>not using a south-up Gall-Peters map
Explain yourselves, bigots.
>not using a south-up Gall-Peters map
Explain yourselves, bigots.
damn anti-arktian bigots
>south to north
No thanks
I'm always using a West African map even when I look for places in Austria.
Get on my level fucking bigot shitlords.
Nearly everybody on the planet is carrying a computer with them nearly all of the time capable of 3d graphics. 2d maps are for faggots.
This. Where we're going, we don't need cardinal directions.
>Using a map with only four corners
fucking plebs get on my level
Why does looking at that map make me feel funny?
This isn't SnK world.
I don't know.
We really should be adopting a sideways map, where the view is from the sun facing the earth where the west is on the bottom - as that indicates that the "north" on that map is a the direction of rotation of the planet which is the most logical and realist expression.
gay as fuck
it's like you just want to insult European heritage you filthy abbo cunt
>using a finite amount of corners
fucking plebs get on my level
yeah we should have maps focus on the lowest populated land masses and mostly ocean rather than the way it currently is...
I'm fine being in the remote far south, unnoticed and close to Antarctica. This map makes Argentina much more noticeable which is undesirable. I don't want more shitskins to come here.
The less we are talked about the better.
There are no relevant human societies in the south and there's much less land so why the fuck would you put it at the top? Fuck penguins.
I'm afraid the shitskins have already arrived. In fact they have been inhabiting Argentina for hundreds of years already.
I wonder why those land masses are...
where's thule on the flat earth?
>Hitler considers Argentina an Aryan country
>Millions emigrated before and during the World Wars
>Largest Volga German community in the world
>Hitler even had an Argentine Minister of Agriculture
>Argentina had to endure American economic blockade and embargoes because of our refusal to declare war on you
>70 years later Hans is still sucking Jewish American dick
You really are an ungrateful lot.
Next world war we'll sit back and watch you burn. No food aid, no open doors to your immigrants and refugees.
Probably a continent behind the ice wall.
Holy shit. I knew the earth was a rectumtangle. That's where that old saying comes from: 4 right turns equals a left.
cool to look at
anybody got a definitive answer?
This is what the white Egyptians did, while muzzies and abbos favored south maps.
The White Egyptians considered north to be 'down' and south to be 'up', you colossal faggot. That's why Upper Egypt is in the south and Lower Egypt is in the north.
No you fucking moron it has to do with the elevation. Same as with upper and lower Canada.
Can someone please explain this to me?
What the fuck?
Argentina isn't hot.
Half the country gets covered in snow.
This is located where you pointed your red arrow.
you're wrong
It was clearly just a Belgian shitpost.
it's cold as fuck down there m8
who ever said that? plus why does every continent look bigger on the other side of the equator
if its so cold why do they call it tierra del fuego?
Because they do.
Because Magellan the Portuguese explorer saw Indians making fires on the shore from his ship.