British police made a semi-interactive site that portrays you in a situation in which you become radicalized, join a alt-rightish rights group, than kill some nog at a protest.
You can use your Twitter account but all it does is turn the "Chirper" profile pic into your profile pic. Use the "click here for similar experience" if you don't want to.
>"I ain't clicken that shit"
I'll post screenshots in the thread to give you a jest of what it is. Also keep in mind this is taxpayer funded.
British Police State Propaganda against Right-Wing "extremistism"
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's the link
always thought right wing death squad would be a great visual novel, so shure
I'm interested
So it starts off with you being disgruntled at "youths not getting job opportunities" or some shit so you come across this page
As much as you want to think they are just over reacting, they are right to point this out. Any belief can lead to becoming radicalized.
The part that grinds my gears is how they never point out people on the Left side are radical too ( looking at Antifa here ).
And of course you find this group and join them...
3 days tops until someone cracks the code and it's a UK muslim simulator.
...and the talk to this guy who convinces you to join in some "free speech" or "rights" protest thats suppose to be "lit"
fuggg grossed de lien :DD
do they have a similar one for "islamic radicalization"?
Wigt winger r retrds, m I rght?
This, change all the wording to Muslim / ISIS speech and bam, "The evil right has hacked our game and made it racist :(:(:("
You go to it, spooky music plays, shit escalates and before you know it you're chasing some nog down an alleyway...
And you kill the nog.
nevermind payed respects too early
now F
time to get the Speedrunning general on this case
Ugh this probably cost taxpayers £2M or something ludicrous
But hey they can just get rid of some more police officers to balance the books...
is this a nigger killing simulator?
That escalated quickly.
Had no job, joined a workout club, went to some rally thing, and then killed someone
Do Brits actually believe this shit?
Oh wait I got overexcited, it's a non-interactive VN
Why would anything good ever happen?
Yes. Because going to a demostration will lead to you killing people.
Hilarious how every depiction of 'right wing extremism' is extremely vague and never actually shows anything that right wing people actually believe. Almost as though our ideas speak for themselves and if anyone is really exposed to them they realize we are correct...
>have a drink
>show up to a rally
>show up to another rally
>lynch someone to death
This is just crude and shitty propaganda but I would expect nothing more from the UK. It's still ok for Muslims to march down the streets and shout "death to infidels" or "British troops go to hell"
Fuck you, UK
Try £200m. Whenever it comes to government spending you have to multiply your guesstimation by 100 to get even relatively close.
>Youth Action
Clearly trying to imply that National Action are a bunch of retards and natsocs. Which they are. So that's fair I guess.
Still though, pure cuckoldry. Have they made one for muzzies and paedos?
So ya, I'm doing this on my phone and not my desktop so I skipped a bunch of shit so click the link for the full context. Also just a reminder that this is taxpayer funded.
that was utter garbage, brits really are subhuman
The twitter-link option allows you to "choose" to go to the rally.
The fuck is this, I played it and it seemed like a leftist extremism simulator, or at least could easily apply to them.
For every right-wing group that is guilty of "radicalizing the youth" there are probably 10 times as many leftists ones. But for some reason no government in the western world seems interested in tackling the problem of far-left vandalism and assault. Now why is that?
This user summarized better than me.
This line is what really bugs me. "Encourage others to develop or adopt beliefs?" You don't believe something because you've been "encouraged" to, you believe something because you've been convinced that it's true. You don't get to choose what your beliefs are. This is telling people that they should resist believing things because as soon as they start to believe something, they are being manipulated by radicals.
Goes to show why the political left is so resistant to common sense and not interested in hearing what their opponents have to say. They are afraid they're going to believe it.
>only killing a single nigger
Shit RPG.
Also didn't London have three major terror attacks during the Ramadan-bombathon? I'm sure those were right wing right?
because if a single right wing group that isnt controlled opposition is allowrd to march and sing the voice of the people a rebellion is inevitable.
The only group responsible for right wing "radicalization" is then government destroying nations with immigration. That radicalization is rational self preservation.
Dumping smug Orwellian U.K police tweets.
You know a country is on its way out when the government fears its own people more than any foreign entity.
How the fuck is this possible in the country where brexit happened?
>non interactive VN
they couldn't have at least made it fun?
Hey overtheline mate
The silent majority in the uk dont believe a single word the authorities say because for the last 20 years all they have done is cut services, rack up debt and pay themselves more.
Daily reminder that liberals base their political opinions on hypothetical scenarios that they make up in their heads, not reality.
k i won't kill anyone then, promise
or if i do i'll try not to make race or religion a factor
thanks bongs
I don't know what they expect.
Fuck yeah, I was waiting for obsolete farming equipment disposal simulator 2017
A right wing death squad simulator?
>implying this isn't exactly what happens with antifa and that "alt righters" are more likely to just shitpost on the internet all day
The "simulator" will have no effect on inhibiting or de-radicalize any right-wing extremist.
Its sole purpose is to create a sense of comfort for people/politicians concerned about backlash from terrorist attacks or crimes committed by minorities.
This is the real tragedy in this, that the politicians fund and use police manpower to comfort themselves. It has no possibility of having an effect on what they want it to have an effect on. It is the analogy of the members in the British parliament hiring people from Disney World, to go around in the parliament in their Mickey Mouse costumes and hugging the politicians.
What a sick world we live in..
These cuckoldry levels are off the charts.
Holy shit, the law itself is against the people. This pisses me off to no end.
Should we air-drop Liberator handguns in the UK to free the British people? It's not a free country anymore.
Wheres the radicalized by Islam simulator?
>logo looks like an Iron Cross
Top Fucking Kek.
That was literally the story of Antifa only the name was changed.
Tommy Robinson plays.
Well their political class is completely insulated from any of the unrest they're paying to comfort themselves from.
They're not in the streets getting beaten, mugged, spit on, raped, and displaced. The British political class goes from their comfy office to their comfy gated and secured home and never interacts with anyone outside of their own socioeconomic class.
I think you're right because the action of making a stupid website like this shows us the mindset of someone who doesn't really give a shit about anyone but themselves.
Do Europeans realize that Islamic extremism is right wing extremism?
I am just curious?
>we fight 4 rights
It's like when devs were making this game, they asked "wait, what does the alt right believe in anyway?" So they put in more realistic content about white survival and western values but then the (((director)))) came in and said "no, make it more nebulous and mess up the grammar."
"Fuck you UK" doesn't necessarily mean "fuck you, the people of UK" even though a sizeable portion of your population is completely ok with how the things are going. It's the government's fault but what of it? Who voted them in the first place?
I was harrasing the Metropolitan police and Sussex for about a week until they blocked me.
Fuck them.
Those evil right wingers stabbing people left in right just as in Hamburg right now...oh wait...its a mudslime...another happening...not every mudslime...
>bu-bu-bu-bu-but muh brexit was supposed to un-cuck us
>this is because of muh jobs
>these fashies are MMA chavs
I guess they don't have the balls to even name the real problems, huh?
>radicalized by Islam simulator
The Koran.
The MudSims
Taxpayer funded
wtf i love Orwellian totalitarian governments now
>feverishly trying to identify the evil right wing racist
>it's some spic across the world trolling you
This is because there is no education requirement to join the police. If they were a race they would be dumber than niggers, abos even.
They saw the word alt-right and thought it was about rights, that's what british police are actually like.
From Viz in UK
>You don't get to choose what your beliefs are.
this is literally true though
so it trains people to kill blacks.
I see nothing wrong with this.
fucking disgusting
>Do Europeans realize that Islamic extremism is right wing extremism?
Let this meme die please. How is Islam right-wing? It's fiscally liberal if anything.
Number of people who got red-pilled like this?
Big fat fucking zero
Thats what happens when police-forces are filled with out of touch catladies
This is gold for redpilling memelords, thanks friend
How does the Left Wing Simulator play out?
>get raped by Asian
>ask stranger for help
>raped by another Asian
>go to concert
>get blown up or shot by Asians
>walking down sidewalk
>get run over by Asians
That was confusing shit. If you hang out with people who can't spell for shit you will kill someone? Fucking really? That's a bit of a jump.
Even Northern Ireland doesn't escape
So this is the contemporary version of an after school special?
What can they fucking do but block me, extradition for trolling them is going to cost hundreds of thousands of pounds.
I hate Twitter and their stupid fucking hashtag bullshit
I was born in the wrong timeline
The vast majority of political violence is committed by leftists, but (((they))) just keep pushing this false narrative so they have an excuse to censor us.
I played it, if you attend three rallies you kill a guy, no lead-up, it just happens
>police name user as prime suspect
Should get a Sup Forumsentooman to make a muslim version of this
Or a random pajeet code monkey from here
Yea I would be embarrassed too if my country created this shit
Kek. pyf when you find out Saying p@ki is a crime in Britain