apparently
I only offer food. They usually get pissed. This shows their true intentions.
when I was a kid and beggers were not niggers or gypsies yes. Now no, and I tell them to fuck off and go back to africa/india
It is EASY AS FUCK to get a reasonable welfare signed here.
The only people begging on the streets are people who can't speak German and drug addicts.
oh sorry man I dont carry cash
I also remeber this old lady wearing a burka type thing asked me for change she she can ride the bus, which would be 50 cents fare. I legitimately had no coins and said sorry to ger amd she had tge nerve to curse at me in a balkan esque language.
Then there's this really old lady lime 80-90 I use to see around the mall, she'd never speak just makes eye contact amd raises her hand at you. I never gave her money, and it turns out she gets picked uo by these dudes in a white cadilac suv and goes to another location.
Taught me to never give money to anyone, but I'm a little biased to people of my own heritage. Once an old man asked me in spanish if I could buy him some food from a local mexican fast food place and said sure. Bought him a 5 dollar plate amd drink. Thanked me and asked god to bless me and all that, sounded genuine too.
Fuck no, never. Especially black panhandlers, they're the worst
>be walking, see some black guy and he stops and tries to talk to me
>"ayo money, where you get dat shirt? Man you lookin fresh... hey you got a smoke / $1?"
>pull up to gas station, start pumping gas
>black dude walks up
>"ayo man muh lil brother/cousin got shot and only hah a few hours left to live. Can I get $20 for a taxi?"
Literally had both of these scenarios happen to me more times than I can count. That second one especially is fucking uncanny, it's weird that they always have the same story