Daily reminder the Mormons are the last hope of the white race

>insulated against degeneracy
>large families

Why haven't you joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

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No this is allowed to be a Mormon now. They are lost.

If it wasn't for the magic underwear, I'd be on board.

Because it's a Satanic Cult. You're better off being a 1950s Scientologist than an 1850s Scientologist because at least you don't speak blasphemies against the Holy Trinity like all Mormons do.

Because they subscribe to a Semitic religion and are pro-Sionism

In USA maybe they're good. In Europe they're not.

the other day i saw 2 kids dressed like that and pale as fuck walking near my house

There is also a prophecy involving Mormons and restoring the Constitution. Worth looking into.

WifeWithAPurpose is godtier

>>Mormons "christians"
Their missionaries litteraly couldn't explain to me why the book of mormon mentions "steel" weapons and tools, an error straight from the kjv.
When pressed they talked to me about ironworking in the Holy land 500bc.
Yes, ironworking. When pressed about steel.
It's litteraly the Jesus flavoured scientology of the 19th century.
>>mormons "conservatives"
They're amongst the most staunch proponents of Open borders, like the last elections cicle (when They were totally going to switch to democrat just on one issue with trump) remembered us.
>>protected against degeneracy
Not drinking coffee and having big families doesn't do shit to protect against degeneracy when You condone poligamy.

Delusional Mormons aren't prophets. The US isn't, and never was, a covenant nation. May Joseph Smith continue to burn in Hell for his many blasphemies.

Because my family is mormon and it's a ridiculous, money grubbing cult.

Mormons get a gleam in their eye every time there's a major disaster because they think their silly prophecies are finally being fulfilled.

You're right. Their mental illness manifests around getting excited over stuff like Russian sanctions, arming jihadis in Syria, overthrowing a stable Libya. They're sick, sick people.


as a person from Salt Lake City allow me to enlighten you.

Mormons are retarded

>magic underwear

>No drinking

>Have to convert everyone you know into your hivemind through endless friendly passive aggression

>Think that Jesus, god, and all other things of Judeo-christian lore are about getting your own wives and planets when you die

>Literally a brand friendly Scientology with a Christian twist.

Mormonism is Scientology for people who like to wear button up shirts.

Don't forget they make your horde food for doomsday. Every mormon house I visit is fucking creepy with the amount of shelves with canned food they have just laying around in the hallways and their rooms

No. The mormon church has this retarded hope that the US government will collapse if even momentarily allowing the church to capture sovereignty and become the equivalent of the Vatican in the western hemisphere.
Little do they know the alphabet agencies of the US gov will still survive and have already a plan in place for the mormon church in the even the US gov should so much as stagger.
The US gov has got your number Mormons, make no mistake about it.

Their beliefs are so far divorced from Christian Doctrine that they count as their own separate religion.
Secondly I do not see them as the last hope for the white race. There are certainly others (such as nukes aimed towards Mecca during that one Muslim Pilgrimage.

I was raised in Rexburg, Idaho and can confidentially say that Mormonism is a joke.

>Daily reminder the Catholics are the last hope of the white race

Nope. “While the Catholic Church would reject nothing that is true or good in Mormonism or any other world religion, Catholic theology would have to note that there is a tremendous amount in Mormonism that is neither true nor good. Further, because Mormonism presents itself as a form of Christianity yet is incompatible with the historic Christian faith, sound pastoral practice would need to warn the Christian faithful: Mormon theology is blasphemous, polytheistic, and cannot be considered on par with the theology of other Christian groups.”

>insulated against degeneracy
Ever hear of polygamy?