Be germanic

>be germanic
>completely mind your own business
>live in peace in small towns
>get invaded by roman thugs
>every single germanic man and woman cooperates to fight the evil invaders
>fight them and win
>destroy the empire

Other urls found in this thread:

Discussing historical events in terms of 'good' and 'evil' is for simpletons.

Screw off Jamal


Germany didnt exist in time of Romans sweetie.

Jesus Christ, that beautiful Australian education.


I was reading about that a few days ago.

That was completely epic about what happened.

Made me really feel muh heritage and...

My ancestor :)

maybe you would get toilets and sewers 1000 years earlier if you didn't chimp out at the sight of thousands of literate people marching through your forest.

Direct descendant of illiterate thug convict detected



>fight them and win
>destroy the empire
basically it's this simple

we just need to light the fire inside our people and the rest takes care of itself. We can't be beaten when roused to action.

That's what the jewish lullaby is all about, the media. It would probably only take a few people standing up and starting it in 'random acts of terrorism' to set everything off.

>We can't be beaten when roused to action.

oh, forgot the last point

>literally create the modern world

How does it feel to be baited by superior Australian shitposting?

Apart from the part where you told complte bullshit, it's not
>our people
It ain't your people. You are American, not German, not Dutch, not French, not British nor any fucking thing from Europe. You are American, maybe you've got European ancestry. That doesn't make you European. It makes you a LARPing cunt acting as if he is a strong viKANG.

*drops mic*

Good job baiting those retards. Have a you m8.

Romans never went for Germanic lands. Learn some history, bro.

That's some cool revisionism you got there kiddo.
Lemme tell you about about the real story.
Roman empire was a stable and strong country. The most civilised of it's time. Ensuring prosperity for its citizen. The romans forgot the hard time and lowered they guard. In the East a great migration of population begin as the steppe can't provide enough food for the Hun. The Hun decide to push to the west, plundering and razing every thing on its way, a parasitic way of life, Don't produce anything and steal from what other produce. Eventually Attila the Hun leader meet with the Germanic tribes. Pluder or serve. The germanic are btfo by Attila and thus push west. They eventually reach the Roman border. Roman understood they couldn' slaughter them because they were too many so they gave them lands and asked for submission they agreed. But Attila couldn't be stopped he released his horde on the Roman empire. They germanic tribe whom gave oath to the Romans bretray them when they are weakk enough and forge they own kingdoms on what was once the western roman empire.
>yfw Rome fallen because of migrant.

>be germanic
>invade Rome
>get crushed and nearly completely genocided by Marius
>fast forward some centuries
>get invaded by Romans
>lose shitloads of land
>chimp out one time
>get crushed easily afterwards
>spend next centuries trying and failing to go over the rhine
>get crushed again by Aurelius
>fast forward few centuries
>roman army is full of germanics fighting germanics running away from huns like a bunch of refugees
>empire finally collapses under the pressure of constant infighting
>fast forward some thousand years

Oh damn

>fight them and win
The Romans won almost every battle they faced against you low IQ snow niggers

>be Roman
>exploring the vast forests of Magna Germania
>see primitive tribe fo barbarians
>trade with them and ally with many of them to fight alongside you
>realize they are still barbarians
>try to teach them civilized ways
>they chimp out
>destroy your empire and plunge the world into oscurantism for more than a millennium
>fastforward 2000 years
>some guy whose ancestors were fishermen calls your civilization inferior

On September 11th, 9 A.D., an epic monumental battle occurred that changed the course of history.

Roman Legions fight against Germanic tribes in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. A battle that would change history.

By the year 9 A.D. Rome had been an empire for 36 years and was seeking to expand it's territory. North of its borders along the river Rhine was Germania, a territory rich in resources & populated by "barbarians". Rome sees this territory on its northeast border as a natural extension to their expanding empire and sends three legions, composed of around 20,000 men, under the command of General Varus to conquer it. It would end up becoming a military campaign so disastrous it was said to have driven Emperor Caesar Augustus insane for none of the three legions would ever make it back to Rome alive.

The Northeast Border of the Roman Empire with the River Rhine as its border.

"By the beginning of the Christian Era, Rome’s sway extended from Spain to Asia Minor, and from the North Sea to the Sahara. The imperial navy had turned the Mediterranean into a Roman lake, and everywhere around the rim of the empire, Rome’s defeated enemies feared her legions—or so it seemed to optimistic Romans. “Germania” (the name referred originally to a particular tribe along the Rhine), meanwhile, did not exist as a nation at all. Various Teutonic tribes lay scattered across a vast wilderness that reached from present-day Holland to Poland. The Romans knew little of this densely forested territory governed by fiercely independent chieftains. They would pay dearly for their ignorance." - Smithsonian Magazine

A Roman bust of Arminius

His Germanic name is lost to history. What is known is that at a young age, the son of a noble Germanic tribesmen was kidnapped by the Romans. He was given the latin name "Arminius" and trained to be a Roman Legionaire. He was so good at being a soldier that eventually he was promoted to an Officer in the Roman Army and given Roman Citizenship. Arminius was someone special to the Roman army. It was customary that whenever the Romans would conquer a new territory, it was invaluable to have someone on their side who already knew the land, people, and language. When General Varus, commander of the three legions sent to invade Germania would begin his campaign he brought Arminius with him. However Arminius would never stop identifying himself as Germanic and would end up betraying Varus. It would be the biggest betrayal of a Roman since Brutus assassinated Caesar only 53 years earlier.

"General Varus, 55, was linked by marriage to the imperial family and had served as Emperor Augustus’ representative in the province of Syria (which included modern Lebanon and Israel), where he had quelled ethnic disturbances. To Augustus, he must have seemed just the man to bring Roman civilization to the barbarous” tribes of Germany." - Smithsonian Magazine

The Roman column marches into the Teutoburg Forest

Although the Romans hadn't conquered Germania they had a few small outposts in the region where they attempted to establish a colony. However the seasons were changing and they were headed back into Roman territory to winter there. That was when Arminius decided to spring his trap. He told General Varus that a rebellion was taking place in Northern Germania. Eager to establish Roman rule, Varus took the bait and marched his three legions into the vast Teutoburg Forest. The forest was unknown to them. It was a dark, foreign, and densely wooded place, not like the open ground in which the Roman military was good at fighting in. Worse was the weather. Storms began pouring rain causing their trail to become muddy and difficult. Because of the difficulty of the terrain, the soldiers marched in a column (estimated to be between 5-8 miles long,) in order to travel through the forest. However unknown to General Varus, Arminius had already secretly gathered the various tribes of Germania and unified them to launch an assault on the Romans, the very army he was supposedly serving.

>every single germanic man and woman cooperates to fight the evil invaders
I think you mean everybody either trades with the Romans or flees north, then some Germanic soldier in the service of Rome finds Roman law violates his tradition so he unites the tribes to fight Rome and succeeds until he gets poisoned by his uncle and dies.
Then migration from Scandinavia starts and Rome gets zerg rushed.
The end.

The Germanic Tribesmen assault the Roman Column

As the miles long column marched, the Germanic tribesmen began to harasses the tail of the column continually killing the Romans a small contingent at a time. As soon as they would kill plenty of them the tribesmen would disappear into the forest again where the Romans couldn't chase them. Because the tribesmen would only attack a portion of the column at a time, this led to disarray and chaos as their hit and run tactics rendered the superior Roman numbers and style of fighting useless. The front of the column had no idea what was happening when the back of the column was being attacked, the officers ahead of the line couldn't pass orders to portions that were coming under attack, the dense woods and the stretched out column meant they couldn't effectively fight in formation. The long snake that was the Roman column was being cut apart piece by piece. With the legions in disarray the calvary decided to abandon their post. However when they attempted to escape they found themselves surrounded by hordes of tribesmen who cut them all down.

" with no room to maneuver, exhausted after days of hit-and-run attacks, unnerved, they were at a crippling disadvantage.”" - Smithsonian Mag

The Germanic tribes ambush the Romans, cutting of their escape.

The traditional infantry fighting style of the Legions proved ineffective against the guerrilla fighting style of the tribesmen.


September 11th, 9 A.D. Rome loses full 1/10 of its army to Germanic Tribesmen.

When General Varus saw that there was no way they would ever make it out of the forest alive, and realizing that Arminius had betrayed him, he fell on his sword and killed himself. The rest of the Roman officers would follow suit. With no one to lead them the Romans were helpless. Caught between hills and bogs, caught between the forest and the tribesmen, what was left of the Roman Army was trapped with nowhere to go. It was a massacre. When it was all over the Germanic tribes had completely wiped out all three legions, around a full 1/10th of the Empire's army!

"More than 10 percent of the entire imperial army had been wiped out—the myth of its invincibility shattered. In the wake of the debacle, Roman bases in Germany were hastily abandoned. Emperor Augustus, dreading that Arminius would march on Rome, expelled all Germans and Gauls from the city and put security forces on alert against insurrections." - Smithsonian Magazine

You mean they were too busy with their bi-weekly civil wars to do anything about their border situation.

A strong, focused Rome would not have allowed an outside force to do it such damage. It ultimately collapsed due to internal weaknesses which allowed external forces to overwhelm it.

A Roman solider staked to a tree.

Those who managed to survive the massacre would be treated to a worse fate. The remaining Roman captives were ritually tortured and executed by the tribesmen. Some were skinned alive, others burned alive, others decapitated, and others crucified to the trees.

"A Garden of Bones"

"Six years would pass before a Roman army would return to the battle site. The scene the soldiers found was horrific. Heaped across the field at Kalkriese lay the whitening bones of dead men and animals, amid fragments of their shattered weapons. In nearby groves they found “barbarous altars” upon which the Germans had sacrificed the legionnaires who surrendered. Human heads were nailed everywhere to trees. In grief and anger, the aptly named Germanicus, the Roman general leading the expedition, ordered his men to bury the remains, in the words of Tacitus, “not a soldier knowing whether he was interring the relics of a relative or a stranger, but looking on all as kinsfolk and of their own blood, while their wrath rose higher than ever against the foe.” - Smithsonian Magine


A 1909 painting depicting Arminius leading the German Tribes against the Romans.

The Roman defeat at the Teutoburg Forest was a loss so severe that Rome never again tried to invade or conquer Germania. Germania would forever remain independent and free from Rome and their cultural influence. The devastating loss of three complete legions would haunt the psyche of Rome. How could the might of the Empire be defeated by barbarians?

"It was a defeat so catastrophic that it threatened the survival of Rome itself and halted the empire’s conquest of Germany. “This was a battle that changed the course of history,” says Peter S. Wells, a specialist in Iron Age European archaeology at the University of Minnesota and the author of The Battle That Stopped Rome. “It was one of the most devastating defeats ever suffered by the Roman Army, and its consequences were the most far-reaching. The battle led to the creation of a militarized frontier in the middle of Europe that endured for 400 years, and it created a boundary between Germanic and Latin cultures that lasted 2,000 years...The historian Suetonius, writing a century after the battle, asserted that the defeat “nearly wrecked the empire.” Roman writers, says Wells, “were baffled by the disaster.” Though they blamed the hapless Varus, or the treachery of Arminius, or the wild landscape, in reality, says Wells, “the local societies were much more complex than the Romans thought. They were an informed, dynamic, rapidly changing people, who practiced complex farming, fought in organized military units, and communicated with each other across very great distances.” - Smithsonian Magazine

A statue of Arminius erected in his honor as the "Unifier of Germany" points his sword towards France.
"Arminius, without doubt Germania's liberator, who challenged the Roman people not in its beginnings like other kings and leaders, but in the peak of its empire; in battles with changing success, undefeated in the war." - Roman Historian

"Arminius was hailed as the first national hero of Germany. “The myth of Arminius,” says Benario, “helped give Germans their first sense that there had been a German people that transcended the hundreds of small duchies that filled the political landscape of the time...By 1875, as German militarism surged, Hermann, (The Modern Name Germans gave to Arminius) had been embraced as the nation’s paramount historical symbol; a titanic copper statue of the ancient warrior, crowned with a winged helmet and brandishing his sword menacingly toward France, was erected on a mountaintop 20 miles south of Kalkriese, near Detmold, where many scholars then believed the battle took place. At 87 feet high, and mounted on an 88-foot stone base, it was the largest statue in the world until the Statue of Liberty was dedicated in 1886. Not surprisingly, the monument became a popular destination for Nazi pilgrimages during the 1930s." - Smithsonian Magazine

"Had Rome not been defeated, says historian Herbert W. Benario, emeritus professor of classics at Emory University, a very different Europe would have emerged. “Almost all of modern Germany as well as much of the present-day CzechRepublic would have come under Roman rule. All Europe west of the Elbe might well have remained Roman Catholic; Germans would be speaking a Romance language; the Thirty Years’ War might never have occurred, and the long, bitter conflict between the French and the Germans might never have taken place.” - Smithsonian Magazine


So many butt hurt latino's here where is Saxon pride at?

A Panoramic View of the Statue of Arminius in a German Forest

Yea after fleeing from huns the Germanic conquered a weakened Rome 700 years after their great ambush. Then tribes like the Ostrogoths led by Alaric realized after occupying Roman cities like Ravenna that they were just a bunch of dumb tree niggers. Which is why Alaric realized he fucked up and desperately tried to preserve what he could of the Empire. Other Germanic followed suit and thus Europe spent the next 1000 years chasing the glory of Rome.


The Romans weren't good people, they weren't sending their best people like you and me, they were rapists, murderers and drug dealers, and some I assume good people.

They came to Germany to rape all the women, and what was the Etruscan leadership doing? Nothing they were politicians. Arminius, now he was a very good guy, with a very big brain, very smart guy, trained at one of the best academies in the world.

And he ran a campaign very successful campaign, nobody saw it coming, Varus didn't see it coming, he thought this was an easy thing, everyone was saying so, it's true.

The fake news was saying the Germanic tribes didn't want to make Germany great again, said they were broken, over not a power anymore.

So Varus takes the Romans to the Teutoburg forest, nobody saw coming what happened next, tens of thousands angry Germans came out of hiding, they started attacking the Roman lines, slaughtering everyone for 3 days those that surrendered were sacrificed to the Germanic Gods, very powerful Gods, and the Roman standards were defiled.

In Rome Augustus and the fake news were very upset, they said the Germans couldn't pull it off, that they were too barbaric, too primitive, too stupid, but they totally won and then there was a celebration, the biggest crowd you've ever seen, everyone was very happy.

And that's what happened at the Teutoburg forest.

>be pacific city of Rome
>uncuck yourself from corrupt kings
>be attacked since the beginning by woodniggers and snowniggers

Hold my beer

roman armies marched all through germania, but rome found nothing there they wanted. germania was not suitable for slaves because it was too cold and wet.
If rome needed germania, they could have taken it, no problem, arminus played no role in 'saving' germania from romanization.

If Caesar wasn't killed off by a bunch of cowardly senators, the German tribes would've all been crushed. He spent half of his waking life devising plans to conquer Germania and was being very diligent to not suffer heavy casualties. Augustus was an idiot who decided brute strength would've done the job just fine, sent in some random shitter to lead the army, and got his ass handed to him because of it.



>Be German
>Try to take over the world.
>Try to take over the world.
>Try to take over the world.

>pacific city of Rome

>he fell on his sword and killed himself. The rest of the Roman officers would follow suit.
What a bunch of fucking faggots no one Italy was so shit in WW2

Yeah you're right germans just popped out of the ground in 1871.

>Be Jew
>Try to take over the world.
>Try to take over the world.
>Try to take over the world.

the Germanic tribes were, more or less, the equivalent of a tree, with the various branches being different tribes. Modern day Germans consist of several of those branches.

Except when we're talking about whites vs non-whites, in which case it's the height of ignorance to deny the evil nature of the former.

>implying they didn't
A weak, scattered people who were only united by the fear of the Jew cannot possibly be part of our superior race.

You forgot the last entry

>Try to take over the world.

No wonder there number one goal is the total extinction of the white race. They pretty much got kicked out of every white country.

Because Germanics are a strong people. We fight back and completely destroy our enemies.

Be German, constantly raid other people because I'm a savage, get fucked by the Roman army over the next 300 years, except that one time...

See how the Nugerman lashes out at the suggestion that his country might be spared permanent destruction.

Agh! Jupiter, help!

Rome was a rich nation, very well located for commerce. A fucking city against etruscans, latins, sabins... later celts who almost won.

Quite a lesson I must say.

You forgot to mention the part about the great Roman empire being to degenerated to staff their own army, so they hired the Germs to be their army and then failed to pay them what they promised to pay. I wonder why.

You have listened to too much Roman propaganda. Germanics were NOT "savages" or "barbarians", they had their OWN peaceful civilization.

It's pretty evident. "Barbarians" wouldn't be able to create a huge army to defeat Roman legions. It really takes a lot of civilized things to do that.


>betray the Romans that trusted you and adopted you at a young age
>get literally stabbed in the back afterward

You forgot
>LARP as romans for 1000 years until France finally beats it out of you only to have you LARP as the masterrace before Russia beat that out of you as well so hard you turn 180 into a LARPing humanitarian that finally manages to destroy western civilization on its 3rd attempt

Germany was a mistake

Have an updated list

Funny thing is 'leftists' will say that the Germanic tribes were filthy barbarians... and then say that the Indians in North America were peaceful ppl living in pact with nature until the evil white ppl arrived (which of course is completely untrue, they WERE barbarians).

>filthy barbarians
Compared to Romans and Celtic tribes they were quite primitive.
>Native Americans
Depends on the tribe, but yeah some were pretty savage. If you are talking about North American tribes.

>peopel say krauts have no humor

But the name of that forest will forever remain a mystery

>If you are talking about North American tribes.

...and central and south american tibes. Do you think the Aztecs or Mayans were "civilized"? When Spaniards arrived they found skull racks of 100,000 heads.

This is the biggest truth of the day. Lol @ burger mongrel LARPers. Heil Hitler

Well they were civilized, just savage I guess. Depends what you mean by civilization.

Oh, STFU. Some Americans are our biggest friends. We should cooperate.

Then Germanics were 1000x more civilized. Germanics had their own court system etc (ting/thing).

Many things in the modern world comes directly from Germania.

>tribal justice system is the epitome of civilization
C'mon man.

See how the Nuswede encourages the Nugerman to lash out at the suggestion that his country might be spared permanent destruction.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>German = Germanic

Are you retar-



Germany is a country. The Aussie is correct.

OP referred to "Germanics" however. OP is also correct in that regard.

It's more important than you know.

Germanics BTFO


I'm not saying it was irrelevant, just that similar stuff existed in many places.
That's not civilization really.
If you wanna be proud of Germanics you have a lot of real accomplishments, without dabbling into wewuzery.

so when the fugees go conqueror? will they paint your statues and museums or will they just burn them down? it isn't an ocean between you and africa is a bridge.


I had an old drunk Polish-American friend who would talk about how Hitler wasn't really all that wrong. Apparently the French were douches to them after WWI and basically created a ruling class of Jews over them with the treaty of Versailles. So he became popular essentially because he was a nationalist... Was he right?


It's not. It is actually important for creating the modern world.
Women actually had a 1:1 say in the Thing. She didn't need 2 men to back her claim up like in Muslim countries. I would say that is pretty "civilized".

germany's already losing to BBC tho?

"and then im not gonna talk about what happened afterward with Germanicus ;)"

jesus fucking christ
just watched this last night


