What's Sup Forums's opinion on this guy?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this guy?
I like him
Bretty gud
Good man
Good Dude
Made some absolutely sick Spaghetti Bolognese
A good leader.
Good Duce
He got the trains to run on time.
Best leader.
Trump mentor and ideal, I hope he would start wearing those cool uniforms like Il Duce
I'm all for fascism and such but even he couldn't fix Italy's habit for surrendering.
we didn't surrender we were in a civil war
he did great things for italy;i think the things he did left a huge mark on the italian society,a mark that is still present today but he was a fool because our greater enemy was inside our capital and he underestimated it...
A good guy in a country whose hobby is betraying allies
It's hilarious how his head looks like a ball of playdoh in this picture.
Kill yourself.
One of the cuckest parts of Italian history.
Many italians are ignorant cucks because of him
you are forgetting the vatican
the cuckiest of them all
bolognese spotted
A dumb nigger who hardly achieved anything
>achieved anything
even if you are against him and if you have 2 working neurons you can't say that
Second best thing after Adolf.
But both of them can't beat God Evola.
he knows how to deal with criminal scum
a major reason Hitler lost the war (Wehrmacht had to bail the Italians out in Greece, wasting much of the valuable summer months and Yugoslav and Greek partisans were going on to harasses the army for the entire remaining war)
wtf are you talking about, hitler broke the pact of steel
Absolutely based.
Just divine.
Really brings it home - 30 centuries of history.
And now tens of thousands of Africans invade Italy every month, Asians are pouring in too. At this rate in 20 years Italy will be no more, (((globalism))) will have killed off a truly ancient people.
I can understand the Hitler hate but Italy is unironically nog tier without him
1 cool dude
Italy actually will not disappear, to the contrary of France for instance.
You have to understand that africans doesn't plan to stay in Italy. They stay there because for now they can't go further to the north, but they don't interract too much with the overall racist population, and just try to scam the tourists by selling them shit souvenirs in the streets. They will not stay there because Italy isn't rich and their whole economy is based on mafia, tourism and rosaries and radio maria.
When they install in France, they receive welfare, they mix with the local population and they plan to stay there forever, with their childrens made or to be made. In the end Italy will survive but not France.
t. french-italian border city fag.
Good guy. Should never have allowed himself to be captured though...
Smart and sturdy leader, very brave. Had dreams to be the next Caesar but allied with a madman and lost the respect of his people in the process.
He was too good for us...and, like with everyone who wants to turn us into the best we can be, we killed him. His only mistake was entering a war we were not ready for.
Other than that, Benito Mussolini was a great leader , who did what he believed was the best to ensure a greatfuture to a nation of peopl who can work properly under a great leader.
"When I'll be dead, historians will debate how it was possible for me to control and order a people such as the Italians": this is par of what he wrote in his last letter. He was right, and I still wonder how he did achieve that.
Why not ? Killing yourself is kind of a coward solution desu.
By doing so, he showed them that he wasn't afraid neither of death neither of them.
I'm actually sure the Duce last words were " Me Ne Frego ! "
Shit, this really makes me think. Maybe the solution is to start fucking and reproduce like all pakis niggers and spics do
Did many, many great things but the fatal error of following hitler's lunacy
I wish to do that! Too bad most women in Europe don't want children...well, at least with other Europeans.
Indeed; Hitler was a great leader as well, but went too far.
I trust in you Donald. Make the world great again.
Damn that gets me pumped
I just hope for us Europeans and you Americans to survive this coming storm: the white man, like it or not, is the one who has to carry the burden to rebuld after the barbarians. Rome fell, and after the barbarians came, we slowly rebuilt; France fell under the violent attack of the French Revolution, and again the European nations built again; we tried to make Europe a proud cluster of Nations, but the Zionists destroyed that dream as well and now we're reaching the bottom of this ravine. We must regain our strength and climb up again. We did it before, and we can do it again, even if just a mall number will be able to see the sun again; if we fall, we'll do so with the hope that we have not died in vain.
Whenever I think Germanistan has hit rock bottom, I remind myself that Canada still exists.
His granddaughter is a whore
Not an inspiring leader. Didn't care about his people as much as he cared about himself, from what I gather. Invaded Greece like an idiot, failed, and had to have Hitler bail him out (who he didnt inform in advance). Hitler also didnt want to invade Greece, wanted it to be left alone.
He was also deposed,put in prison, could have been executed.. and had to have Hitler bail his ass out again, reinstalling him.
>Maybe the solution
Eternal Anglo the post
no hitler did not.
both swear loyalty to each other.
both died the same year.
all the rest is kikery and fairytales.
>In 2006 she responded to claims by the transgender Italian M.P. candidate Vladimir Luxuria that she was a 'fascist' with the line "Meglio fascista che frocio" ("Better fascist than faggot").
She's pretty based.
In the end France and Italy will survive, and we will hang people like you for race treason and nigger being a nigger/kike apologist.
ribbentrop promised to not start a war for 4 years i believe, you know how that turned out
>Didn't care about his people as much as he cared about himself, from what I gather.
Nah, he cared a lot about Italy. I agree with you when you write he made a huge mistake by attacking Greece.
But Hitler did something even worse: he attacked the Soviet first, when Mussolini asked him to wait for them to launch the attack first and then fight them back.
Both were flawed men, and both tried to achieve too much; but they did so out of a desire greater than their own lives. And this, even if one doesn't like them, is something to admire in anyone.
Why do you think that I actually support or appreciate the situation that I described there you retard ?
I don't think that's a good thing
>puting tradition in garbage tier while posting Evola as part of Fascist Philosophy even tho he hated Italian Fascism...
Made one big mistake, the same we seem to keep repeating over and over as a country: following the german cucks into self-destruction.
That Canada still exists? You are probably right.
dude was hilarious
t. Terroni
> muh he tricked the communists what a bad guy
italian trump
the goym knows.
Pretty much this. Germany was a mistake. We should have sent them back to their agrarian economy after ww1
wtf are you talking about
Not even close
Of course, dear user. However, I think that the two of them are linked from a social point of view. People who like one like the other as well
the countrary,user
Sorry, I'm from one of the northernmost parts of Italy.
And it is "Terrone", singular, with the "e" pronounced as in "pen", you uneducated anglo mouth breathing nazi roleplayer.
The mistake is what allied powers did at the end of WWII: pushing hard against nationalism in germany and sponsoring the treaty of Paris, which laid the foundation for what later would have become the EU. The first turned germans into submissive cucks, the second basically locked us in in a room with them and their faggot fuckbuddy france, with no possibility of escape.
He won partially because of the Patti lateranensi. Religion was stronger than ever. Nearly 100% of the fascists are church supporters, like forza nuova.
Surely, there are many leftish people who love church but they usually care less about it.
i can claim allies won ww2 because of a major intervention of the vatican.
if one is a fascist he can be catholic but he can't support the vatican.
I don't recall your first statement. The allies won because USA, urss, the partisans and Hitler's cuckness.
A typical fascist is a Vatican cocksucker. Maybe today there's someone different, but the stereotype is that one. The old fascists are almost all like that.