Would you consider this a bad thing.
Would you consider this a bad thing.
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since they brainwash kids its a great holy thing to do
What would he say?
Kek approves
That's just on fire... "burned down" is a pile of ashes
I actually agree. Faggotry shouldn't be encouraged
Weird shoes... must be a foreign person
Who is going to pay the carbon taxes for this?
No. It's a great thing. I only wish they had been killed.
>fat person
>i am jealous of twinks with six packs
typcial fatty
Yes its a bad thing.
Building and contents will be insured. They will lose nothing material. All this does is hand a story to fagtivists to further their agenda with.
For you.
Burn all Jewish buildings
TDM are our guys, no need to archive them
It's Sargon.
It's terrible that one of their clients would burn the place down for victim points, but that's what they get for prioritizing the mentally ill.
>what would he say
Something retarded. It's amazing how you can watch the first season, and then the current season, and instantly notice the obvious difference in dialogue quality.
American hero
>Would you consider this a bad thing.
Of course, the LGBT must be submitted into defeat.
Stop shilling, faggot.
Checked for truth
>Of course, the LGBT must be submitted into defeat.
Yeah except I don't think it will be defeated I think we're all fucked!
>The LGBT center said they are aware suspect's identity and provided services to him on and off for three years
The enemy of enemy is my friend.
it was one of their own that set the blaze; he wasn't allowed to attend anymore due to his age
>Would you consider this a bad thing.
Kek, thats what i thought.
They guy who burned it down was gay! Inside job.
Based Arab now execute him.
Yawn. I bet it's another false flag fake hate crime. Convenient timing too, just after President Trump announced his decision to ban transes from the military.
Democrats false flagging again.
lel faile false flag
Let's see how long it takes for The Young Turks to post about this but leave out that fact and blame it on people like us
Which one of you crazy anons did this because I cant stop laughing. Next time wait till its full of faggots to burn it down.
The hero we need
need a hitler youth center for a better future
Part and parcel, lads. Chin up.
>implying it wasn't muslims
Is he, dare I say it?
Ouch!! This chair hurts!
90% chance it was a SJW tied to the center to gain feels to their cause.
LGBT are kuffar
That is an illegal gas can... federal government banned those years ago.
Isn't it ridiculous one man can write such an I depth interesting story. And an entire army of Jew writers can't even compete
inb4 false flag
>implying Muslims wouldnt encourage this degeneracy to weaken the infidel further.
No not really, they probably put really shitty ideas into vulnerable kids heads
False flag obviously
Someone give this guy a medal
people in arizona suffer
(McCain's state)
and they're liberals
pic related
Unfortuante but
>guy douses building in gasoline and sets it alight
>authorities initially thought it was an accident
Did they really not feel like doing their job or is it that easy to make a fire seem like an accident?
This is so incredibly sad
looks like the building wasnt occupied :(
I think it depends how much gas you use and how long the fire burns
residue burning off and such
Depending on the situation, arson can actually take a bit more technical skill than you might think from the movies and the news.
LGBT shouldn't exist.
some meth head burns down their shelter...
>Elliott said that Beach Jr had frequented the youth center since 2013, but was not able to have access to the program after aging out in 2016 when he turned 25
So they give an unstable person a family and a home where he can feel safe, then after a few years of him getting to know everybody, they kick him out for being too old.
this is why we need to move more muslims into gay neighborhoods! they need diversity in those neighborhoods.
it doesn't get much more technical than the Sterno Christmas lights in Goodfellas
you sick faggot
Without places like these, young fags who get kicked out of their homes prostitute themselves, get addicted to meth, and end up becoming sex slaves for creepy old dudes with AIDS. Inevitably they'll get some money and blow it all going to gay clubs, pozzing people all while doing the same drugs.
With places like these, there's a fighting chance that they'll settle down with another somewhat normal fag and just live a quiet, non-promiscuous life.
oops forgot my name was on
That's Shia LeBouf.
>Without places like these, young fags who get kicked out of their homes prostitute themselves, get addicted to meth, and end up becoming sex slaves for creepy old dudes with AIDS
And the problem here is? Seems like that will pretty much resolve the problem of them being faggots by resulting in their death either by AIDS or suicide.
I'm not saying I've ever engaged in arson before because that would be illegal, but it's easy to screw things up when you're a noob, especially if you try to get clever like that.
ikr? natural selection. thats natsoc at work for you.
So degeneracy is good as long as the people partaking in it eventually die (which could take a while). Got it.
It's only a bad thing if the rebuild it.
>horrifying moment man, 26
What the fuck does this even mean. What is this title supposed to convey?
whatcha doin' rabbi?
no, its a good thing for them to die before they spread their behaviors
The person who burned it down had come to the place for help. The spin media gave it is now being unwound to be hoax
He tried to be nice and bring some gas. Unfortunately he didn't think about how flaming gay they were.
That won't happen. They'll be spreading their behaviors every time they go anywhere. Tradfags keep it to themselves.
When someone is this mad about homosexuality, it usually means he got raped as a boy.
Any straight man who never got raped as a boy, could care less what faggots do in their own time.
It's all subjective, niggers.
Saw this in another thread just gonna leave it here
Media and schools brainwas them, if they go to this kind of center they already fucked. That said, the symbolism is still important.
Protect the children, by protecting them from LGBT.
dare i say it.
which is why we need to put the gays in a concentration camp
>And yes, this is a 18 year old trap and has nothing to do with any real life people or events that may have occured.
Degeneracy is partaking in actions that will inevitably result in your death or personal destruction and/or the destruction of those around you. For example faggots spreading AIDS and encouraging promiscuous behavior.
inb4 muslim
Was probably sexually abused or aware of kids/teenagers abused there.
These LGBT centers are hives for faggot pedo scum.
Faggots rape children, children grow up to be gay or murder fags. Seems reasonable to me lets make faggot murder legal.
>Would you consider this a bad thing.
Only if it was empty.
niggerfaggots ruining black communities may actually be a good thing. it will help whites reclaim the top. that is why i want to sell drugs to niggers.
oh how surprising!
>Burn all Jewish buildings
Burn all Jewish buildings!
Did you guys read the article, the guy attended the youth group of faggotry and burned it down after he turned 26 since the age limite was 25 lamo.
kek works in mysterious ways
Doing Óðinn's work.
Fag detected. We'd tell you to neck yourself, but nature will take its usual course with you in due time.