>People in desert city are free and liberated
>Sexually free to do what they want
>No discrimination
>God gets pissed at these """""degenerates""""" and decides to burn the cities to the ground
>He tells a """"pure"""" family to run before the apocalypse
>They run and hide in the cave
>The daughters bang the dad
>POL believes this is the religion that built and saved the west

I'll give you ONE chance to defend literal murder of the millions of people of Gomorrah and Sodom and literal incest.

If lust is a sin then why did the daughters get away with banging the dad?

Pro tip: You can't. Christianity is just as dumb as Islam :^)

>the Bible is literal

Defend the incest fuccboi

Or "interpret" it in a way that you can usr to fool the masses :^)

I should have posted this picture instead

>(((whatever other religions)))
All religions are stupid. End of story.

So David slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David. (1 Kings 2:10)
>having multiple fathers
>sleeping with them
why was king david such a fag lol



it's own an allegory or metaphor about how degenerate moral decayed civilization vanish overnight as if they were smited by god.

It happened in Egypt. It's happened several times in history.

New civilizations are often built on the bones of old ones.

the only people who believe the bible are the same people who snip their little boy's penis off and let a kike suck off the blood

See how long a society will last if it continues on the path of unrestricted sexuality. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is far more profound than (((fedoras))) like you realize.

Now gtfo of Sup Forums, this is a righteous christian board.

Fuck off. Christian fags get so upset when they find out that not all of Sup Forums agrees with their stupid ideologies.

Abram actually married his half-sister.

I don't care if you agree or not with my ideologies.
But if you attack them using stupid or ignorant arguments, don't expect kind words in return.

your comment seems to imply that any other way of looking at the Bible than literally is "fooling the masses". This is a flawed premise to begin with. We can't have a conversation in such absolutes

David and Johnathan were the biggest pair of homosexuals in their day

>Defend literal murder of the millions of people of Gomorrah and Sodom
Faggots are not people they are filthy amoral sexual deviants who force their perversion on others either through propaganda, brain washing, or literal rape of children.

>being outraged by incest
So you agree there is such thing as sexual degeneracy, and you do believe it is disgusting and to be shamed.

That's why Sodom and Gomorrah were G-nuked.

the stories from the old testament should not be taken litterl even though there are some litteral truths in there. It is best to get the moral lesson and the metaphors to get those complex ideas across.

Keep in mind that their are hundreds of stories left out of the Torah and the New Testament that are considered cannon. In the case of the New there are heretical gospels as well. The bible is basically the 101 book, its the one you start with and the one you always go back to.

Where does it say in the Bible that the rape of Lot by his daughters was a good / moral thing?

If you were raised in a society sullied by so much sexual sin, as Lot's daughters were, wouldn't you come to believe that incest / rape is normal? I mean, a literal mob of homosexuals came to knock on Lot's door so they could rape God's angels who were staying there. Lot and his family, even though they were blessed by God, were a product of this society.

>The bible isn't literal
>We should take the passage about homosexuality literally
Cafeteria Christianity everyone

The old testament is basically jews trying to justify shoading everyone in their path because muh israel, muh god chosen

Lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Once your civilization succumbs to faggots, trannies, niggers, and degenerates the downfall is swift.

When even the male rats are giving each other blowjobs in front of children in alleys... time to get out of town.

Sodom and Gomorrah... understanding scripture.

If you are a hard working god respecting white person and niggers, SJWs, trannies, fags start moving into the neighborhood... leave before some nigger breaks into your house, your daughter fucks a nigger or gets raped by one, your son gets turned into a faggot, and your wife starts sucking your neighbor's dick.

The God of the bible is an angry god and he watches humans closely. He's telling you to avoid niggerdom.

If this is true then why hasn't any city in modern society been hit by a meteor yet?