This kike piece of shit had me so brainwashed as a kid

This kike piece of shit had me so brainwashed as a kid.
Part of me finds it hard to blame our youth for the commie and gender queer faggotry.

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Yes and he is responsible for the current (((success))) of Stephen Colbert.

Im glad he quit. With him on the air Trump would never have won.

Liberalism wasn't as much of a mental illness and he even made fun of them and (((cnn))) enough times back then.

I watched the daily show during its golden years. Less political , more silly, not diverse at all. best show on tv at the time.

Yeah they played this faggot in my high school history class daily. Everyone would talk about how smart and enlightened he was when his whole show was just "lol republicans amirite"

You were brainwashed by a lefty celebrity with an agenda to sell and now you are brainwashed by nazis on a shitty internet forum with an agenda to sell.
Well done - really moving up in the world.

You liked him, because you agreed with his views. E.g. opposing the Iraq War was the morally good move. Don't forget he was working against the Neocohens.
I agreed with him ca. 2003-2012.

He didn't make liberal nonsense popular, he just took advantage of a brief social trend. He quit because the window for his bullshit was closing.


Jon "You don't own America, Jews own America!" Leibowitz


He did what his ideology commanded and gave up his place to a black foreigner.

He was one of the lynch-pins holding the left together. There is a reason they've been less and less successful since he retired.

>have opinion news show

>go on someone elses opinion news show

>get buttblasted when they make a good point and pontificate about only being a commedian implying the other guy is news anchor

>He quit because the window for his bullshit was closing.
uhm, no. He quit because his contract was up, and he's fucking rich and wants to have fun before he can't fucking walk and has to poo in a bag. Jews don't believe in an afterlife.

Tell me what a not-brainwashed person believes in

Didn't he host that show for close to like two decades?


he's incredibly slithery
that's why he's been so permanently buttblasted by trump naming him the jew

I don't think you're being fair here. Yes, he's a leftist, and yes, he shat on the republitards on a daily basis, but he wasn't making shit up. He gave a lot of corruption/shady dealings worldwide exposure.

Can you call it brainwashing when generally what he's saying is true?

Back in the day Stewart was doing God's work. He trashed what is now the old guard republican party, who are just as bad as dems. He also trashed the media as a whole. Many of us wouldn't have such cynical views of mainstream media and politics if it weren't for him. But like all sellouts he became one of the establishment shills he used to despise.

Amen to that.

Part of me thinks he realized the terrible part he played in modern politics, and quit.
Other part of me thinks he knew that but didn't care, but eventually got killed by the beast he helped create.
Either way, he made a monster. I was a big fan of him and colbert in my youth. My dad and I watched it a lot. He at least started down the path of criticizing both sides, albeit not equally. Then, it got more and more SJW and cringe. I stopped watching for the most part, but periodically caught parts here and there. When he left the daily show, I stopped completely. Trevor Noah and his gang of unapologetic SJWs are worse than cancer. It's like Buzzfeed TV, and I can't stand it. Sad thing is, liberals use this show as sort of a "truth beacon". When it started going down the tubes, they willing went with them, and forfeited all sense of reality and humor. They are literally laughing and clapping seals to these fucks. Truly, Alinsky would be proud of their mindless idolatry.

Accurate. Hell even current year man was just doing silly comparisons of US vs english differences without shilling.

Yeah, you've got to watch out for that own people interest of here.

By god we can't have Euros looking out for themselves.


He was the first to really open my mind to how much the media just spins a narrative and mindless parrots it on repeat. He also made fun of the proto-SJWs that were popping up around the time he retired. I'd watched him with discernment, he served to keep me out of my echo chamber, but I'm glad he retired before I could grow to hate him. I can't stomach the two current leftest cucks he passed down the torch down to, John Oliver and Trevor Noah. I can't stand Colbert anymore either.

Still have to gas him though

No he was always a leftist shill
He bashed the liberal media and Dems for not being LEFTIST ENOUGH not because they sucked

Federal level elected officials, most state and local officials are rat bastard crooks and deserve to hang.

It's not your fault.

The right wing offered this buffoon as his foil.

That fucking tactic is disgusting.
He would say "if anything stupid happens on this show, it's my responsibility, not my writers" acting big and mighty. And then he would pull that shit "we're only a comedy show hehe why are you taking us seriously?". Fucking slithery... He wanted to be taken seriously, but only when he was not massively wrong.

Neocons and Dems are pretty much the same thing in the end.

Right or left is meaningless.

Blame the Boomers and their parents. They are the ones who let kikes infest every portion of our country and our minds. Those kinds of things happen when a TRIBE of people have a GLOBAL MONOPOLY on the MEDIA in WESTERN NATIONS.


You only had to listen.

Nah, he quit because he was butthurt his student Colbert got the CBS job, so he decided he didn't want to be known as "funny news Jew" so he tried to make a "meaningful" career (he was directing a movie right around the time he left for good).

Of course he fucking sucked at it, and the left is desperate for him to save the current shitshow, so he comes back home sometimes for bags of shekels.

Some form of critical thinking rather than gobbling fresh shit.

He ruined CNN and the news media in general. Every "journalist" wants to be a snarky commentator with the vast majority hitting from the far left. CNN got cucked into canceling Crossfire and believed Stewarts bullshit about the problem with news being that they are presenting both sides as if they are equal instead of putting a thumb on the scale and deciding who was right for the audience. So the media shifted from pretending to give both sides to assuming one side could do no wrong and the other side could do no right.

What this Kike did is Mindrape and he's doing it again with Colbertpuppet

He even wants his own animated show of Trump where he can literally impute what people think of the President

Yeah I can't believe how far my views ha e changed

Nah, Trump would have won.
But without him, the Dems are definitely in a worse state than they were because his replacements are arguably bigger retards/less competent/further left than even he was, and while a lot of people are drinking that stronger kool-aid, more people are waking up to the brainwashing altogether because of it.

the gall of this kike. he went on Tucker Carlson back in the day and said 'you're h-HURTING America. why do you h-HURT America'

fucking mindrapey kikes the fucking laugh track and 'I'm so smart, let the smart kike do your thinking for you goy' persona combined just brainwashes people

I still genuinely like him. You could tell he saw the writing on the wall because he retired before the Left imploded.

they'd like to be called "shalom sandniggers" because they don't want you to forget the special familial bond they share with salam sandniggers.
Please respect their wishes.

>This kike piece of shit had me so brainwashed as a kid.
you watched that garbage? never found him funny, watched Kids In the Hall instead because faggots are funny.

kippah niggers

Jon Leibowitz did more damage than a serial killer

His entire show was just "play clip of republican talking then abruptly cut back to jon with an awestruck look of befuddlement" followed by raucous laughter

Almost as if Jews like to work on television and make movies...?

>brainwashed as a kid
>am 23 now
>am "grown up"

LMAO, you're still a kid, kid

Nobody forced you to watch the show
Nobody forced you to laugh at his jokes
Instead you're a bitch crying about others responsibility for your actions and behavior.
Grow up, you're half way there.

It's funny, I think Tucker pretty much seized his old role of "lampooning absurdity" now.

I enjoyed watching him when i was younger aswell

Her didnt brainwash you, he gave you REAL NEWS! He didnt offer his agenda and stayed in character.

As a person when he bitches that is him not the character he was which had a team of writers.

He also gave Obama a pretty tough interview during his re-election campaign.
Daily show didn't used to be so bad, but when the left lost the moral high ground during the Obama years they didn't switch aim with it.

he did that to dumbasses who literally spread Fake News!!!

He fucking hated CNN, CNN is who he considers the news outlet that destroyed modern news with their opinion based BS.

That was always his point about his being comedy etc, pointing out their very BS to call themselves journalists who do nothing more than spout opinions.

Same, user. Takes guts to admit. Well not really since this is an anonymous board, but you get my point.

Gen X took boomer liberalism too far and shaped the millennials into faggots. Gen Z sees that millennials are faggots and are getting redpilled. Why doesn't anyone mention this outside of Sup Forums lmao

Pretty sure people like him had a lot of kids brainwashed back then. It's because conservatives were the majority for a long time, and kids saw that by being liberal they could be edgy and "stick it to the man" (their parents).

That wasnt the tucker carlson show, and he didnt hate Tucker Carlson. He was attacking the format of the show called crossfire for being an opinion battle which isnt fucking news. Its just opinions, and look today now every show almost is like crossfire.

Jon 'I don't believe in snark I just use it to destroy America' Leibowitz

Jon 'Let the fake-smart kike do all your thinking for you goy' Leibowitz

No, he promoted liberal non sense to college kids for YEARS. YEARS. in the early 2000s at his hieght, you absolutely had to watch Jon Stewart if you wanted to get laid in college.

fair enough but that clip of him is insufferable.

>watching normie political bullshit to get laid
Nah, pretty sure all you had to do was be attractive and not socially retarded

Pretty sure he didn't. In fact he made lots of our generation critical of the political situation and forced them to really think about their politics.

>fair enough but that clip of him is insufferable.
Are you fucking serious? That was literally the start of Fake News at CNN. He is calling them out on their BS for what their creating, not sure if he is a Kike or a Jew still on the fence there. Keep in mine kikes are the nigger of the jewish people.

Maybe he turned into a kike though? I dunno...

when you're a kid, you don't know better. I'd blame his parents.


it turns out they were wrong

they can't really brainwash all people to ignore reality

even with all the money, all the resources, everything on their side, people are waking up en masse

and they are mad. we are mad

so now they are ramping up the program to try and get it done asap, and all that they are doing to waking people up faster

I knew. In fact without the daily show i'd still be a leftie faggot. It gave me the tools to break out of the social conditioning that was done in school. Granted, it took a while. But it was necessary.

He basically defined how an entire generation speaks in casual conversation about anything remotely political. It's all leftist snark. Snark snark snark.

I'm old enough to remember a pre Stewart society, and nobody was doing what he did, and he kind of grew the genre to such a size that you basically had to pull that snark schtick. It's a giant mindfuck really.

>Jews never decry their own tribalism.
>Just yours.
>This behavior by them is objectively racist
>Explain this to someone
>Get called a racist.

This should set your Almond out on a great journey anons...

Can someone give me an example of his brain washing?

No they didn't. I would have stayed brainwashed had I not done my own research and just happened to realize, even according to the subjects taught in school, that none of the Democratic Party's agenda made any sense. Nobody gave me any satisfactory responses, then I started to hear about Barack Obama's corrupt targeting of Tea Party groups, and then I realized just how disgusting of a quasi-Orwellian nightmare we were living in with apparatchiks like Jon Stewart trying to assuage people to not investigate further. Yes, he certainly got me critical of the political situation alright, but I doubt that many other people my age are in a similar position because they don't give a shit about learning or about finding out the truth.

I remember Jon Stewart ranting about how there was no voter fraud and racist Republicans didn't want dindus to vote

somehow nobody acknowledges the implication that all Democrats think dindus are too stupid to get IDs, therefore that's why voter IDs are racist... isn't that pretty racist of them?

regardless... Jonathan LEIBOWITZ can go to hell

If somebody has the screencap of somebody describing the format of Jon Oliver's show as perfected operant conditioning, with rhythmic precision for 20 minutes, then I would be eternally grateful.

no jidf, the word is shalom which is damn near identical to salam
there is no distinction between sandniggers

>critical of the political situation

the really sad thing about Bernie is that all the college kids thought he was so great because he simply promised everyone free stuff

like hey, he must be pretty cool, he wants to give us free college and free internet

meanwhile he enriches himself via the only job he's ever had, leeching off the state

I never watched this dumbass
hahahah for your brainwashing and mind control you now have to get out of

Don't get me wrong, I'm not even trashing Bernie, but these kids had no idea what the fuck they were supporting. It was just a bandwagon thing for them to pretend that they're "skeptical" and "political".

yea every fucking time. GOD and people watched this son of a bitch for i dont know long then they watched his homo pal later

A lot of people forget that political shows were more enjoyable about 15 years ago and it ended with Obama. All the comedy has been sucked out of the shows nowadays.
They could make fun of gays, do off color racial jokes, rib poor people, and all kinds of shit that is now considered fireable.

Please post it. I can't find it.

I FOUND IT! holy shit

Sorry, it is actually more like classical conditioning. Thankfully I had good search luck today.

>Federal level elected officials
So a bunch of Hillary Clinton's, or whoever else California wants?

It's not that he had you brainwashed as a kid it's that he was genuinely sort of funny, he didn't have the pure unadulterated autism that he has now. I mean sure he was still pushing a liberal agenda, but these days he's fucking insane, no comedy just autistic screeching. (him and colbert). He got worse. much worse.

yea. id start to watch him, then itd be, alright yu know then, he'd start, that shit. and id flick the channel. i done this maybe 2 or 3 times then never turned him back on to watch him fake shit
this guys youtube account was terminated for talking about colbert copying him...

Muh horseshoe theory
Fuck off faggot. There is a dramatic difference between right and left. The reason the parties seem so similar is because of the corruption that has taken over the core of government. Neocons and democrats come from the same group of politicians that are playing power games rather than governing. Surprise surprise, they're both all about expanding the shit out of government because their goal is to maximize their own power.

I found it before you. Lol

I stopped watching the daily show after the 2007 election because the show became kinda irrelevant. No more Bush to rag on and I wasn't gonna watch them wash the nigger in chiefs balls

> He was attacking the format of the show called crossfire for being an opinion battle which isnt fucking news.
But that's exactly what Jon's show was too. This was his format-
>opening monologue shitting on conservatives 95% of the time (with the occasional john edwards or anthony weiner scandal)
>"field report" edited interview with conservative taking clips out of context and doing voice overs to make the interviewee look retarded
>bring on conservative guest on to argue with
That was every single episode

Same for me, except with The Amazing Atheist back in 2008. I really thought of myself as some intellectual enlightened by my own intelligence, above my simpleminded peers for listening to his and other atheist-youtubers ramblings and watching some Sagan stuff. I even had my own made-up quotes in my youtube bio. Just the word "Republican" and the idea of rich, old white men triggered me back then.

Both of us were critical enough. You have to consider the fact that most people don't care about politics because it doesn't affect them immediately.
Independently of his political opinions, he gave amus the tools and leads to inform ourselves.

He destroyed obongo plenty of times

You got to get scammed once to stop being naive. These college kids will grow up to be bitter ancaps.

I wonder how buttblasted he is that Trump won and Tucker Carlson is #1 on tv