>poor people are obese
>but they have enough money to spend on excessive food
Can someone explain this oxymoron?
>poor people are obese
>but they have enough money to spend on excessive food
Can someone explain this oxymoron?
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Are you retarded? A really healthy diet is kinda expensive, just look at the prices for veggies. Most cheap food is shit tier and makes you fat. Case solved.
God OP, why are you so retarded.
I'd imagine there is probably a link between poverty and poor impulse control, lack of discipline, delayed gratification, etc. which cause overeating and obesity.
Shit tier food loaded with suggar, fat and other unhealthy shit is very cheap
While balanced diet consisting of quality meat, vegetables, fruits and some dairy products is expensive.
Also poor people will buy read up meals instead of making thier own food. First one are full of chemicals/conservatnts and so on.
>shit food that makes you fat is cheep
>be poor get fat
it's not that they buy excessive food, it's that generally the cheapest food that feels the most filling is very unhealthy while they also lack the free time to do things like exercise
Ramen noodles have 300 calories per serving, something like 50-60 carbs, shit tons of sodium, and other unhealthy stuff like MSG.
It's one dollar for two cups at almost any store.
>hurrr healthy food is expensive
Shut the fuck up Sup Forums
Stupid fat fucking non-whites
You can eat shit food and not be fat
Quantity is what matters
lol quality meat is not better than cheap meat, stop spreading dumb shit you retard
a healthy diet is not expensive, it just doesn't taste as good as junk food , that's why there are so many fat people, they have no self discipline and they are always craving that food-kick and good taste from sugar
The poor are lucky to afford any food at all. Go to An African country or Venezuela and tell them about unhealthy food!
the problem is people arent eating actual food
go redpill yourself on food fools
Fat people are stupid, it has nothing to do with income
>Not buying 100 burger king chicken nuggets for 15 dollars
It's like you're not trying to eat big to get big.
Turkey vs chicken feed with antibiotics
Cheap meat is loaded up with antibiotics.
Eat less fatty.
I'm /fit/ but but enjoy the occasional fast food binge. Like buying 4 McDoubles and making 2 McQuadruples. When BK ran that 10 nuggets for $1 promo, I bought 40 but called it quits at 36. It was not a productive afternoon at work.
Liar. Produce is many many many times cheaper then combined, processed and frozen produce
Poor people are fat people because they are lazy, unmotivated, pieces of shit. This is also why they are also poor.
Wrong. Raw Veggies and Meat are dirt cheap in Germany.
The funny thing is, if you're genuinely on a bulk burger king nuggets are laughably cheap sources of ready made good macro food.
35% fat, 35% carbs, 30% protein. When I was starting out doing 5x5, I would eat about 50 chicken nuggets because I was broke as shit.
>I want 50 nuggets for the 10 for 1 dollar deal thing
>Yeah. Fifty.
Boom, you get 2,150 calories. It's about as cheap as buying a gallon of milk. If they sold just a meat slurry that wasn't breaded I would probably buy those for keto.
Not sure what happened there, but okay.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
You're delusional. My veggies are for free btw, I have a nice big garden.
In the US, SNAP (food assistence) gives you insane amounts of money to spend on food. Actually fucking CRAZY amounts, proportional to the number of niglets you have.
They're fat because their behavior is enabled by food stamps, more or less.
This isn't true. Beans, rice, corn and all that shit is cheap as fuck. People just can't cook though so they eat out and buy frozen shit.
Germanbro explained it perfectly. I'm not fat but definitely malnourished as all I eat is McDonald's twice a day or so. Usually just a big mac or whatever's on the dollar menu.
Healthy food is expensive as shit and I don't have the time to meal plan and calorie count like some queer. Want more fit people? Make healthy food affordable, otherwise get used to seeing more fat people.
In the US as far as im aware shit starchy food is subsidised which contributes to this madness. In the Uk you can buy a kilo bag of frozen chips for a quid whereas a bag of salad leaves, costs the same amount.
So basically germoney is right
In America fast food is also very addictive
They eat processed garbage
They're not gorging themselves on hardy home cooked meals
>Don't have time
This is just an excuse lazy fatasses make. Plan your meals for the whole week, use a slow cooker, etc. You just refuse to apply yourself.
People are dumb, they think being poor means having a Thinkpad instead of a MacBook pro or an Android instead of an iPhone 6s is the definition of poor.
All meat is loaded up with antibiotics unless you're buying "organic". The problem is that it helps create drug resistant bacteria. Meat grown with antibiotics doesn't magically turn into poison in your gut.
>I don't have the time to meal plan
It takes less time to make a pb&j sandwich than to wait in line at mcdonalds and for a fraction of the price
Healthy food is affordable you fat fuck, you've already said you're too fucking lazy to meal plan, you faggot.
Underrated post. Have a you.
Bad food for and no movement of any kind makes you fat. you need both. You can eat shit food and burn it off but if you sit on your ass all day you gain weight.
I'm skinny, try again. I don't eat the fries or drink soda.
>plan meals for the week
Who the fuck does that? Maybe if you're unemployed that makes sense but some of us have to work.
I don't have several hours to spend mapping out what I'm going to eat. People who do that are mentally ill.
beans and rice is how you get obese you dumb fuck
Only if you eat too much just like anything
>$1 menu
>have $10
>double cheeseburgers
>437 calories ea.
>4370 calories per day from those alone
>buy seeds for various veggies in bulk
>plant seeds
>harvest whatever grows
>eat some of it now and freeze the rest for eating later
>seeds are cheaper than jars of mayo and boxes of cookies
>Who the fuck does that?
Responsible adults. Again, stop making excuses and apply yourself.
>Healthy food is expensive as shit
You liar
Fat people tend to be stupid people that can't grasp the concept of counting calories or reading labels. They think eating a shit ton of fruit and a protein shake = weight loss.
OP's talking about weight, not nutrition.
You don't need to eat nutritious to control your calorie intake and take in less energy than you burn, you just need to put down the damn fork.
There's really no excuse. Poor people are just lazy, stupid, lack impulse control, and can't plan ahead. Reasons they're fat are generally the same ones they're poor.
Try not eating like a fat fuck.
Just came here to post exactly this video, you are fucking retarded.
>dies from starvation while waiting for plants to grow
Nah you'll just burn off all that unnecessary 600 pounds worth of "big bones"
That really fucking depends on where you live.
>Spending $10 on a single meal
wow you're a dumbass.
Where is it not true?
They don't spend it on excessive food, they spend it on excessively unhealthy food
No it's not, too much is how you get fat.
Here's the full video.
A buddy of mine is always eating sugary shit like cereal, pancakes with shitloads of condensed milk, watermelon/orange/pineappe juice with a shitload of sugar, sugary bread, sugary cookies, peanut butter sandwiches, etc, he even adds sugar to a fucking chamomile tea before going to bed
He's always having trouble controlling his appetite and ends up making shitty, unpalatable non sugary food because he only starts preparing his food AFTER the hunger starts
He's not morbidly obese but he's fat, he doesn't eat more sugary shit only because his budget doesn't allow him to
What happened to people's eating habits Sup Forums? Why are people so hooked up on this shit? I can't wrap my head around people being like this
>Make healthy food affordable, otherwise get used to seeing more fat people.
Healthy food is affordable. It's the time cost that's expensive for people.
A whole chicken costs approximately $1.19/lb. Pat dry then smear that bitch with butter and seasonings you bought in bulk from the grocery store (don't buy the little spice jars) and put it in a roasting pan (that you bought at Goodwill or on sale) on top of onions, potatos, carrots and celery. Roast for up to 90 minutes at 420F. You've got at 4-8 servings of good, homecooked food for just over $8.00.
Fat fuck
The poorest people live in Africa. Africa also has the most obese people on the planet...
poverty causes depression which leads to overeating
Kek, you don't know shit burger.
A medium sized head of iceberg lettuce costs 3.50$ here, a frozen pizza, costs 4$. Well, well well, I guess people will go for the frozen pizza, seeing as an ice berg lettuce isn't a fucking meal. This is just one example. Fresh fish costs almost 20$ a kilo here, frozen fish sticks, about the same weight costs half less.
Please do tell how fresh unprocessed food is less expensive.
>It's the time cost that's expensive for people.
I can make something to eat in less time than it takes to go through the drive through at Mcdonalds
Bottom line is all food is cheap and poor people get bored or sad so they comfort eat a lot
A couple big macs a day won't make you obese, that's only roughly 1100 calories.
You're fat because you snack on shit all day long in between those fatty.
Rice and beans faggot.
Chicken, rice, frozen veggies you fucking mong.
The "poor" are ignorant and lazy thus poor.
They're fat because they're lazy. They're poor because they're lazy. Lazy people tend not to cook - it's easier to bung something in the microwave. That sort of food makes you fat. You can mitigate the effects through exercise but people don't tend to do that if they're... lazy.
Fuck I can't even drink a whole bottle of pop anymore because it's just too much sugar. Pop should literally be banned or taxed to shit, I cannot imagine drinking 100+ grams of sugar every day, the ammount of sugary drinks people consume is fucking insane. This shit is the reason why most people are fat in the first place while eating somewhat reasonably. Pure simple sugars fucks up your digestive system as well, it's pure poison.
>portion control
This yabbo gets it.
wtf I'm going to church now
Poor impulse control plus the wonders of capitalism and corn subsidies.
If you're fat and reading this: WHY ARE YOU STILL FUCKING FAT? Just quit eating so much fatty, literally that simple.
.t former fatty
>implying poor people have a garden large enough to grow their own foods for a whole year
>Implying there is no such thing as winter
>implying poor people, who work huge hours have time to fucking plant shit in their non-existing garden
He has a point you know.
Fat faggot detected
Its just sugar. All sugar in mass amounts (see US diet) is bad for you regardless of its chemical breakdown.
Shit-tier noodles or highly addictive sugar bombs. Tough choices.
And exercise.
>.t former fatty
Same here.
Heads of iceberg lettuce are like $1 each, ¢50 if in season. Carrots are like ¢79 a pound, and you can get store brand flour at like $2 a pound. I've gotten a pound of grass fed pork for the same out of the bargin bin. The day of the rake can't come soon enough
>lettuce isn't a meal
It is if you're fat. You have to actually eat less if you want to lose, fatty.
Pretty sure sugar is addictive. Gonna have to find some sauce on that though.
Yeah those poor people with their lack of time to sprinkle some water and pull a few weeds because it might cause them to miss the first 5 minutes of the new Gay of Thrones.
I can explain it. They're not paying for their food. My tax dollars are.
sugar, mate. Cheap food = sugar. sugar=fat ass. They can choose to eat healthy for the money they have, but are lazy and don't want to cook. The cheapest low-cost food is nothing but sugary carb-bomb shit.
Semen is free
Can you live of it?
Reeeeee nothing is free you stupid fuck. You're still working for your food even if you work for God instead of man.
>Can you live of it?
Yes and it will make you into a qt trap because consuming semen induces estrogen production
Doesn't seem like any experiments have been done with humans yet.
The cumulative time spent grocery shopping and cooking can be expensive for some people especially if someone lives in a food desert. It's not an excuse, but it's a factor.
>Post Trudeau
>Asks if you can survive off semen alone
Yeah, I know the feel man, I used to drink cola and eat really shitty when I was in my early 20s for a couple of years, I just can't understand why people would keep those habits far into your mid 20s, let alone keep doing it when you've got health issues
Maybe age plays a factor in it? After turning 25 I simply couldn't stand drinking more than one glass of soft drinks, or any food that contains sugar in excess, I can only eat a limited amount and then my body automatically feels like it's overwhelmed by all the sugar
>2 kgs of rice: ~4$
>1 kg of oats ~2$
>1 kg of frozen broccoli: ~2$
>1kg of dried chickpeas: ~3$
>1 kg of frozen chicken: ~4$
Literally all you need for a week for about 15 bucks. Even people on minimum wage can afford this.
All of you are fucking retarded....even if junk food makes you fat it is the eating too much (caloric intake) and lack of exercise that makes them fat....they could spend the excess on better foods but they are very stupid and very lazy so this get fat. Have you ever seen an EBT shopping cart, it's a fucking joke.
>Food desert
These don't exist they are a lie made up by liberals to excuse the laziness of their pet blacks. A food desert is where you have to walk more than mile to a grocery store. It's fucking absurd.
Yes. There is truth in that. One could also cook in larger quantities over the weekend, freeze portions and have home-cooked meals ready in 2 minutes when they desire it. Hell, cook some stew and you can unfreeze it and throw it on some pasta or rice in under 15 min.
The adrenal glands are what control sugar metabolism. If the kidneys aren't filtering the adrenals (who sit on top the kidneys) will accumulate acidic interstitial lymphatic waste and create a very difficult scenario for the adrenals. They have two options: be consumed by acids and die, or push the acids and lymphatic fluid into fat cells away from vital organs and glands. Obviously the second is done. Poor people generally eat much lower quality food (over consumption of fast food, animal products, etc).
That is the actual biochemistry behind your mystery, but I'm sure this post will be ignored.
Fast food and snacks are cheap and calorie dense you faggot.
Combos and twizzlers are cheap.