Why does lauren try to greentext on twatter is she retarded?
>19% scandinavian
Why does lauren try to greentext on twatter is she retarded?
because she knows reddit loves it
No Danish citizenship & pure ancestory - Not a dane,.
finnish white knight in 3... 2... 1...
>giving attention to reddit
Sage, go back OP
You really need to fuck off from this board leftypol. Even on the internet, where everything is free, you have no existence but to be parasites.
Let that sink in.
You are roach.
Mugh McHeritage
Wow you must really be butthurt if you create threads shilling against nationalist e-celebrities every other week. Fuck off back to lefty/pol/ cunt, people like Lauren Southern and BPS are useful in the culture war and no-one here is falling for your shilling.
Greentexting on other platforms is a meme. Try to catch up op.
Sounds to me like all your socialist content creators need to be flagged. Fuck off back to lefty/pol/ or we'll make you wish you had, cunt.
Wow this thread is full of kikes.
When normies start putting meme arrows on their banal statuses and instagram posts you'll be sorry
Really nigger?
This. Keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums
kikes love to post with the nazi flag
Really now?
ok enough of this shit nigger
filtering the word lauren, reporting this spam doesn't seem to do anything
I think she's pretty pathetic. Dyes her hair blonde and LARPs as an Aryan even though she's just an ordinary dark-haired girl. Sad!
Hello Lauren.
>Why does lauren try to greentext on twatter is she retarded?
You do know it was around before the chans, right? > was always used to quote in forums and text channels. God this place is full of fucking millennial's.
They already are. "Celebrities" like Lauren tipping her fedora to pol doesn't exactly help the situation, but I don't see anything that can be done to stop it, or that it's anything to be concerned about. There are other things I allocate my cringe energy to.
And also appeared when replying to an e-mail as well.
Except you cant quote with angle brackets on twitter nor you can greentext you retard
These children have no idea about anything before about 05-07
We all used it in non-BB forums and text channels to quote before the 2000's and even to this day there is still large forums still using it to quote posts. It doesn't distinguish the text by any difference, the only way you know they're quoting is by the >
Oh great it's another leftypol divide and conquer shill thread
if Jews had been prevented from entering Sweden it wouldn't have been destroyed
why was that operation some great victory
arresting those traitorous Jews was not about killing them either fucking schizophrenic kikes YOU WERE ENEMIES OF ALL EUROPE OF COURSE YOU GOT ARRESTED. International Jewry declared warfare on Nazi germany for no reason but of course the screechy kikes kvetch forever when they get struck back for declaring war on germany
this bitch is canadian,a leaf,a maple syrup swallower
what the fuck is this danish bullshit?
S*roach injects paid mobs daily
Someone rape that fucking whore
Does she got any hot pics? Ass mybe?
The only thing worse than people using greentext outside of Sup Forums is when they call themselves "channers" desu senpai.
>giving these namefags attention
>the only cultural appropriation that really matters
Den tojte er fandme ikke en dansker.
This a message to all Canadians and Americans. You are not, and will never be danish, German, swedish, british etc. The paki, turk etc. that lives in those countries are more danish compared to you and you are fucking retarded.
Thx for listening.
Simonsen means son of Simon (common Danish name, 20.000 danish men share the name)
It is not hebrew you dumbass.
I do this. On YT as well. So fuck off.
>the finnish sperg is not here yet
Looks like Finnknight finally got a job or something. Good for him
VI må se på hendes gentest når den bliver taget af et ordentligt firma. Jeg vil hellere have hende i DK end mange af de andre progressive trunter som render rundt her. 14
I'm here, I'm just not bothering to respond to every shill post.
>muh wheat fields
Yeah, infag was getting on my nerves.
I see people trying to greentext on Faceberg of all places now.
>19% scandinavian
Kek, this. She pushes that little bit of Scandinavian heritage so hard. She's just another North American mutt like most of us. Except some of us are at least exclusively Euromutts, she's a genuine mutt with traces of non-white genes from South Asia and "Pacific Islander".
fucking hell this triggers me quite literally, stop using things you use on one website fucking everywhere.
she's retarded and so is everyone praising her on Sup Forums
Is there anything worse than using meme arrows on twitter?
Greentext is not a Sup Forums thing for fuck sake, are you even 18+?
Holy fuck this is breaking news. Christians name their children after biblical figures, and those names become common names in Christian communities? Who would have guessed that such a thing could happen. Obviously the Jews did this. Everyone with the last name Andersen, Jacobsen, and certainly Simonsen must be a Jew!
lol when the Jews stole your content and not only monetized it but also got shekels from YOU.
If I paint my nose green do you think Lauren would let me meme arrow her in the ass?
It's not, but I'm 100% sure she's using it after doing it on Sup Forums.
It's not but most people that use that use it nowadays think it's nothing more than "meme arrows from da 4chins teehee."
like i said in the other thread about LS that someone exists on pol and hasnt been deleted beause mods are shit; you are somewhat to blame for this spam. people want easy yous and youre providing. just stop posting in LS threads
She should:
>not paint her hair blond when she' actually light brown
>not use meme arrows publicly
>not usurp authority over men
>not dress slutily
>have kids instead of running around taking pictures
who's with me?
If she had children with her all beta orbiters maybe she would save white race.
Jeg er med dig!
Hvor er du fra i Sverige?
>Flat chest.
That's very germanic
How are Nordiska Motstandsrorelsen doing, btw? Making any headline in the legacy media?
Tingsryd, og du?
The normies I've seen aren't using it to quote, though. They make shitty attempts at greentext stories.
They only do it now because Sup Forums has become especially mainstream. You have the 2016 election to thank for that.
They made some headlines during the politics week in Gotland, because they had a tent there and confronted lying politicians, but nothing after that.
How are STASI Sweden treating nationalist Swedes? Is it safe to be public about one's power level?
>not paint her hair blond when she' actually light brown
Who the fuck cares about hair colour except if its pink shit
>not use meme arrows publicly
meme arrow? Just go offer yourself to a no-go zone svensken
>not usurp authority over men
Funny coming from a swede
>not dress slutily
Sorry we don't like nijabs
>have kids instead of running around taking pictures
she's 22 years old you fucking fjældabe
>not knowing about meme arrows
How new are you?
SD are fags, bro. Trynna outlaw NMR....
>ass tight, snatch swallowing shorts aren't slutty
some people have standards
NMR are still not banned here.. surprisingly. But they might be deemed a terrorist organization in the future, like National Action was in Britain.
Makes no sense. NMR literally did nothing wrong.
It is your current government that are terrorist enablers, and actual terrorists as seen by how they treat nationalists.
It is your current government that are terrorist enablers, and actual terrorists as seen by how they treat nationalists.
Their members have actually killed a few leftists/immigrants, and a few months ago 3 former members got prison for bombings against asylum centers... but it was not officially sanctioned by NMR.
>No Danish citizenship & pure ancestory - Not a dane,.
Kek, maybe she meant 'Danish-ish.' As in like or similar to an actual Dane.
Bro, you can't trust the enemy's narrative. Don't feed into marxist Aftonblade's propaganda.
'tidigare kopplingar' - aftonbladet. Kopplinger is such a useless broad term that they can be glued to anyone who has looked at someone from NMR.
I didn't mention it in a negative way... I'm just saying that if they are banned, the government will say that they have murdered people and bombed things. Their founder Klas Lund actually got prison for murdering some Antifa member in the 80's.
You fucking idiot, it wasn't a question about what meme arrows are
Everything in todays standard is slutty if you compare it to the amazing 60-90s where every woman wore summer dresses and actually fashionable clothes
She isn't Danish, Just like im not polish even tho im like +15%
Antifa are literally recognized as a terrorist organization by the US government... When has it become a bad thing to kill a domestic terrorist?
They were members and marched with them and held flags actually, but they were not members when they made the bombings. Supposedly, they left NMR because the leadership refused to sanction the bombings. I guess the leadership is smart, since they don't want to be outlawed, lol
Hvis du er 15% polsk, så er der gået et eller andet galt i dit familietræ.
normies who try to be cool by emulating Sup Forums
Well, the Dallas shooter was likely a Democrat. Everyone he has ever had a "connection with" whatever the fuck that means, should then be imprisoned... I am just making a point, regarding the flaw in their logic.