Why the Myth of Meritocracy Hurts Kids of Color


The only people who bitch about meritocracy being bad are those who are too lazy or stupid to provide any net benefit to the world around them

>we must do away with the option for people to earn their own way in the world
>because nigger children are too dumb to
for all the complaining they do about racism sjws are often the ones who create moral excuses for it while also trying to undermine the society that even keeps their retarded pets alive

“If the system is fair, why am I seeing that everybody who has brown skin is in this kind of job? You’re having to think about that … like you’re not as good, or your social group isn’t as good,” Godfrey said. “That’s the piece … that I was trying to really get at [by studying] these kids.”

Holy fucking shit. I have a feeling that doing these kinds of programs could redpill someone who isn't completely brainwashed.

It's funny how institutional racism does not stop the far-east Asians.

What these activists really want is to harm whites, of course. They want to take away their money and distribute it to anyone else, they want to make whites pay for the univsersity fees of others, they are our enemy and should be treated as such.


Merrytalkcee? nah dawg u aint b tellin me to talk merry n sheit i black i talk how i want in dis bish dat waycis n sheit cuz slavry a yo look i black u bess b gibin me dat!

Brown people simply aren't as intelligent as other races, get over it

As a former high school libertardian, I used to (ignorantly) believe in the idiotic notion of meritocracy. However, after having a raw discussion with my peers of color, I am now a progressive who recognizes the needs of those who have been left behind by the insidious white racism of unfettered crapitalism. I thank my peers of color every day for helping to make me a better person by speaking frankly with me about racism and the myth of meritocracy. When we set aside the selfishness of crapitalism, we can truly be stronger together!

Meritocracy is totally why coalminers are 98% white men.

Not an argument. Those coal mines are located in predomonantly white populated areas, thus proving how coal corporations seek to only imploy white devils and keep jobs away from people of color.

>raw discussion

...and with this
They fully admit that they are communists
How fun

It's staring them right in the face but they either can't recognize it, or they simply refuse to.

No, it's because foremen can't find niggers who nap in the mines.

dat wut i be sayin dawg! like i black gib me dat!

Here you go, Tyreese, a white girl. You've earned it.


das wuts up! bess b gibin me dat!

>Myth of meritocracy

come again?