EU must reform, along with the Euro

(Please Refer to the Graph) The Euro did a good job of stabilizing the countries that accepted it, but after the 2008 crisis and Greek situation, the overly centralized banking system did not allow countries to fix their situations (except for Germany, ofc). I offer some solutions to reform this important union...
>Phase out the Euro or the central bank and implement a steady rate of inflation/decentralized model.
>Relook the Common External Tariff and look to eliminate it.
>Dont let Kebab in.

> eu wuz gud bois
What this graph doesn't show is the consequences of their policies with regards to business - most have to close or waste money on ridiculous regulations such as the curvature of cucumbers. No, the eu has to die along with the swamp in brussels and strassbourg by getting gassed.

Do you not believe in the principles of the single market?

No, because what they ended up with is a German stranglehold on every other European nation manufacturing sector. The single market is not a free market, it's a way for states to extort private business and hand out monopolies like kings back in their day.
States should compete for the most efficient and beneficial regulations amongst each other, not gang up on the population.

I think dissolving the EU would be disastrous for Europe and for the World. Judging by the virtuosity of the spike in the CPI in Britain following the referendum, killing of the EU instead of reforming would likely cripple europe for at least 20 years and trigger a global recession/depression.

The problem isn't the central bank, its a problem of monetary policy without control over fiscal policy. A country needs to have control over both to make effectible change, but as it stands, it's as if EU controls the wheel and Spain controls the gas and break.

E.g. the EU regulates the minimum VAT and CIT so that companies don't start fleeing let's say Germany and France to lower their operating costs.
It's the same socialist, central-planning idiocy only now germs and french can extort the smaller nations with stupid regulations.

For example the emission norms were pushed by germany and france so that it would block US and Japanese imported cars

I can see that tax cuts could likely boost a country but one must tread carefully with fiscal policy to not create inflation, especially when many countries are tied down to that same currency.

I have said that the elimination of the Common External Tariff would likely be a push towards a neutrally beneficial trade union instead of the tyrannical union that people have made it out to be.

That spike stems from the fact that the political decision caused insecurity. It will normalize when the negotiations are over, which is the reason the eurogoons try to stretch them out for as long as possible.
The abolition of the EU would indeed cause some instability. New trade agreements between EU nations would have to be negotiated, but in return, they would have unhindered access to the world market.
Another point to consider is the power creep of the euro institutions and the enormous cost to maintain them. Getting rid of them would save so much money that it would compensate for the instability.

The external tariff is the inly reason the eu exists. Without it it's meaningless. Case in point, if they were to abolish this tariff, agricultural workers would go on the barricades because their inflated produce prices will be undercut by foreign business. In short, the EU casues artificial misery and then draws its legitimacy from fixing the very same misery. Reforming such a system is impossible.

I am willing to agree that the EU is perhaps not at full efficiency and that administration costs could be slashed, and that the Common External Tariff is just dumb. I think that by looking over all regulations and abandoning the Customs Union while maintaining the single market would be the best plan for Europe, even if this plan is not likely to be carried out (to say the least).

Jesus christ Germany

Just make EU anti germany and divide the anglos and it will thrive.
as long as shitty germans control EU it is doomed.
Letting migrants in
Weak Army structure
Shitty economy plans
Jew lovers
they even agreed to pay turks 6 billion FFS

It's designed to inhibit innovation. The way it's set up is the common market and it's regulation commission. The regulation commission is determined to accumulate power for itself, so it sets up monopolies by killing off competition to the company it grants a monopoly trough regulation and taxation. It's antithetical to any notion of free market.
Gaining control over this commission is thus paramount to gaining control over the continent. It is my working theory that the people staffing these committees are eurofederalists and the power they give to the german government is just a byproduct of them pushing their own agenda. For the last 10 years, this relationship worked well for both sides. There will be a tipping point at which they will turn on each other, likely if merkel looses the elections.
Before it comes to this point however, abolishing the eu would be the easy solution.

>Common EXTERNAL Tariff (IM PORTS) is just dumb
Why? It's great for the counTries within the customs unions. Not great to outsiders.

It's bad for countries inside the tariff region as well. Without external competition the economy becomes inefficient and static and subsequently dead.

Uhhhh protectionism is dumb and trade specialization exists.

One Euronation when? Lmao

When someone comes up with something worse than nukes. Until then France and UK can and will block whatever comes up.

its in our interest that other EU countries have high unemployment rate. Qualified People who dont have work come to germany to work and we dont spend a single € for their education, also we can pay them lower as germans.

> us
Your government to be exact. The individual German just ends up loosing his savings, bailing out the very country these people came from and getting paid less.

>The individual German just ends up loosing his savings, bailing out the very country these people came from and getting paid less.
yes thats the sad truth