MGTOW = bluepilled cancer

This is a reminder that Sup Forums is a Traditionalist board and that MGTOW shills need to fuck off back to /r9k/ where they belong.

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reminder that 88% of those MGTOW shills are jews subverting. They use the cover of another to talk shit about white women. Notice the (((mgtows))) always imply it's white women.. never seen one mgtow bitch about black or asian women.
mgtow is what JEWS use as cover to talk shit about white women

No it isn't

MGTOW is the biggest cancer on the right.

They tell people not to get married and not to have kids, like feminists.

They hate self-improvement or the idea that men should be held up to high standards, just like they want to hold women up to high standards.

They constantly attack even redpilled women, fall for all the character assassination tactics against them, and spend more time shitting on white women than leftists or kikes. Nothing wrong with criticizing modern women or feminists, but they take it to a level that makes the whole thing look like virginal rage, and just prevents any unity between the sexes, they ignore and still shit on good women, . How many girls who were interested in opposing the left or feminists get put off by these faggots who act like (and probably are) D&C shills?

Then they also spread demoralization and inaction constantly instead of being productive.

What if whites became just like niggers. Fuck several white women pay child support reproduce at the same rate as nigs. Why bind yourself to one girl that can only do it every 9 months. Also the more you fuck the better your chances of having great kin rather than binding yourself to one inferior genetic bitch

Yes it is, fuck off

>This is a reminder that Sup Forums is a Traditionalist board and that MGTOW shills need to fuck off back to /r9k/ where they belong.


MGTOW is compatible with traditionalism

MGTOW says I will not be in a relationship with a woman if it is not traditional

They understand with the way modern societies laws and culture are formed right now, it is essentially impossible to have a traditional relationship, so they choose to focus on making themselves happy.

That is called being a selfish hedonistic cunt. It is not impossible, it requires effort.

>They tell people not to get married and not to have kids, like feminists.

Getting married and having kids in our current culture is a recipe for disaster.

>They hate self-improvement or the idea that men should be held up to high standards, just like they want to hold women up to high standards.

Completely false, in fact MGTOWs have way more time for self improvement because they aren't wasting their time as slaves to women.

>They constantly attack even redpilled women, fall for all the character assassination tactics against them, and spend more time shitting on white women than leftists or kikes.

White women are the most degenerate leftist women, bar none. If you want to see who is causing white genocide, just look at the white women who are literally choosing not to have kids.

>What if whites became just like niggers

Then you would have the same problems. More broken families, more crime, more kids growing up without a father figure to teach them life skills and how to be men or good girls, more aimless manchildren, etc.

Kids need their daddies, or they usually end up failures, manchildren, whores or broken people in general. Most of these MGTOWs were probably raised by a single mother or had problems at home. That's what they should focus on instead of btiching about women and telling other people that getting into a relationship and having kids isn't worth it.

Unless you're at the top 5% of the genetic stock, just spreading your seed as far and wide as possible without thinking of the consequences is not worth it and just asking for economic and social problems.

It's always funny seeing MGTOW suggesting to keep our population up via sperm donation, as if they are some kind of Adonis'.

Say whatever makes you feel good I guess. Common Law Marriage is expanding to include long term relationships. Domestic violence cases are moving to family court instead of criminal court, and the laws are getting worse and worse every year for men in any sort of relationship.

When you get fucked over, I'll make sure to give you no sympathy just like you gave me none just because I was a "mgtow." Have fun paying alimony you dipshit.

>If you want to see who is causing white genocide, just look at the white women who are literally choosing not to have kids.
So copying those that do somehow makes it alright? Such an infantile mindset.

There is no such thing as MGTOW.
Only losers pretending they are not losers because they can't get a girl.

t. asshurt woman

That's why you don't marry until you're sure she's the right one, fucktard.

You don't have to marry to get fucked by alimony the way the laws are progressing fucktard.

She can decide to take you to court for alimony if you've cohabited for 3 years in some states. So during the "finding out she's the right one" she can fuck you. Your argument failed, try again fucktard.

MGTOW is a misnomer. It's women who are going their own way. Some of us simply choose not to follow them off the cliff.

>It takes 3 years to work out if a woman is a degenerate whore
Maybe it's for the best if you MGTOW types didn't reproduce.

I'm going MY OWN WAY

Bitches, look at me! I don't care about you. Look how much I don't care!
That's right - I'm an independent men who don't need no woman

White male 29 years old making a good wage. MGTOW because im too beta to make anything happen otherwise. Sorry white race, a lot of you have some serious compensating to do for people like me.

>may this meme spread across the internets
>and destroy jewery along it's paths

I will laugh and laugh when some bitch takes your money cause the the kikes in the courtroom say so. Some guy on the internet warned you but you were too dumb to listen.

I will pity you when you're old and decrepit living a desolate life

Why pity a man laughing with joy?

Have fun with pursuing nihilistic pleasures, it usually ends well.


Gee I wonder who could be behind this thread?

I'm skinny as shit. Change your meme argument to reflect that and you may have a point but probably not

you sound like some gambling addict raving about a stock that finally went up.

combined with a cult like attitude... like wtf your warnings of the apocalypse that women are the boogyman and will ruin your life....

if you dont listen to this mra your life will be ruined ve warned we told you so, fire awaits you in hell repent.

if you need another person to change your adult diaper when you're old to feel complete you're the one who should be pitied normalfag

MRA are impotent retards that won't get anything changed, next argument plz

oh, mean mtgow same thing really.

so yeah, stop trying to bring other men down to your level.

there is more to life than living in fear of losing money you dont have yet

>t. bitter and jaded perma virgin who strawmans the women who rejected him

Daily reminder MGTOW exists because of pic related.

mgtow exists because of rejected boys

>Getting married and having kids in our current culture is a recipe for disaster.
>Divorce Rate in U.S. Drops to Nearly 40-Year Low

Everything in life involves risks, that doesn't justify throwing away your own bloodline because of something that hasn't even happened yet. Can you imagine if everyone thought like you? Our whole species and culture would die off

>MGTOWs have way more time for self improvement because they aren't wasting their time as slaves to women.
You would think that, and that's what they claim, but when you look at these MGTOW advocates, it's obvious that they're not concerned with that. They would rather wallow in self-pity, play vidya or drink all day, saying they don't need women while spending all their time complaining about women. Why do you need a "movement" for something some men have done for thousands of years? If you learn how to deal with women, you won't be a slave to them, they'll be dependent on you. If you want to completely independent, you can do it without "MGTOW"

>White women are the most degenerate leftist women, bar none.
Wrong by almost every measurable statistic. They're still the least degenerate along with Asian women,869,36,868,867/10,11,9,12,1,185,13/432,431

>look at the white women who are literally choosing not to have kids.
Birth rates have fallen in Western countries for every race, and this is b/c of feminism which MGTOW is just the male version of. You complain about "white women choosing not to have kids", but you're saying men shouldn't?

>blame women, not the Jews!
Every single fucking time.

You forgot to archive that
>time com/4575495/divorce-rate-nearly-40-year-low

Dumbest post I've seen in a while.

There's no need to talk shit about women because they are already shit.

Black women I don't know many.

Asian women tend to be better than white women.

All I can argue is that most white women are garbage


I never understood MGTOW. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to get married, but it's certainly nothing to be so proud and arrogant about

uhhhh doubt thats the cause.

its more likely jew egalitarian philosophy.

everyone wants things to be fair.

men no longer want to be held to higher standards; they want things to be fair

Are you just one guy or are Norwegians dedicated as fuck?

>You complain about "white women choosing not to have kids", but you're saying men shouldn't?

You are very inexperienced with women.

Women choose to have kids, not men. Men literally have zero say in whether they have children or not.

This is part of our laws and why it's essentially impossible to have any meaningful investment in a woman.

>All I can argue is that most white women are garbage

Or you just shut up when you don't have anything to say.

gtfo manlet pasta nigger

>t. Divide & conquer shill.

>what is laying down the ground rules
You are a fucking retard

You are right, I'm separating the wheat from the chaff, and what?

We're all put in archive camp during the summer months

Don't blame men for not wanting to participate in a rigged game where they always lose, cunt.
You want to go out and get fucked by guys before "settling down"? Fine, that's your business. Just don't expect any of the "good guys" to give you the time of day for being a fucking society destroying slut.


entitled betas

they need to compensate for the negative feelings they got from bad relationships


lol i can see why you're the bitch with that mindset

Women are a cancer and artificial wombs are the cure.

MGTOW is literally D&C. It divides men from women. What happens next? No more enemy.

Doesnt matter what I do anyways women won't want to fuck me

MGTOW are just transitioning TRP. They just need some extra help.

I can't put my dick in that.

>what is laying down the ground rules

Lmao. I bet you think a woman will do whatever you tell her to do if you're in a relationship with her.

jerking off to fiction is the cure to our problems

also, women started with this. ("muh sperm banks") You're a male feminist.

you need to fuck them, user

That's hardly as important as breaking the monopoly women have on reproduction.

Wrong, men and women are already divided, and you know exactly who did it.

Going into a relationship with a woman who has been brainwashed by them to hate your guts is basically suicide.

Reminder that MGTOW is a direct cause of (((feminism))).

Reminder that fighting the symptom instead of the cause is what goys always do.

MGTOW is good for society.

>also, women started with this. ("muh sperm banks")
That's nice, user. Sperm banks have been a thing for how long now? It's almost as if men serve a higher purpose in society than just shooting sperm.

>You're a male feminist.
That makes no sense. A male feminist is a feminist that happens to be male. I'm not a feminist.

Daily reminder you need to treat both the cause and effect, otherwise either the problem reappears or the effects would still persist.

I have been screwed by a white women big time. For being a decent caring man. Lost thousands of dollars just because wanted a stable relationship and wasnt controlling or crazy.

Thanks for the input garbageman. With feminism, hypergamy, and modern society i have the same value as a 200lb fatty with an n count of 20 as a slightly below average facially skinny nerdy guy with a mediocre stem job. I'm not going to pretend I'm "going my own way" after being essentially forced out of the market but I'm not going to keep subjecting myself to being told I'm genetically not worthy

The only way what you're talking about happens is raping and pillaging after winning a civil war. Which I would be down for. More fun than showing up to work next week

you're genetically not worthy

you're elevating and amplyfying the negativity they've thrown at you.

How stupid are you? I'm talking about when you're first dating, you either hint or flat out say that you looking for woman that want children.

it's a "you-too" reaction.
Too bad their sperm banks actually exist and your wombs don't.

Doesn't matter what you say when she's going to dump you sooner or later for someone more attractive anyway.


Anti mgtow threads mosty show up during happenings when the shills are working overtime to slide

The tradcuck reveals his true gynocentric pussy worshipping attractiveness = genetic quality nature

There's nothing to slide though, the catalogue is just full of random shit right now.

>Women choose to have kids, not men. Men literally have zero say in whether they have children or not.

Most women still want to have kids. It's literally their main biological instinct in life: child-bearing. Women aren't built to fight or have nerves of steel b/c as a species, it wasn't necessary, that's your job. What was necessary for them was child care, and activities involving the homefront. That's the main thing they're wired to do and men can't do, and deep down most of what they do is centered around that. They just want little children to take care of, they want strong men to lead and protect them, and men want feminine women that they can adore. You can't fight this nature, and women who do end up going crazy. Just like men end up being depressed and unhappy later on in life if they don't have offspring at some point, but it's 10x worse for women

Anyone who deviates from that is defective. Both feminism and MGTOW try to fight this and only end up making people unhappy and destroying society. Feminism is trying to unnaturally elevate the average women beyond their biology

If you're in a relationship with a woman, be the man in the relationship. Never tell them you expect traditional gender roles, just take up the male gender role without saying a word. You make the plans, you make the decisions, you have the answers, you get shit done. Don't ever defer to her unless she's more experienced or knowledgeable in that specific situation, but maintain the decision. She will naturally, and comfortably, fall into a more traditional female role without thinking about it. In that moment you'll be in a position to improve her political outlook and behavior. It must be done incrementally over time, and always with questions that she has to think about, never statements

With all the effeminate men, manchildren, shitskins, and sexually frustrated people in the West nowadays, it's easy pickings for white men who make the effort to improve themselves

>They tell people not to get married and not to have kids, like feminists.

says the guy who believes everything wrong with the world is mens fault and women have no personal responsibility to not be whores.

Not even trying to hide the fact that you're a shill now lol, now all that is left is a blacked meme

This desu, MGTOW is complicit white genocide by voluntarily refusing to reproduce. Fuck them

Random shit = Slide overload

>everything I disagree with is Jewish brainwashing & cancerous schemes
Wow a new low for anons of Sup Forums

sure thing, cuck. Did you pay your alimony this week? She needs the money to pay her vacation with her new BF, Tyrone who rapes and beat your 8 years old daughter

This, lot of shot going on in Washington, DNC get fucked

Just make the sexbots already. Women 2.0 will be a yuge improvement.


>it's a "you-too" reaction.
What does that mean?
>Too bad their sperm banks actually exist
Yes, I've acknowledged that in the post you're replying to, user. Good for you repeating that point though.

How many white children do you have?

That's not a blacked meme you retard. It's not even a fucking meme.
Well you ARE bumping them, aren't you user?

This. And artifical selection of embryos for upgraded intelligence. Roasties can jump off a cliff for all I care.


Can you even read, cunt? I said "all that is left", it's the same type of cancer.

MGTOW are just pathetic, nothing more. When someone tell me that he follow such a retarded doctrine, I don't take anything he say as serious. I immediatly assume that he's a beta and a retard, because only a subtle mix of those two conditions can give birth to such a pathetic ideology.

But in our current state that retardation is dangerous. MGTOW could have been a fun retarded doctrine if we lived in a homogeneous white society. In our current state and with our birth rates going lower and lower though, it's downright race-treason and deserve two bullets at the back of the head.

>cucks, white knight, slave for wymen

It's not even about womens you retard. It's about the necessecity to have kids. You need women to have kids, in case you forget, but you also need them to raise them.

How many white children do you have?

Yes but apparently you can't.