a man kills a person with a knife
shouts "allahu akbar"
motive remains unclear
any suggestions?
Motive unclear
Western Imperialism
>Shouting "Allahu Akbar"
> "A' lah' u bar!?"
>"Ali lahko v bar?"
>slovene for "May I (go) in the bar?"
>Clearly the german didn't let the slovenian dude into the bar and the drunkards we are, we go batshit crazy and stab people when not getting our hourly dose of booze.
Check 'em this gonna be a true story once.
It was a supermarket with tons of booze and the man was on his way out and completely ignoring the alcohol.
Try again.
>all of them shout allah akbar
Terrorists this year are very low energy. Are intelligence services doing better at catching the organized ones?
>reports say he shout Allah Ackbar before wildly stabbing people
>too early to come to conclusions
Its the fucking Lutherans again
Don't know, this one was caught by passers-by.
where does it say, that he shouted "allahu akbar"?
watch the video, see link
also on n-tv
>motive remains unclear
>any suggestions?
>There are unconfirmed reports that he shouted "Allahu akhbar", Arabic for "God is great" while attacking people. Armed police are at the scene.
There is a video with a witness.
I saw that shit, I live opposite the burger joint and saw the attack after he left the supermarket.
Raised his arm shouting Allahu Akbar, large as fuck kitchen knife in his hand. Got semi-surrounded by people with chairs from the bakery and bolted after being smacked in the head by one.
Can't leave my house, cops everywhere and most streets closed.
This is an extremely calm neighborhood. Nothing ever happens here, it's as middle class as middle class gets. The dude was wearing common as fuck jeans, some grey longsleeve thing and didn't have some massive beard or anything. Maybe mid-20s, the kind of dude you wouldn't think twice about when going to the Supermarket.
Fucking hell.
>Got semi-surrounded by people with chairs from the bakery and bolted after being smacked in the head by one.
Can we buy that guy a beer?
He was brown too, so maybe pol wouldn't love him. He has my thanks in any case and if I ever see him again I'll be sure to do so. Highly probable, it's a tight-knit community in Barmbek and I've seen him around a few times.
I really don't care about skin color.
Tell him at least part of Sup Forums loves him.
He was just a big fan of Star Wars
i see i see, this country is cucked and fucked
Tell him he's a nigger just like all the rest of you (((germans)))
who even cares about germans getting hurt or killed anymore
traitor scum
>raised his arm
> \o
/ourguy/ confirmed
Unlike (((you))), this nigger has balls.
These are just the normal Muslims. They lose it when exposed to a Western society. They usually aren't on any radar.
The terrorist cells are actually few in number, even if attacks are more spectacular.
>any suggestions?
pic related
At east put Hamburg into Denmark...
>Germans killed by Muslims
It's what they want.
40% communist 40% allahuakbar 20% normal people. That's Hamburg.
What *would* be newsworthy is a day without any incidents.
It's Hamburg
they are all commies
it's like Berlin, Frankfurt and Cologne - they are like Commie-fornia
they totally deserve it
Well, he killed one and redpilled at least four persons.
>and redpilled at least four persons.
Keep dreaming Dieter, they had it coming. Haven't you heard of nazism, colonialism, transatlantic slavery and the countless other crimes that whites have committed against humanity?
>police in hamburg
notice anything?
I'm not dreaming, Jean-Claude.
I use the article from our presstitutes and the video from the witness to redpill my young colleagues.
>Be german named Hans, in supermarket to buy bratwurst und beer
>Don't know Friday's midday prayer has just concluded in nearby mosque
>Get lethally cut up/stabbed by large knife of peace handled by a sweet islamic child refugee shouting allahu akbar at me
>"Oh what wonderful diversity!"
>Die happy knowing I've contributed to my evil white country becoming a bit less white and a bit less evil
Edeka ran out of bratwurst and pils.
too bad the guilt trip doesnt drive germans to suicide, europe would be much better without them