Why are students almost always liberal these days?
When did things change?
Why are students almost always liberal these days?
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Because College is useless for all but STEM.
So how can you expect somebody wasting their time on a useless degree do hold a pragmatic worldview?
>Why are students almost always liberal these days?
they are not, they are just very dumb and impressionable
if isis or religious fanatics took over theyd all become ultraconservatives over night
sauce on the pic?
a real man learns stem at home
Because professors are liberal.
I think the percentages seem higher than they are bc the liberal ones are the ones posting their dumb shit on soc media.
this is exactly correct. and liberals want to change stem to steam to make their art degrees feel more serious.
anyone have that picture than depicts one students experience with his art degree? Specifically he shows his 'finals' piece of art (a dragon made of wood) that we worked on, on display next to a crude clay statue that depicts self felatio.
They are liberal, though, because they've been brainwashed to be. The cultural marxists are fucking real.
OP read John Taylor Gatto and Gramsci. Prepare for rage fuel.
I don't care, just post more brown girl foot pics.
>tfw you hate niggers and mudslimes but also wouldn't mind being dominated by a mudshit woman and forced to suck on her toes
I will join one of the most leftist Universities in Germany in two month.
Send help pls.
Century of Self - on youtube.
Later you can do more research by E Michael Jones.
Because liberalism promises so much but ultimately fails to accomplish the goal of a stable, happy and prosperous society.
The rejection of the tradition plays a part too.
Feet are the animal fetish
Can't be white and have a foot fetish.
Disgusting 'British' scum, go figure your country is falling apart.
When Russian Commie Kikes started infesting the Western Universities and Institutes.
Which one would that be
Students have always been liberal.
>If you aren't liberal in your youth you have no heart.
>If you aren't conservative as an adult, you have no brain.
>Can't be white and have a foot fetish
Then why do white women have the best feet?
>he understands
i gotta puke fuck off you faggs
Prove yourself right with anything other than paranoid delusion.
Pro tip: You can't.
Not surprised
Feet are more degenerate as a fetish than fags or tranny's.
I live in a village 45 minutes away. Here are only germans in my village and Heidelberg is full of Arabs, Turks, Africans and Leftists.
Not even the med students can escape the propaganda.
Ugly ass feet. Also can tell they think they are smarter than they actually are. No matter how much you know or read it doesn't make you better than others. Shes got the elitist commie lefty I'm better than you look how smart I am look. Don't forget entitled.
Why are feet so attractive to foot fetishists?
tracked it down.
why is rain wet?
>appreciating the beauty of a certain aspect of a woman's body is more degenerate than sticking your cock in a shit filled manhole or cutting your dick off
Now. It ends now.
The next generation currently entering college starting in 2015 are much more conservative than our counterparts. We've grown up with the internet; we grew up with an "elite" class consistently telling us to "stand up" and "resist" those in power.
This is where the Jew messed up. He created a generation of skeptics.
Watch the next few years. Generation Zyklon isn't a meme and I can personally confirm this.
t. 18 year old heading to college in the fall
Yet I know it is easy to prove the nigger race wrong time and time again. I just have to get rid of my pity for such a sub human existence. That being niggers.
Because most students are non whites and women
>poor people are the biggest burden on the medical system
>doctors have to deal with the scum of the earth on a daily basis
Most people I know who work in the medical field are either completely deluded commies who think healthcare is a human right, or red pilled as fuck from dealing with losers all day.
Oh look, its the cuckposter again.
How does it feel to be queer?
You fucking dumb nigger!
Yup I'm a EMT student and so far my instructors/peers are either based af or left-leaning parasites. never found such 2 extremes in one room that wasn't a protest/debate. This career's gonna be more interesting than I thought.
IDK I think that would be something you're more inclined to. Niggers eat at da poop!
>Sexualize a non sexual part of a woman that is filthy and used to tread soil and sweat all over
>Proceed to want that in your mouth regardless of hygiene or morals
I wanna suck her toes SO BAD!
Because the right became the privatize everthing wing
so the teachers want their job secured so they become leftists
>he doesn't wear shoes
>he likes dirty feet
Tits are non-sexual as well, there is no need for a man to interact with them during the reproductive process, only the children need it
I just go to thrift stores in Mexican areas and buy a big pile of the shoes with dirty foot prints.
Eventually you learn to worship them so well you don't care if they were 20 or 60. All those dirty invader feet are the same.
Don't worry, the liberal students are the ones who took the libcuck classes like literature, humanities, art, etc. Those degrees are useless. The kids who take useful classes and will have decent careers haven't been brainwashed.
>being this much of a faggot
Lifelong brainwashing
I always knew communists were the worst
mod mentality
safety in numbers
bunch of weak minded losers wanna fit in so they have an easy life getting along with their surroundings. the surroundings happen to be liberal
You think so?
I like to reach my finger down into the shoe and peel the soles, starting at the rubber and gently lift the entire sole out.
I then lay on the bed and suck the sole where the foot print heel is, and the toe prints. This is the best areas, they taste like the essence of dirt and piss if you leave them in your mouth for a minute or two then slowly suck forcefully as you pull them up out of your mouth.
>literature, history
These are pretty 14/88 faculties around here, user.
t. historian
Read up on the Frankfurt School and watch the Yuri Bezmenov videos.
Those feet have potential. Just needs a good soaking.
>Dad I want to be a lawyer
>Pffft that's not STEM, you don't need college for that
In an autistic world
pathetic shill... saged
Obamas presidency really mainstreamed the left wing whackos and turbocharged identity victim politics
Nothing like a taste of toes. I like to stick dirty muddy flip flops in my Apnea mask and just breath the taste and tongue them for hours.
Oy vey, a taste of floor dirt a day keeps the doctor away.
Indoctrination in schools and the media. First kike indoctrination destroyed families by appealing to our base instincts, now without family they are going after kid's sanity.
dude i know...
faggot germ
Not here
Its not rational, like most fethishes
They just are
I've been porn clean for more than two weeks. No fap. I'm immune to nude photos running around and it won't break me. But you fuckers with these feet pics lying around everyday are making me lose my grip and that is NOT OKAY.
>falling for the no fap jew
Feet are the patrician fetish
You are the most recognizable posters on Sup Forums. The leaf posts in every foot thread and the bong makes a thread with mudslime feet every day. The leaf usually comes into the bongs threads and circlejerks.
>Jews control the porn industry
>They also want you not to watch porn
only certain porn
take your foot fag shit back to Sup Forums
this is why Sup Forums is such garbage
don't let these people normalize this shit here.
sage and report
Get out of their while you still can, hell you can come illegally to the US.
Because education bo longer teaches you history, economics, religion.
Plus the boomer professors are starting to drop like files. We just need a right wing purge of all colleges and everything would go back to normal.
Leftist school teachers starting on them as soon as Kindergarten
That's why leftists wanted and siezed a monopoly over the classroom.
Notice for the pic the subtle psychological manipulation of teaching elementary schoolchildren that wealth is something that must be taken from whites and distributed.
Literally you dont need college for that
You only need to pass the bar exam, you can study everything at home
It's all but against the law for a straight hetero white male to be allowed to go to medical school now, and has been that way for a long time
That's why almost every doctor is anything BUT a white male.
And of course "diversity" is the code word they use to justify throwing white males out of a profession invented by white males.
>Can't be white and have a foot fetish
>Feet are the animal fetish
>/r9k/, Sup Forums, and assortment of other fetishist circles would like to have a word with you
The part of the brain that identifies parts of the body use one side for hands and feet and the next for sexual areas, a slight malformation there and you will have a feet fetishist(or hands lover)
Losing your grip is the whole point of no fap, Gadsden friend.
What are you going to be studying bro?
Heidelberg is a good uni though. Work hard, take a break after some semesters if you must, but don't drag yourself through it half-heartedly, you will regret it. Make an effort
Ugh long toenails ruin it
>Never heard of learning first aid and an assortment of other healing techniques.
You may not be an official doctor, but that doesn't mean you can't help people if you read the books and take the time to learn what you're doing.
It's possible to be left and 'red pilled' on a lot of things son.
Why do women always want to be barefoot? Any opportunity they can get they want to take off their shoes.
In my summer class there's a lady that just takes her damn shoes off all the time. Wipes em all over the desk. Can you imagine if a man wore flip flops and then just opted to go barefoot? We catch enough flak for just flip flops.
Doesn't it just fucking suck when easily-found statistics prove you're totally full of shit?
Try it sometime, NEET
Saved this some weeks ago and fapped numerous times to it.
Go into a hospital, buddy; ANY one. Visit all of them in your city
Go ahead.
Communists from the 60s student chimpouts stayed in academia and hired communists and sent communists into media jobs until they felt safe to spew their drivel in public.
Black women don't have good feet
It doesn't just start in collage. I've had liberal high school teachers who tried to brainwash us. And it worked on those who were mindless. And if you're a Normie you would probably follow liberal stuff on YouTube and social media and get brainwashed.