What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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Wow it's almost like sometimes people can change their opinions or something

its almost like he is some sort puppet


and sometimes they're just traitorous pieces of shit


McCain will have SRS in the next few months.
Screen cap this

What did he mean by this?


he's mad because trump stopped funding his little "rebels" in syria


Yeah, almost.

That image is realy, realy creepy for some reason.

Mccain is exactly what's wrong with congress

A far worse situation than who we happen to have in the whitehouse for a few years

We should string them all up tbhq fuck congress

He's a bitter old coot that knows his time was up more than a decade past. It's embarrassing, honestly.

thats not mccain, that's Big Boss.

Oh fuck off

>back in highschool
>behind the gym
we all know why he'd want that

Jesus look how pale he is. Its like he is dead and someone is just controlling him like weekend at bernies.

Brain cancer is a hell of a drug

Especially if it's politically expedient to pander to less than a percent of the population while being contrarian with anything the adminstration does.

Almost like he's got malignant brain cancer.

>talk shit
>surprised you get hit


>dude it affected his pineal gland
>Jamie pull that shit up

>3x McCain voter
Oh, so you're a member of ISIS.

Doesn't that guy have cancer? He's on heavy medication right now and shouldn't be talking about politics anymore.


The real john mccain died and now we have FrankenMccain

What changed to cause this? Oh right his faggy Trump obsession

Exposing our sham democracy unintentionally

That he's a cuckservative neocohen, something we already knew.



Holy shit!

>We have... resurrected him.. in a way, your grace

>tfw when you will never experience her powdering your bum to prep your diaper while calling you "sweety".
Why live?

Yeah brain tumors can do that sometimes.

>insult a man for years
>expect him to support you

Trump needs to read "the 48 laws of power", he is a literal social retard.


high tier banter, just like how he voted to move through this whole process and then slammed his foot in the door at the end.


The second john mccain is a cyborg controlled by the CIA his brain died and was replaced


john mccain has been controlled by the CIA for decades

hes a cocksucking fatcat liar and a fake


I wonder in which of those pictures his judgment was influenced by fucking brain cancer.

The real redpill is that when John was captured the Viet Congs planted a micro chip in his brain and promised to sell him back to (((them))) if (((they))) promised to pull their burger troops out of Vietnam.

Hes always been a professional politician with no interests except his own ass.


MCcuck is a traitorous faggot.

I think he wants to have the last laugh before he kicks the buckett.

He is literally Two-Face

lol you really want to use hypocrisy as your platform to defend Donny?

Wow it's almost like the brain tumor made him medically unfit for office or something.

I wonder how well Obamacare is tending to his brain tumor and all of his medical costs? Oh right, I forgot, it will all be covered 100%

>He never left that prison in Hanoi.

>He just came home, put on a suit, and became someone else's prisoner.

I suppose at some point he wanted to do the right thing I guess....


Congress is exempt from Obamacare.

Is there any logical explanation or it's just one of those things.

Make sure to never look at what people do but only at what they say.

How is gender dysphoria an acceptable mental disorder to serve in the military, but bipolar is not?

That's what I'm talking about

I was thinking the same thing.

They are exempt from many laws, because they know it's bad legislation.

Does anyone else find it annoying when someone has a differing opinion and the media uses words like "SLAMS" or "RIPS" or "BLASTS." Whatever happened to "disagreeing" OR "condemning?"


I have become trollface, destroyer of nations.

Term limits

I really hate to wish ill will on the sick but this fucker makes it so hard



>What did he mean by this?

His views on transgenders has evolved. Much like his cancer.

I don't feel bad wishing ill on the sick. In fact, I wish right now I was stomping on his nuts in front of his children right before breaking all four of his limbs and crushing his skull with a vice (lengthwise)

He's a fucking flip flopper. He was a complete disaster in 2008 because he flipped and flopped worse then John Kerry

He's got a tumor lodged in his brain.

My mom hopes he dies reeeal soon.

They are one and the same, user.

politics is bullshit. it's a game. have fun with it.

if you're effected by politics, learn to let go and find something that isn't.

Some animals are more equal than others.

It's simple. The old fuck always was cancer. And now thank god he has cancer
