A man attacked multiple people in a supermarket in Hamburg-Barmbek
One died, multiple people injured. R.I.P. unnamed hamburger
Police called out a terrorism alarm.
The perpetrator has been arrested.
A man attacked multiple people in a supermarket in Hamburg-Barmbek
One died, multiple people injured. R.I.P. unnamed hamburger
Police called out a terrorism alarm.
The perpetrator has been arrested.
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EGS, nigga!
>One died, multiple people injured.
Sorry for the paywalled link, here's more:
> archive.is
> archive.is
> archive.is
> thesun.co.uk
How did the attacker not have a gun? If I've learned anything from Americans on Sup Forums, its that terrorists will always have guns in countries that have regulated gun control!
>motive unclear
Oh so nothing to see here, thanks Merkel.
>they'll never go back
>it'll never stop
We need to build a wall, and keep the eastern europe safe from western europe. Perhaps near Berlin.
Is it really a shitskin?
wtf? there's a place called hamburger?
i tried to find some articles on this but only found fake news sites. looks like some mentally ill tanned youth as far as i can see. nothing conclusive. getting pretty sleepy to be honest. might call it a night
It's white until proven otherwise
Your entire country is a one giant hamburger filled with hamburger people
I live in Hamburg. will update as details come in.
you cant be serious
Did you say Hamburger?
This is just the beginning. 2018 will have many "surprising events" Insh'Allah
Repent and turn to Allah before it's too late.
Hamburger is what people living in Hamburg are called. Evil US GIs practiced cannibalism and ate hamburgers during WW2. This is how McDonalds was established.
Okay Abdul. Stay away from the knifes.
haha yeah this place is a little enriched...
I'm actually a burger living here since I maga in April
Hamburg was once so beautiful and now this :(
Vid from the location:
Yeah right on we banned knifes and we never have knife attacks ...
pls be muslim
You deserve every terrorist attack you germans get.
You have been destroying europe for 300 years and still are.
I hope more of them die
HAPPY FRIDAY bring to you by Muslims
Slavic Eyewitness:
This is where hamburgers are from America. Hop to it
Why didn't you bin those knives?
please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white
Why do cameras get shitty when something happens?
based self hating fritz
What? A knife attack? Gee, I survived one. You foreigners are pussies.
Those laws dont apply to Muslims, you know that
>How did the attacker not have a gun?
You should definitely examine the next attack up close and personally to find out..
we are a delirious and nutritional people!
>in Lithuania, internet is so slow they are just now receiving the xd face meme
Fucking vulture journos begging for the images
>reliable witnesses
why are slovenians always self hating
They want to be North Italians
It would be self-hating if we were Slavs.
no wonder why you are self hating then
this too
The one terrorist attack without a gun out of the thousands every year and this nigger fucking faggot says this
North Italians? Italians are the untermensch of this world, what the fuck are you talking about spic?
what do you identify as then?
an austrian?
Not even news anymore. Its just a normal day in germany.
Why would you NOT want this spread around?
I am Not self hating. I hate most "Germabs". The ones who are don't.
No don't say that, north Italians are pretty based. You probably don't live next to the Italian border like I do.
Anyway, Slovenians are one of the most mixed European groups there is, because Carantania, Slovenian proto-state:
was a melting pot, so Slovenian is a mix of Celtic, Germanic, Romanic, Slavic
We're true Europeans
*caliphate of germanistan of the empire eurabia
Surely this must be a mistake
>We're true Europeans
made me laugh for a bit
haha nice one.
You cannot translate that directly
If you followed our example, maybe you wouldn't be a third world country now.
what about france faggot?
they had AKs at the charlie hebdo AND at the bataclan
unsurprising post from a somalian flag desu
Shut up you fucking alpine serb, you live in denial...
Then better start inventing some 1 long word for it, we need to use it.
by that you mean beg the eu for money?
I want it spread it, but I don't like how the journos tweet them like that everytime someone post a video, just email them or doing it privately.
Says the feftoscum who imported those 'people' !!!
religion of peace etc etc
I don't, Slovenes are not 100% Slavic, see:
We're mix of Celtic & other.
That's why we outperform you in every way, see:
we surpassed you by 300% even before we joined the EU, and you know it, but you're trying to meme.
He is 100% correct though.
The word is #türkenzigeunerundjuden
hamburgers btfo
an insult but no argument.
At least you are not denying the truth about the germans.
Hamburg deserves worse desu
Nobody cares, it's commonplace in muslim countries like Germany
All Germans really.
Why would it make a difference if it was a white Muslim?
good we have no guns in europe
All german cities. The rural parts are fine
No REAL German and afd voter would do that. The so called Germans are regards, literally. The holocaust guilt is so big it's even worse than your leftists. We cannot even say anything slightly nationalistic. That's the main reason I am with Trump so he finally beats the Zionists and the Germans will be free once again.
Actually we would start a war then but who cares.
Its not the cities that deserve it
Its the ground
Its the people. Anyone german deserves far worse than death.
>muh muslim boogeyman
It's fucking nothing, things like that happen daily everywhere
All uncucked Germans should move to Slovenia. You lost your own country, now you have a new home.
Come home, white man.
That's why I moved far far away from every city so when such an attack happens I can cheer for again some few who woke up.
BBC report: Asian Man Stabs Several People In Hamburg, Reasons Unknown
t. village hillybilly.
discarded per default
>All uncucked Germans should move to Slovenia.
Are you retarded?
You want to infect your country with Germans?
I consider moving to another country as a German as the worst kind of crime I can commit.
Obviously a Merkeldeutscher