Northern Europe thread
Baltic countries are eastern european..
>Folk music.
Fucking hell, this celtic music inspired meme music needs to stop. Danish folk music has largely been inspired by french classique music due to the relations between the monarchies.
Something like this is more apt, although with modernized instruments
I wonder what would happen if Europe took the spics from the U.S. and exchanged them for the refugees. We all know what would happen to the U.S. but what would be of
tfw no norgwegian gf to listen to metal with and frolick in a fjord
Oh okay mate
Nordic reporting in
Barbarians and Communists
>Swedens theme song.
Sorry I sperged, I am now having a good chuckle m8.
Full of muslims.
>Burger thinks that all of Europe is full with refugees
Not the case m8
Also if spics would come to here crime would go up proabably.
>that song
What the fuck?
>Northern Europe
>Misses out half of the north of Europe
What you really mean is Nordic Europe + Baltics.
No, Faroes?
It's the war ensign of the second reich not the teutonic order
Do eastern euros hate us for teutonic order?
What countries did he miss other than the Faroe Islands?
wheren't you just denmark?
>Also if spics would come to here crime would go up proabably.
drug crimes for sure, but beaners don't form rape/grooming gangs...mostly, and they don't go on shooting sprees or blow people up.
>Do eastern euros hate us for teutonic order?
Well they killed a lot of our people here in baltics and enslaved population for 700 years, other that that i am ok with you Vācija bro.
The sweden video is top kek.
Jesus Christ. This is america tier
Did you know blonde hair blue eyed people live mostly in scandinavian countries?
Did you also know, that scandinavian countries are the best countries to live by all measurable factors?
Is this a coincidence? I don't think so.
Does this draw us to a conclusion, that Hitler was right? If not, what does it mean?
Stop importing subhumans to civiliazed countries and you will prosper and gain happiness like no one else.
Keep importing and you will know what you have done wrong.
Finland out.
No. We are proud descendants of Norwegian Vikings and their Gaelic wives.
Danes only make up 2% of our population..
You're the little brother of the north. Forever shall we bully and protect you.
I guess we're all going here tomorrow huh guize
Greenland and Åland.
>fuck off we're full
>doors are still wide open with a welcome sign
Explain yourselves
It's gonna some good old wholesome fun. Even BASED FpU is chipping in
they sing about how nice it is to get anal fucked kek
"We're full" is a bad argument anyway
There are no capacities to fill.
One is one too many. The north to nordics.
oh i see now, then you should be part of norway?
Norway is p. good at holding the niggerwave off.
Iceland is too far away from the immigrants to dare cross the waves
Denmark is just a bottleneck transport to Sweden.
We don't talk about Sweden.
>Latvian LARPing as a Nord
Absolutely pathetic. Negro-tier we wuzzing.
you kinda have a point, if not for commies Baltics would be on northern level we where richer then Finland before commies.
holy kek iceland is beyond help
The danes stole greenland, iceland and faroe from Norway.
Yes, we should.
Together with Iceland and Greeland.
British isles are quite literally in northern Europe
Why do you Balts do this? Have you no shame? It makes me cringe when you LARP as Scandis. Be proud of your own heritage and stop pretending to be part of a club that never invited you and doesn't acknowledge you as a legitimate member. Estonia could MAYBE get away with it, seeing as they're basically Finns. But Latvians and Lithuanians. Ell. Oh. Ell
>fuck off we're full
seeing plenty of empty space for reffos mates. sure you don't want a bunch of sudanese friends?
Give them back
The only cuck countries in northern europe are sweden and iceland, yes denmark is bad but not as bad as germany, Finland is not taking anyone and baltics are pure.
What about Baltic girls ?
My ex gf lives in Stavanger, Norway. She makes a fortune working as a surgeon. I hate that. Can you please deport her back to Poland?
Meh we have some history with swedes and danes, our cultures are simmilar, by logic you are sugesting Finns also aren't scandinavs.
But they were never yours
>by logic you are sugesting Finns also aren't scandinavs.
They're not
We don't have any woman this country is full with men full with testestorone, they will kill anyone who will come.
why are you guys studying spanish?
please delete this
imagine if we could have this as our ethnostate...
Yeah but northern europe is geograpgical and cultural region, look what thread is called not scandinavian thread but northern europe thread.
Man the only reason Denmark is as bad as it is is because of the leakage from fucking down below. Being the hat of Germany has caused so many bloody problems for us. When the refureees came to Denmark, almost half to 70% of the Jutland police force had to ESCORT them to Sweden because Danes would just mow them down if they walked on the highways (which they did).
Atleast here in Sweden when we are start 6th grade we have to choose a third language to learn
It's either, German, French or Spanish
This is what I meant, should have explained more.
See above, so your drug rate would go up, possibly rape, but most spics I doubt with form rape gangs, as their average height is way below European height. They would instantly be btfo by based Europeans.
We aren't Spain is located in other side of europe why would we need Spanish?
Yeah but you just said Finns were Scandinavian which they are not, and northern Europe is bigger than the baltics and the nordic countries.
>northen Europe
You mean western Russia you fucking mongolids snowniggers.
That's Icelandic pop-culture? Life must be suffering.
>not slavic
>not slavic
>not tatars
>not mongols
>not sandniggers
>not eskimos
>not samis
>not german refugees
For Latvia it's German or Russian but at the end of 12th grade we are expected to know at least 4 languages.
For the most parts it's Latvian/English/Russian/German
our pop culture is more stuff like Steindinn Okkar but regardless of that it always puts a damper on one's mood to see feminist whores make something like that video
>12th grade we are expected to know at least 4 languages.
>For the most parts it's
Is this why Europeans know so many languages? I remember in high school they only offered Italian,Spanish, and some other shit. I went to a private school for 11th and 12th. They offered European languages, including Greek.
What the fuck is that island above Norway in OP's pic? Is it a magical place hidden from modern maps to keep the nogs out?
Nice flags, but hard languages.
I forgot they also offered French in the public school.
When he says 'knows', he probably means 'bare minimum knowledge'. I've been taught english, german and spanish - but for German and Spanish, I only know enough to get by, to ask for directions and understand the reply - I could never hold a serious conversation in either language and its the same for many of my friends.
It is true though, that we already start to learn 2nd language from the age of 7ish circa, with english being the first.
Latvian is best language ever.
how redpilled is the general population in the rest of northern europe?
I know 80%+ of norway are extremely naive and bluepilled, with very little personality differences. They remind me of NPC's.
is it like his in your countries too?
Are Slavs just displaced Nords or are they really genetically distinct?
All true but iceland
That place looks like europes last haven
>irrational hating on the nordic countries
15% irish, 24% Australoid, 61% semite spotted
Get the fuck out of here
Pretty cool, average American only knows English, because depending where you live you see much foreigners, except maybe spics.
Seems degenerates but they got very low immigration and nobody want to got up there
Don't see much foreigners I meant
No they are not, they are nordi
Basically lost swedes the lot of them, and well pekkas that includes them though
Estonians are pekkas
Janka is a retard
(((americans))) you are basically talking to niggers and kikes here
These "people" hardly know their own grand parents so they are discarded
Well, French, German, Spanish & English are the four most spoken languages in the west, especially in trade. If we want to compete even the slightest outside of scandinavia, we need to be able to communicate on a high level. Can you imagen scandinavians demanding to negotiate in their language to the UK or US?
And this flag always reminds me Bob Marley.
>Fuck off we're full
>Implying anyone wants to live in your mudslime infested hell-hole
"Don't worry be happy"
Well i have some hard time speaking german but i can speak fluid Latvian russian and english.
Ich nicht sparche deutch gut mann.
Get on my motor bike faggot and we will make it 100%
We're not meming when we say that we take over now
With did us, the blondest, the whitest, the purest most aryan people, the most superior race in the world have to be the ones taking in all the sub-human immigrants? Why did we become the leftist suicidal marxists? Why where we given this mental illness?
You have good shit too though like Sólstafir for instance. Sigur Rós is a nigger, he almost make me wanna say IT's VÅR FISK
Exceptions make the rule m8. Of course there's someone who learns the languages they're taught in school really well, and mostly that's because they use it outside school.
It's an deliberate how to steal our fisk flag
They even try to do homo stuff here
It's all an elaborate plan to try and stal our fisk as always
I love it here and due t geographical e most location northern Europe is not affected by shitskins that much (poor Sweden) but Helsinki is the most cucked capital of the nordics.
I am unironically living your dream
western Jämtland, outside of Åre it's like 5 shitskins
Fucking anglos, they don't even realize that the communist tried this shit since 1917, to steal our fisk, and they think they can just come here and steal it! You come and try lit homos
We and russia be cool now after we agreed on the fishing dispute, you just come get it faggots
We aren't scandinavian you fuck
>same surface area as France and Germany combined
>about 1/5 of its population
Sounds like you have plenty of space left