Easy , it was colonized by a bunch of moors , and nowadays their rapebabies are 90% of Latin America.
Latin Americans of REAL EUROPEAN heridtage (and I don´t mean that spanistani shitty moor gene poo)l are sucessfull and white , and own both spaniggers and their rapebabies
Thanks to Italians and Germans Latin America has some good spots if it was for the Moorish scum everything would be a 3rd world hellhole
Now I´m not claiming South America to be white , which would be a giant lie because 95% have spannigger ,nigger and arab roots therefore are not white
About 5% are white me being one
Why is Latin America so shitty?
Argentina by far the whitest considering it was mostly italian migrants
Chile gets my upvote cause it still has autochtone people
Rest are mixed race rape babies
Brasil needs to get nuked so they dont fuck amazon forest beyond repair
Why do you care? If you live here, and hide behind the kraut fag flag, then do something to improve it and stop bitching like a teenager girl. If you don't live here, fuck off and take care of your own business.
a lot of south american countries aren't pussies like 1st world ones. They are very traditional. Thats the way it should be. Eat crow you fuck.
>nukes the amazon to save the amazon
you do know nuclear bombs will kill all the monkeys and we wont be able to make any more soup out of them, right?
Pls nuke us.
Yes Argentina is the whitest , it is also the Latin American country with less spanistani moorish influence, the less Spanish it is the best , the moors can´t colonize shit
Kek , thats one of them Spanistani rapebabies , what can we expect from Spanistani mongrels
If it wasnt for the Italian and Germanic diaspora we wouldnt have whites in Latin America because spaniards are all shitskinned moors
So Hans, did Juan fuck your wife or what?
>do something to improve it
>*drops multiple nukes on several major Brazilian cities*
stop talking shit about my country, you ignorant nazi
the amazon isnt populated im talking about brasil cities ofc
>Rest are mixed race rape babies
For a second there, I thought you were talking about Greece.
Uruguay is actually the whitest country here.
People tend to ignore it because it's a tiny country that has only 3 million people.
Uruguay is white and the most awesome yes i forgot about it
pot is legal there
Show your flag, idiot.
Probably a sad neckbeard, with no redeeming cualities of his own, who made a /bant/-tier thread to try to blow some steam after seing himself in the mirror.
because it's full of spics and niggers, which the rest of north america will be soon.
I bet he is from Argentina.
latin american countries are so shitty because of a mixture of post-collonial bitterness, resistance to education, nigger-tier culture, absolute lack of trust between amerinds, mestizos and whites, rampant corruption, negative work ethic, nonexistent education, and a severe attitude problem within the average beaner
The root of all evil in latin america is populism! Now the US has the same disease.
We love Spain here, half of us has recent Spanish ancestors. (The other half Italian)
And we don't make this kind of butthurt threads.
By the way, if you are not saging, you are part of the problem.
Looks like the kraut-cuck left, oh well, guess he had to prep his wife's bull.
Shit, thanks for reminding me to sage
latin americans also come in one of three categories:
>self righteous leftists
who would rather ignore all of the cultural and societal problems among the average citizens in order to be pissed off at rich people, and insist that our countries are somehow better than the west because of spicy food and shitty music and dancing, i.e. latin """culture"""
>dumb christcucks
whose only reason for being right wing is because "jesus told them so", they have no concept of anything that makes right wing politics good, they just want to get rid of the gays
>absolute fucking idiots, poorfags and criminals
who adamantly refuse to work hard in order to make their lives better, and bask in self pity and live off government handouts, crimes and drug money. they have no drive, no work ethic, no self awareness and cannot take responsibility for their own woes
such is life in the tropics, my man
please end my suffering
not what I meant, but it is something indeed
Fuck man, if you hadn't said it was south america I would have thought you were talking about Madrid.
the root of all evil in latin america is the fact that most people down here are dumb as a box of rocks and have no drive for self improvement
you can blame governments all you want but those don't change themselves
as they say, "people are ruled by what they deserve", and if we keep electing absolute pieces of corrupt shit, what does that say about us as a culture?
we need to start taking responsibility for our own problems and stop waiting for the gubmint to change by itself
You just proved my point!
is this the curse of the iberian?
spain, poortugal and latin america seem to share some deep rooted cultural problems, especially the ones about dumb religious grandmas
huh? what do you mean?
I agree and also think that usually our "solutions" just bring more problems. We latinos always keep looking for the next leader and savior to elect and change our lifes forever. We do not realize or do not want to admit that there is something wrong with us, with our world view and with our culture. There has to be a cultural revolution first, then maybe we get descent societies, and later honest politicians.
I don't know, but it definetly seems to be a comon occurrence, in Spain we call it the two Spains, one rightwing for rightwing's sake, and the other progressive as fuck. I dont even know what can be done about it.
>"if we keep electing absolute pieces of corrupt shit, what does that say about us as a culture?"
Nigger blood. They didn't exterminate the niggers after freeing them, they had sex with them instead.
It always comes down to niggers. Slavery.
It's the cancer that slows civilization's growth, makes it unhealthy.
people are dumb and will always be dumb
i really don't know what i can suggest to fix this without resorting to the old "more education" meme
truly the worst enemy of the latin american is his own neighbor. we can't trust and we can't be trusted
what broke our culture in this way?
- nigger slaves
- catholicism
- freeing them to replace native/indian populations
- letting the niggers breed
- miscegenation
Niggers, niggers, niggers, niggers.
No other explanation. Every place where niggers are a majority or mixed heavily with the majority suck major dick.
Btw how is your government working now? After you put your president in jail and brought the CICIG
is this afghanistan?
Average Mexicans is like 10-20% nigger. They don't have enough nigger in them to show but they have enough nigger in them to hold them back.
It's a mix between inferiority complexes and populism which then turns into corruption and lack of opportunities
If the Spaniards would have killed off all the indians and never shipped niggers into the new world... Latin America would be populated by purebreed European white bois. The Americas would be continuous White Man civilization from the North Pole to Antarctica.
nice meme
it's all exactly the same as it was before
presidents are interchangeable, they don't matter, and they don't do shit
the same people are in power and are stealing the same money they've always stolen
nothing has changed and nothing ever will
(((CICIG))) is an american psy-op to make the public think that something is being done
we need to cleanse the congress and forcibly remove the (((CACIF)))
Here, we have 2 different kind of people: the ugly and sigusting mexican (those who ilegally lives in the usa) and the nice and intelligent ones.
The difference is huge in skin color and behaivors.
Why are you calling them moors, are you that ignorant?
I know the conquerors were shitty, but you must speak properly if you don't want your precious flag to be soiled by silly mistakes like that.
We killed all the rape babies from the war against Brazil in order to get rid of a future nigger generation.
We're still shitty nonetheless.
Probaly true!
i don't want to get sad
just imagine what could have been
Yep, he's that argentine faggot that claims he has italian and german ancestors, he makes threads to bash spaniards on a regular basis to demonstrate how repetitive and annoying many argentines are.
Are you in the first, 2nd or in between?
All the argentinians are feeing their country and become waiters and hostess at restaurants and shopping malls selling you credit cards and perfumes!
>The Americas would be continuous White Man civilization from the North Pole to Antarctica.
Nope, British and Americans imported way more niggers than Spaniards ever did. Only surpassed by the Portuguese.
Don't pin this on Spain, you are just fucking ignorant about history retard.
But if we have killed all the indians the continent would be a shithole! No cheap workforce for the haciendas and the commerce. Industrial revolution would have come much much later. We would be worse!
between, I like cumbias
Argentina has a positive net migration rate.
We receive immigrants, we don't send them.
Argentines in USA: 0.4% of all US Hispanics
Mexicans in USA: 63% of all US Hispanics
Go make up more believable lies Mexiroach.
São Paulo and the south is whiter than Uruguay and Argentia together. Please fuck off and pay your debts.
Illegal uneducated argentinians are like roaches invading mexico!
shut up mesero, bring my bill
>I dont even know what can be done about it.
make the right wing spain forget about being jacobin and messing with regional languages
that's for a start
All the girls at the strip clubs are from argentina!
1. I can see your ID, you are samefagging.
2. Why would Argentines go to a poorer cartel spicland?
3. Your own government contradicts what you are saying. According to this source, there are 17 thousand Argentines living in Mexico, an insignificant number. You have more Spaniards and Canadians than Argentines.
Mexican inferiority complex is amazing
60% of Argentines are eligible for Italian citizenship due to ancestry, why would we go to your fucking shithole.
Never even saw 1 white brasilian plus you speak portuguese the ugliest language in the world.
Heresy has consequences.
>why would we go to your fucking shithole.
I don't know but if you could please make them stop it would be appreciated!
can we all agree that peruvian monkey people are the worst?
Pic related, average Greek man.
>60% of Argentines are eligible for Italian citizenship due to ancestry
See then they are just plain stupid for coming here and becoming waiters!
>Source: UN 2002
We can see your ID retard
Nobody is buying it.
I like argentines, I know some of them and many are pretty based. I'm sick of OP though, he's always hiding his flag and making threads on a regular basis to shittalk about hispanics. Today he said in another thread that he's a white argentine with italian and german roots, and the only explanation I can find for his butthurtness is that some spanish girl dumped him for being such an annoying and whiny cunt. Are argentines with german roots so annoying usually?
Truly alpha.
Is he really argentine? Could be from anywhere since he won't show his flag. It's classic trolling tactic.
Anyway, yeah, I've discovered that the most annoying Argies are either the German type or the brown mongrels pretending to be just to troll.
shitty for who? Being rich in mexico is 10 times better than being rich in the US
>Tfw laugh at Venezuela daily and GF gets mad
Feels good
I know its me posting. So?
That's true my friend!
dont be so butthurt just accept the truth
nothing special about being white or rich culture is all that matters
nope, you still have to live around mexicans. honestly you subhumans are pretty delusional. your entire country is a parasite on the usa. one the great expectations of the future is that the usa can finally turn mexico into the shit hole it really is
Geopolitics and culture. Argentina and Chile will always be irrelevant, since its geographic configuration limits its capacity of projecting power anywhere beyond the Southern Cone. Venezuela is just another victim of the oil-rich soil curse. Mexico is just a buffer State for the US. Brazil could've been great if it had not toppled the monarchy from power, but it changed one of the greatest monarchs of all time for a bunch of degenerate revolutionaries.
Still saging
Just look at this thread you can see how delusional they are.
> hurr dur niggers
America and its stupid policy of filling our governments of corrupt, incompetent and retarded right wing military puppets for a quarter of century is indeed a very nigger-ish thing to do. We, Brazil, entered the cold war developing and industrializing, educating the population en masse, as - the fucking hero - Getulio Vargas began doing. We left this shit underdeveloped, full of poor and uneducated favelados, paying extremely high debts and facing an economic breakdown. Keep blaming the niggers, retard.
Not really, I live among white people we go to country clubs, have weekend houses in the best beaches, go skiing to Vail and spend time between NY and europe. Not bad if you ask me!
You know that they said, good times never last, and being honest all of south america is pretty fucked
>Never even saw 1 white brasilian
Because no brazilian migrates to your shithole, kek.
>niggerball team represents the whole population
So according to your turkish logic, America is 90% black - just look at their basketball team!
Maybe they are sending their ""best"" to alleviate weight, Chile should do the same, but to Bolivia, and our truly best must colonize the Antarctica.
Except we aren't, 17 thousand is not a significant number by any stretch of the imagination, you couldn't even fill a stadium, this is just their inferiority complex against us rearing its head again. Hell, they have more Canadians than that...
We should deport our 1.5 million Bolivians to Mexico so they can experience some real immigration.
The problem with Mexico is not money, it's culture. Rich Mexicans think they're somehow superior because they have more money. but in reality they're not that different from poor Mexicans both of them share the same piss worthy culture.
fuck off nigger
Actually its between 40 and 50 thousand argentinians and that was the 2014 census!
Chile is the best country of this shithole called spicamerica
also Mexicans are poorer in average to argies
If they did, no country would be poor.
Show me a source or fuck off you lying shitskin
Wikipedia says 17.210 as of 2015, with a Mexican government source as citation.
>the eternal Iberian